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I keep a pocketwatch. Odd thing for a time-traveler to say. Fortunately, it was enchanted by a friend of mine to tell me the year, along with the relative time. I used to find it odd that if I spent a day in the year 600, a day would pass in the year 2300 and 1000 and...oh, you get the idea.
Of course, I found being here also something to freak out about, much less the ability to travel the time-stream with that Gate Key I ordered. Apparently the thing worked a little too well.
It did, after all, pull me here from home. And while I found the way to go back a while ago...
...I can't leave. Not yet.

...I've seen their future. And I'll be damned if I leave them to it.

Chapters (43)

Inspired by The League of Humans Acting Villainous

A guy dresses up for an Expo as a character from an original story he and his friend are writing when he buys a pair of bracelets too good to be true from a sketchy booth, next thing he knows his costume is real, he's in Equestria and he's leaking molten metal from his pores! and the cherry on the top of this blunder sundae? both Celestia and Luna are out to gut him like a fish for a little language barrier issue he had over a thousand years ago.

Minor uses of foul language, and Russian words. Translations can be found in the Authors Note at the bottom of every chapter with Russian in it.

Chapters (3)

Set in the Equestria Girls universe!

When Twilight Sparkle (the scientist one, not the otherdimensional pony princess) predicts an oncoming magical calamity, it's up to Sunset Shimmer and her friends to stop it!

Now, they've got just two days to cover hundreds and hundreds of miles to get to exactly where the dimensional incursion is going to take place.

Good thing it's Spring Break. Road Trip!

Chapters (8)

Dreams: A series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep. Luna has monitored the dreams of her subjects for generations. But when an ominous occurence of nightmares plague the ponies of her kingdom, she will soon discover the entirety of the dream realm she governs.

This is going to be my first take on a multi-crossfic. The copyright shall update when a new character is presented in the latest chapter. I hope you all will enjoy it.

MLP: FIM is copyright of Hasbro
Pokemon is copyright of Game Freak
Catherine and Shin Megami Tensei: Persona are copyright of Atlus
Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland is copyright of Tokyo Movie Shinsha/Winsor McCay
Cover Image belongs to Shadow-KirbyX

Chapters (10)

Immortality doesn't sit well with Harry. So, when given the chance to move on to a new world for a "Traveling Holiday", he's quick to take it up... Of course, Chaos has to have a say in it. Fem!Alicorn!Harry Potter

My first attempt at a MLP fic, and, though there are occasionally sad parts, it's mostly some serious, playful bronymances bouncing all over the place. Comments are welcome! ^-^

Chapters (2)

And there came a day unlike any other-
When champions found themselves in Equestria united against a common threat.
On that day, they became heroes.
The invincible viking, Dovahkiin.
"What's a viking?" asked the dragonborn, turning to look at the the other champions.
Soma Cruz, Prince of Darkness.
"Hey, no- Just his incarnation/split soul/potential something or other," said Soma, arms thrown out to the side in a shrug. Even he was not sure what to call his situation.
The Dan, angriest hero there is.
"I have a last name you know- And who is talking anyway?" Dan had each of hands resting over both hips to look around.
Nathan Drake, fortune hunter and historian extraordinaire.
"I still don't know who Daring Do is supposed to be," Nate questioned with a raised eyebrow.
And Phoenix Wright, the first Avenger.
"That's copyright infringement! But we do need a team name..." Phoenix rubbed his chin in thought.
Humans, Assemble!
"You are not helping Pinkie Pie!"

(Interlude II is a mini guide if you want info and pics on the humans appearing in this story... So far.)
(Hey, don't be afraid to leave comments.)

Chapters (104)

Dear Princess Celestia,

I'm sorry I haven't written in a while. Things seem to be falling through the cracks lately. Spike thinks I should go see the doctor, but...

Chapters (1)

"...we could be stuck doing this for all eternity!" Twilight said.
"That's fine with me!" Starlight responded.
Starlight never thought that Twilight was actually being serious.

What would have happened if Starlight hadn't turned herself over to Twilight? If she rejected friendship, even after being given a chance to come back?

Starlight Glimmer is strong. She always has been. She always will be.
But Twilight wants that to change.

Chapters (1)

After Princess Celestia summons Twilight to Canterlot for an urgent matter, she is informed that one of her friends is a disguised changeling. Twilight must figure out which one of them it is, but it's going to take a lot more than simply asking to attain the answer.

(Note(spoiler): Story takes place before Tirek, but after Twilight's promotion to princess.)

Chapters (2)

After committing a series of crimes that he may or may not have actually done, Bob is turned into a statue, sentenced to fours days of endless nightmares...

If you can call watching ponies doing weird, gross, adorable, and uncalled for things to each other nightmarish.

Which Bob does...


Contains inappropriate jokes, statue humor, science, fo-dangales, and polly-winks.

A fic in which I'm surprised that no ones ever done :/

Chapters (5)