Favourites 636 stories
  • Favourites 636 stories - 140 unread chapters
    Created by Baran3
    - October, 2014
Found 569 stories in 87ms

Total Words: 46,418,185
Estimated Reading: 18 weeks



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In 2185, during his campaign against the Collectors, Commander Shepard discovered a previously unknown species whose origins predated any other race in the modern galaxy. Following a daring rescue from their ancient sanctuary, the Equestrian Herd was brought back into the galaxy where, for the first time in eons, they must walk their own path.

Knowing full well the terrible threat that lingers on the edge of the galaxy, the leader of this newly freed race fights to secure her people’s future while attempting to prepare for the storm on the horizon.

This is her story.

The long awaited Sequel to Mass Effect 2: The Equestrian Equation This is a reader directed story. Your choices will shape events.
If you favorite, also like! It's one little button click that makes all the difference.

Also, this series has its own TVTropes page now! (Special thanks to user CrowMagnon for setting it up).

Chapters (11)

Rated Teen: Violence, Blood, Brief Language

The world has been ravaged by darkness and chaos. Monsters and demons run amok in the world, destroying everything that every pony holds dear. Unspeakable horrors and malevolent forces gather to shift the balance between order and chaos. Yet there is hope...

Join Princess Celestia as she embarks on a journey to the Lhorse mountains, where she hopes to find enlightenment and atonement. But before her spiritual journey can begin, she must first let go of her painful past and awaken the powerful magic sleeping within her. Empowered as the Sorceress Supreme, Celestia will test her limits against the most terrifying creatures the world has ever known.

Dr. Strange and all respective characters are owned by Marvel.
Princess Celestia and all respective characters are owned by Hasbro.

Big huge thank you goes to Bronyman1995, Flutterguy89, and Aquamarine-Rubie for the use of their OCs.

And to Avenging-Hobbits, Looney Lunar Avenger and The Invincible Iron Brony for being proofreaders on this project. I would appreciate it if you would take a look at their stories and read the work they've done.

Hoofcuffs - Bronyman1995
Redeye - Flutterguy89
Auriaco and Vibrant Note - Aquamarine-Rubie

Chapters (17)

Brought to you by Loyal2Luna, this new Downloadable Content for Mass Effect 2 brings the fight to Equestria.

Just about ready to embark on their mission to stop the Collectors from further abducting human colonies, Commander Shepard and the crew of the Normandy SR-2 are given a new priority, when the Illusive Man tasks them with investigating the mysterious disappearance of a Cerberus science team.

Soon, what begins as a simple search-and-rescue unveils a mystery millions of years in the making, and the Commander finds himself thrust into a situation he couldn't possibly have prepared himself for.

Join the Hero of the Citadel as he uncovers the secrets, combats the demons, and ultimately decides the fate of the impossible world known as "Equestria."

Chapters (17)

In which the mane six end up at the battle of Pelenor fields, and we see how even the littlest pony can change the course of destiny. (Art by Koboldasylum on Deviantart)

Chapters (1)

The story of the newly promoted Admiral Twilight Sparkle, and her first command. A fusion fic with various science fiction series by David Weber, principally but not only the Honor Harrington books.
Cover image from Kampzvono on Deviantart, used with permission.

Chapters (7)

After discovering that Cadence is not who she appears to be, Twilight is sent to another world entirely by the disguised Changeling Queen to avoid her plan being disrupted.
When Twilight lands, she discovers that not only have Spike, Owlowiscious and Peewee followed her, but that they've arrived in a world where the main sentient species is human.
There's still a place where they teach magic, though.
Crossover with Harry Potter. Twilight will be effectively taking the role of Hermione.

I've marked this story as cancelled to reflect the unlikelihood of it continuing. If I do come back to it I'll revert that.

Chapters (9)

Sweetie Belle is invited to attend Hogwarts in the Human World. Many an adventure awaits her, and will this earn her her cutie mark at long last? Only time will tell.

(Coverart by AnnonyMouse, aka. Me)

Oh my, Featured 10/7/2014. My first ever featured fic, thank you all ^_^

Artworks: (Contains Spoilers)

NON-canon ship pic (SFW):

Chapters (39)

Twilight Sparkle is interrupted from a midnight study session by the arrival of three confused magic students.

A short Harry Potter/My Little Pony crossover. Can the universe handle Twilight Sparkle and Hermione Granger in the same room?

EDIT: Rewritten per 2015-04-27


Chapters (1)

A collection of various side stories from the universe of "The Wizard and the Lonely Princess". Included are various origin tales for OCs and side adventures for various characters in the main story that were left on the cutting room floor. Want to see Nightmare Moon sneaking around Hogwarts? You'll find that here among others.

Chapters (21)

It has been several months since the disappearance of Twilight Sparkle..

One night, after watching her sister raise the Moon and set the heavens alight, Princess Celestia begins to bed down for the night, only to be interrupted by portal forming in her room. From out of the portal comes none other than Twilight Sparkle, garbed in strange armor.

Princess Celestia, along with Luna, Cadence, and Shining Armor, are overjoyed by the Element of Magic's return, but are justifiably curious as to where she had been and what she had been doing. And so, Twilight begins her tale. A tale of survival against impossible odds. A tale of a people fighting for the most basic right of all sentient beings. The right to exist.

Chapters (9)