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Twilight's gone. In her battle through time, she died, a victim of an alternate timeline. Starlight is defeated, but at what cost?

Spike's lost the pony that's always loved him, the one who acted as a mother, sister, teacher, and best friend. Now he's in pain... but he's not alone. Because Twilight's friends have vowed not to let him become an orphan. In place of one mother, five will now raise him.

AU in regards to The Cutie Re-Mark and Crusaders of the Lost Mark

Basic idea by Rated Ponystar

Chapters (7)

Gale was always fascinated by the stories that were told of people disappearing at conventions and of them supposedly going to new worlds. However, he never thought he would join the massive number of people that had disappeared. Now he has two missions. One, to protect the balance of harmony and any innocents that were protected by that balance, at any cost. And two, find his brother.

Hey everyone! Prince Zodiac here! I decided to write another displaced story! One, about Dan's, or Alduiin's, brother Gale!

Oh, and this is now

Chapters (18)

Following the events of the "Friendship Games," Sunset comes to a hard decision to return to Equestria and face her former mentor after so many years.

*Special thanks to SuperPinkBrony12 for collaborating and editing.

Chapters (14)

This story is a sequel to Longing

Scootaloo's tenth birthday party is coming up. It should be a happy occasion. But she still can't fly, and she doesn't have her cutie mark yet. But that's the least of her problems...Is she a runaway? An orphan? Stuck in an abusive home? She wishes. Nothing could be worse than what's really going on...

Takes place six months after the events of Longing

Collab done with Darth Link 22 (Writer of Post Nuptials and Families)

Editted by Vozzlefox (Author of Lately and Unwanted... huge thanks to him, he's also my teacher)

Chapters (16)

This story is a sequel to The God Empress of Ponykind

A message rings through the Warp: "The Game is broken, only Destruction remains". Celestia hears it, fearing for the lives of her former subjects and those of her beloved ponies. Unwilling to sit idle, she has chosen a dangerous path: return to the Imperium, take up the mantle of Emperor of Mankind, defeat the coming storm, and save Mankind once and for all.

With Twilight Sparkle to aid her, Celestia faces new challenges and new enemies. Her forces are scattered, her people assaulted, and the enemies of Man grow stronger with each passing day.

The Time of Heroes is gone. Now comes the Time of Ending.

Sequel to God Empress of Ponykind. Reading that first is strongly recommended.
Rated T for 40K related violence, but that might change at some point.
Comments contain spoilers. You have been warned.

Chapters (61)

Before the Gauntlet of Fire, Celestia, Luna, and Dragon Lord Torch meet to discuss the future of their kingdoms – and how to ensure that the next Dragon Lord is exactly who they want it to be.

After all, if Princess Ember is to win, something has to be done about all those adult dragons seen in the dragon migration...

There is now a Spanish translation of this story, courtesy of Spaniard Kiwi

Chapters (1)

Even when Twilight caught up with her Canterlot friends, she managed to forget one of them. Now Lyra Heartstrings has the perfect opportunity to correct that oversight. The enormous, mysterious artifact from beyond known time and space is really just a bonus.

Set in late season 5. Inspired by IDW's Transformers vs. G. I. Joe #13, which also provided the cover image. Graciously edited by Themaskedferret.

Chapters (1)

Wait! So Rarity's being impersonated by a changeling? And Twilight too? And... the rest of the Elements of Harmony?

Okay. So what's the big deal again?

UPDATE: labeled as complete. I really can't think of anything else to add to this story. The second chapter will remain as a bonus.

Chapters (2)

When Twilight received a letter from Luna informing her of Princess Celestia's death, she had no idea what to expect. However, nothing could have prepared her for what followed.

Written for the 13th F*** This Prompt contest.

Special thanks to fourths for editing.

Chapters (1)

Hello, my name is Ori. I used to have a different name (and species) but since I was pretty much reborn as Ori, I figured that would be my name too. Anyways, my story starts at a con I attended dressed as Ori from Ori and the Blind Forest (because he's frikkin awesome and cute as heck). I bought something from the Merchant and the rest you know.

A\N I've recently learned how to upload images for my avatar so I thought I'd apply it to cover art. And here it is. I don't know who made this or how, but credit goes to them.

Chapters (7)