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Ever since Megan enrolled in Canterlot High, she's seen a lot of weird things that doesn't explain things. Like why a famous Chaos Theorist is teaching math. Or why the principal seems to be letting Sunset Shimmer rule the school for the last three years. Or just plain Pinkie Pie.

This doesn't bother Megan, not at all. She's comfortable being in her little bubble. A bubble soon to be popped by the upcoming Fall Formal.

Set in the Equestria Girls IDW Comic Universe, slight crossover with G1 characters as mentioned in Annual #1.

Chapters (4)

A situation with the Dursley family gets Harry sent off to America to live with his mother's cousins, Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna. Of course this brings a whole new set of problems to both the world of wizards and the girls of Canterlot High School.

Chapters (16)

Billions of years ago, an underground bunker was created to protect Humanity from their destruction, but only one made it in before Oblivion claimed him. Now the AI that he awoke remains, one that has faithfully kept the promise he made to his father, waiting for someone, or something, to find him.

Note: This story's from the point of view of the AI (3rd person limited). As such, if he doesn't think that a detail is important it's probably not going to be mentioned. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!

As usual, comments go into the comment section (that's what it's for).
If you find any grammar/spelling errors, feel free to let me know via the comment section.
If you think the story needs a new tag, let me know which one and I'll consider it (chances are that I'll add it).

I own nothing except the robots!

Holy shit this story's in the Popular stories part of the homepage. I know this may not be big for others but it's huge for me!

Apparently this story was Featured sometime in the past as it's currently in the bottom three slots (those reserved for past Featured stories that have recently been updated). If anyone knows when this story was first Featured, or know how I can find out, please tell me.

5/28/16 ~10:00PM
Holy shit. 100 likes. I... I honestly never thought that I would get this far... I can't all of you enough.

Chapters (9)

Changelings. A name synonymous with fear, thievery, and deceit. But that's not what they really are.

Follow Slasher, a Solder class Changeling as he makes history, or dies trying.

(Set in the same Universe as 'Spark of Humanity' but don't expect any references to that story here...)

If you find any issues, comment section. if you have any suggestions, comment section. Comments? Comment section.

If you think the story needs more tags, suggest them, say it with me everyone, in the comment section! Chances are that I'll add them!

Rated teen both just in case and for minor police brutality/racism/speciesism/whatever you want to call it. Also for a description of Changeling biology that hopefully won't warrant a certain tag...

Chapters (3)

When Midnight Sparkle shattered reality in her mad desire to understand everything about magic, Daydream Shimmer was able to reverse most of the damage.

But not all of it.

Weeks later, Sunset Shimmer and her friends find themselves dealing with some annoying magical pests from Equestria that are running wild all over CHS.

Commissioned through Patreon. Find out how you can commission a story today!

Chapters (1)

In order to improve their skills at detecting changeling infiltrators, Twilight Sparkle and the Council of Friendship ask their new friend Thorax to help them with a little training exercise. Their goal? Figure out which of their six friends is actually Thorax in disguise.

Dialogue heavy, as this story focuses on the cross-interrogation of the game itself.

Note: This story takes place before "To Where and Back Again."

Chapters (9)

Most ponies don't know every single detail about their friends. And even when certain details are known, they usually don't bother mentioning them without rhyme or reason. For example, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy both know each others' families pretty closely, but nopony's looking for an excuse to remind themselves that Zephyr Breeze is a thing.

Conversely, when your friends first find out about a heretofore-unmentioned sibling, they will probably want details. So when Twilight receives an invitation to her brother's wedding, her friends are naturally curious about him.

Turns out, there's a good reason why she doesn't talk about him.

Written for F*** THIS PROMPT #14.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to How to Kidnap a Princess

After their attempt to kidnap Princess Twilight landed them in Tartarus, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash decide to break out and regain their freedom.

Chapters (4)

Friendship is weakness, that was what Sunset had believed. That is, until it forced her into a giant hole in the ground. Faced with the challenge of earning the forgiveness of her school, friendship is starting to not seem all that bad.

But friendship with them? Never in a million years. Unfortunately, they won't take no for an answer. But she has her second chance, and she plans to make use of it. However that may be easier said then done, especially when she questions their sincerity.

It had to be them...

Chapters (7)

The portal between Equestria and Sunset Shimmer’s world has closed unexpectedly. Despite Twilight and Sunset’s best efforts, the girls have been unable to come up with a solution. Running low on pages to talk across the dimensional rift, Twilight reads what might be Sunset’s final message to her. However much to Twilight’s surprise, there’s also another message to a different pony.

Inspired by a conversation with Tired Old Man and the story The Last Page, with apologies to Holy.

Chapters (2)