Favourites 636 stories
  • Favourites 636 stories - 140 unread chapters
    Created by Baran3
    - October, 2014
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Total Words: 46,418,185
Estimated Reading: 18 weeks



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When a supposedly-Forerunner artifact activates on-board the UNSC Guam, turning everyone on board into ponies, It sets in motion a clash of forces, ideals, and dimensions that could save humanity in its darkest hour, or doom the peaceful land of Equestria to burn in a war never meant for them.


This story starts some time before the season 2 finale, but after the other episodes of season two. Season 3 stuff will only be used if I find a reason for it/don't think it's OP (I'm looking at you Twilicorn and Mirror Pool.)
This story also takes place before Halo: Reach, so don't expect things to stick very close to the games.

Minimalistic cover art was made by me in Microsoft Paint, because I have buck-all else to work with.

Character tags will be added as they become major players.

Obligatory Disclaimer: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro. Halo is owned by Microsoft (or some sub-company thereof). I have no stake in either and seek no profit from this work. This is purely a fan creation.

Chapters (21)

During the battle with the changelings, a trapped Discord manages an undirected spell that reaches across universes to bring an agent of chaos to Equestria. What's brought back more than qualifies.

Steam! Gears! SCIENCE! A very confused Spark! And, eventually, really good coffee.

Here comes Agatha Heterodyne--MARE GENIUS!

Chapters (6)

Some said that I'm a Spirit...
Some called me Monster...
Some even Hero...
They were wrong. I'm just a girl that wants to get home to her family, to get her life back and if I have to carve my path with my Black Blade, then so be it!

{Character-tags will be updated with the story.}
{Currently being Edited by Tensemasterhalo.}

Chapters (5)

A different take on alicorn ascension. Sixteen years after arriving in Ponyville, Twilight Sparkle is excited to have invented a brand-new kind of spell, but it will come with consequences she cannot possibly anticipate. Meanwhile, threats in shadows around the world conspire to overthrow the Solar Throne. With her world turned upside down, she will have to come to terms with the role that fate has dealt her while straining to keep Celestia in power.

Now with a TVTropes page! Please show it some love! Also check out the official side stories, Designing Intrigue, and Love and Barriers! (With even more in my stories page!)

(Please Note: This story was started before any season three information was available. All episodes in season three and later are non-canon for this story, which also means there's no Crystal Empire in this one. In addition, the promotional map released close to the beginning of season three was also not available and is not compatible with this story. While the OC tag is active because there are OCs in the story, they're really just supporting characters. The focus is on Twilight.)

Also be sure to check out the Rites of Ascension Expanded Universe Group! We're working to develop the resources needed for other authors to try their hand at writing stories set in the Rites Universe!

The Book Two cover art was created by the amazing Silfoe! The original cover art can still be found at Violet Squiggle's deviantArt page.

Author's Notes, including proofreader's credits, can be found here!

"This is 100% Approved by Twilight's Library!"

Chapters (104)

While experimenting, Twilight's new teleportation spell goes awry, sending her careening into a different world, just in time to take part in a fantastic ritual called Heaven's Feel. Twilight must adapt to the world of humans and take part in the vicious conflict that is the 4th Holy Grail War as a Servant alongside her equally reluctant Master. The duo must contend with powerful adversaries and survive the subtle machinations of the Magi determined to win the Grail at any cost. Can Twilight overcome her unwillingness to take the lives of others? More importantly, should she? And is there any way for the displaced Unicorn to return home? Trapped, alone and in a different world and surrounded by enemies on all sides, does the Magic of Friendship still hold any hope for Twilight?

A crossover with Fate/Zero.

Chapters (10)

An explosion of liquid light rocks Ponyville, and when its inhabitants awake, they find themselves stuck in the most foul of foul swamps. All of Ponyville has been transported to a strange new world of foreign magics, dangers, and mysteries, and this time the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony will not be alone in saving the day. But which day needs saving the most? Will it be Equestria's? Or Creation's?

This fic is a crossover with the Exalted roleplaying game by White Wolf Publishing, and was inspired by a collection of pieces by Rhanite.

Chapters (20)

For as long as any can remember, Creation has been ruled by those who possess magic and heroism. However, the world is now threatened from all sides. Demons from Tartarus, Changelings made from pure Chaos, the very dead rising up to destroy all that live. With the world under siege, and it's current rulers more interested in gaining power in the wake of the now missing Empress, all seems bleak in this Age of Sorrows. It's is time for new heroes to emerge.

Now, those Chosen by the Sun Goddess Celestia must do what they must in order to save Creation, lest it be annihilated. This is a story of magic, a story of heroes, a story of Exalted

[Crossover of MLP:FIM and Exalted]

(If necessary, I will add the Sex and/or Gore tags)

Chapters (1)

While he has returned from being absorbed into Unit-01, Shinji finds himself in an odd situation. Now, in a body that looks nothing like a human's and with a snarky roommate in his head, he has to deal with new powers and abilities while those around him shift.

And he thought that fighting Angels was weird...

Chapters (11)

What would you do, and where would you go to find your Cutie Mark? An ancient book and a botched ritual takes three fillies further than they ever imagined... and into a land where adventure rules. But this isn't Humans and Horses, there's no rerolls allowed.

Now they must undertake their greatest ever crusade, to find someone who can send them back home. But as with every truly important quest, it's the journey as much as the goal that matters.

Chapters (12)

Co-writer Pinklestia have done alot of work go give her work a look!

The land of Skyrim is harsh and unforgiving. At least I had managed to avoid most of it.

I do not belong here. I was from Earth and had been trapped in Skyrim for far too long. Borrowing the Elder Scrolls from my friend, I left the dimension in the hope of escaping back to Earth. Hoping to be able to live in a peaceful world once more.

Then I died. Glad I didn't have to feel it. Besides, I got better.

Why is there a little white unicorn? Oh my god! What the heck is that?! Kill it with fire!

Chapters (19)