• Member Since 15th Aug, 2014


Avid reader. Aspiring writer.

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When Fluttershy introduced Mage Meadowbrook to Zecora, it was with the hope of fostering friendship. Yet, an unfortunate mishap and bitter words have led to something far different. There will be a duel, and Discord is more than happy to turn such a rare occurrence into the spectacle it deserves to be. Can Fluttershy, Twilight, and Pinkie help mend the budding friendship between Zecora and Meadowbrook? And what about Discord? Does he wish to fuel the flames of rivalry, or does he have a larger plan in store?

In the spirit of arena culinary combat, it’s time for Elixir Master!

Preread, Edited, and Reviewed By
El Oso, Illustrious Q, BronyWriter, Winston, Wanderer D, Level Dasher

Cover Art By

Chapters (7)

Ponies are like those weird experimental dishes my broodmother sometimes makes: really interesting and probably good for a story, but never the type of thing I’d want to poke, for fear it might take off my hoof. I already learned my lesson the first time something I ate came back to haunt me. Sure, they're flavorful, but I’d like to be a bit more discerning when I’m trying to distinguish “edible” and “by-the-queen-it’s-looking-at-me.”

C-can I please leave the table?

I’m Nymph, and I'm now a changeling infiltrator.

Special shout-out to Georg for giving my chapters a final passover before publication! He is equal parts terrible and wonderful, and I am thankful for every bit of it.

Chapters (38)

Cadence was many things; stunningly beautiful, kind, full of love for her fellow pony, and a wonderful mother to Flurry Heart. She even managed to put aside her unease to give a young changeling a chance.

But effectively raising two foals on top of her duties as Crystal Princess took their toll, and Shining Armor knew his wife needed a break. It was high time for an intervention, his beloved Cadence needed a night off.

Preread by Timaeus.
Cover art by Ende26.

Chapters (1)

Steady Hoof, like most ponies, has a cutie mark. However, unlike most ponies, her cutie mark represents something... not quite on the right side of the law. Given her circumstances, she has been hired on as a personal assassin for Princess Luna.

She's not happy about it.

She thinks?

Chapters (2)

Twilight and Shining Armor have a little sister named Light Step. Everypony tells Light Step how lucky she is to be related to such great heroes.

Light Step wishes she could smother them both.

Chapters (6)

There are two talks that all good parents must have

when their daughter makes her relationship official.

Twilight and Celestia are about to get both.

Chapters (1)

Twilight and Celestia have been in a relationship for a while now, and Twilight decided that it was the right time to introduce her new marefriend to her parents. Celestia was nervous, of course, but thought little of it.

But when Twilight asks about Celestia's parents, things get far more complicated.

After all, it's always a little awkward when your parents aren't exactly ponies in the first place.

Now on Equestria Daily!

And in Russian!

Entry for the Fourth Twilestia Contest

Super special thanks to Fuzzyfurvert and Habanc for putting up with me and my silly ideas and generally being awesome, and to OnionPie and Craine for proofing.

Chapters (1)

Twilight didn’t know what to say. How easy it sounded, to just not think about things that hurt, but thoughts were all she had.

Thoughts were the only thing that were hers, for better or worse.

Special thanks to lilfunkman for the cover art and for generally being the best support I could ask for.

Chapters (1)

(My interpretation of Vdrake77's Idol Hooves during the Canterlot wedding)

*Edits for the first two chapters kindly provided by Airy Words!

Idol Hooves is the only changeling in the entire Equestrian Guard, and has been proudly serving for over a decade (while disguised). His enlistment buddy and friend, Shining Armor, the current Captain of the Guard, is finally taking the next step to officially becoming Princess Cadence' s personal guard, 24/7.

With most guards being reassigned to the wedding, Idol (by Luna's demand) is given the temporary assignment to be Princess Luna's personal gaurd due to a shortage in the Night Gaurds numbers.

Now, after another all-nighter looking for potential threats and with Idol's persistence, Luna finally agrees and turns in for the day. With Idol Hooves being the sole guard watching Luna's door, a promise was made that could ruin Eqauestria.

Princess Luna will get her well deserved rest, and nothing short of Princess Celestia herself will wake the deathly tired princess.

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to Sunny's Days

Sunny Day is pretty happy with her life. She finally has the command she worked so hard for, and the view from atop her wall is amazing. It’s everything she wanted, but many ponies still view her as immature and wild. What more does she have to do to prove her worth and show them all she’s as serious as anypony else?

Elsewhere in Canterlot, Azurite used to be happy with her life. The tragedy that occurred during the recent Summer Sun Celebration changed everything, and now she’s struggling to get her hooves moving in the right direction again. All she wants to do is help other ponies like they’ve helped her, but her own fears keep getting in the way.

The paths before these two mares rarely touch, and yet wind closer together than either will ever know. Achieving their goals will ultimately rely on learning the same lesson: sometimes you just have to believe in yourself.

This story takes place between Sunny's Days and Three of Hearts. Knowledge of either is not required to enjoy the story but will add clarity.

Quill & Blade Universe

Chapters (30)