• Member Since 15th Aug, 2014


Avid reader. Aspiring writer.

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When the Gardens of Equestria were activated, many ponies believed the trying times were over and Equestria would become the paradise it had once been within a few short years.

As if the wasteland would give up that easily.

Monsters still roam the wasteland. Apex predators left unchanged from before the war. Mutant horrors born of balefire. Sadistic people whose hearts went black long ago... The Gardens did not kill. They did not reform. The Gardens did the one thing they were designed to do.

The Gardens cleaned up toxic waste everywhere their light could reach. No more, no less.

With radiation all but gone in most of the wasteland, taint entirely eliminated from Equestria's heartland, and much of the old farmland fertile once more, ponies everywhere banded together to take advantage of the world Pip healed... By forming large yet isolated settlements which over time joined one of two nations: The New Canterlot Republic, or the Herd.

These two ideologically opposed nations have clashed for over a decade. Border skirmishes are frequent. Black ops have been preformed by both sides. All out war has nearly broken out several times.

You can take the waste out of the wasteland. It's much harder to take it out of the wastelanders.

It is into this politically charged world that a newcomer arrives. A zebra from a remote northern kingdom, separated from Equestria for these many years by a megaspell induced winter that is at last dying down. A pity she arrives just as the other newcomers are enacting their bid for power.

This story is based on the story Fallout Equestria written by Kkat. It has been written with permission.

Featured on: Wednesday, January 16, 2019 at 7:18 AM UTC :yay:

Chapters (48)

Olfactography seemed like such a brilliant, world-changing idea. A nose-enabled camera that takes olfactographs. A little harmless science to wile away the day. Everything was fine, just fine, until there happened to be a malodorous development. Afterwards, things were most decidedly not fine.

Vinyl Scratch. Disc jockey. Musician. Wizard. Esteemed sound engineer.

Public menace.

Sumac Apple. Tinkerer. Curious colt. Apprentice. Co-conspirator. Accomplice.

Accessory to a crime.

A developing entry in the Weedverse.

Chapters (8)

After more than a few missteps, Sunset Shimmer's cousin Sunrunner has arrived in Ponyville to reunite with her old friend Quiver Quill. But events are transpiring that will lead to her having quite a few meetings and reunions before her visit is over, as well as the two facing their mutual past.

Featured on 5/1/2019!

Part of the Quiververse

Chapters (9)

This story is a side story to Crystal's Wishes

Being the pony everypony should know comes at a cost, but Au is willing to pay that price. She'll pay any price to stay in the spotlight.

If only the spotlight weren't so fickle.

Chapters (3)

This story started with a single realization. The voice actor for both Snails and Ranma happened to be the same person.

Snails 1/2 is a Ranma 1/2 spoof. Not actually a crossover, this is the story of Snails dealing with a Jusenkyo style curse. When hit with cold water he... becomes a filly. As if that wasn't horrifying enough, he quickly finds himself caught between rivalries, forced into competitions, and now he feels like he is developing a severe phobia of water.

With artwork by Alkarasu and edited by Swyrl, this is a story made as a pure slice of life comedy in the style of anime.

For the continuing story, join us in Snails 1/2:The Perfect Stallion

Chapters (13)

Warning: The following story is currently unedited and contains dark humor, an odd set up for a practical joke among immortal Princesses, whom one of them will no doubt go crazy, random things before she thinks she "kicks the bucket."

It just might be the most ingenious prank that Princess Luna has ever conceived. A simple one at that. All she had to do was to bribe her sister's most trusted doctor to tell her that she's dying. With only about a week left, Celestia then decides that she will spend her last eight days doing the crazy, immature, random and funniest things that she could think of while preparing for her own funeral.

Chapters (9)

A pony walks into a bar. A very royal pony. She proceeds to drink far more than she should. She also cheats at ping pong.

Written as a next step for This story, with ROB's encouragement and help.

The artist of the pic is Nobody

Chapters (1)

Out for a pleasant walk through the woods, Princess Celestia takes a break from dealing with Earth politics and finds herself exiting next to a long, black road. As it just so happens, a native comes by and hits her with roughly two tons of steel, plastic, and glass.

Luckily, the vehicle's occupant carries lots of napkins and bandages.


Now translated into Chinese thanks to Nova Twinkle!
Now translated into Spanish thanks to SPANIARD KIWI!

This story is based on true events. Written for my good friend, Admiral Biscuit, as a commission/payment for a set of rear wheel bearing puller heads for a slide hammer. He also pre-read and edited it, because that's how he rolls.

Box of Shame second position 12/25. Bah humbug.

Chapters (1)

Twilight finds herself face-to-face with someone she’s lost over fifty years ago. Only she doesn’t look the same.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Flounce!

Flash Sentry doesn't know when Pinkie Pie became his best friend, but nothing is ever certain whenever she's around. The only thing he can expect is that her company is always a bright spot in a dull world, and that might be enough for him.

A spiritual sequel to Flounce!, and commissioned by ShortSkirtsandExplosions

Chapters (1)