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    Created by Baran3
    - October, 2014
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Every schoolfilly has heard of the Federation - the tall, mysterious, magicless beings from another world, who visit only rarely and briefly; waiting, they say, for 'stable planetary political unity'.

This is the story of when they first visited Equestria; of early contact between the Princesses and the Federation. It is also the tale of how Princess Luna, with some help from the House of Sparkle, managed the first fully Equestrian warp jump; and of how Spike became the first dragon in space.


Additional note: There is an alternate ending for this story, which can be found over here. It follows on directly after the chapter titled Further Communications (and there is a note in the author's notes for that chapter to that effect, with another link).

The reasons for the split are contained in the comments to this story. (Note: Said reasons contain spoilers)

Chapters (37)

Rainbow Dash isn't having a good day.
She woke up lost, in a body that clearly isn't hers, no memory of how she got where she is, and she's being chased by creatures from the depths of Tartarus. Super fun.
Ruby Rose is having a wonderful day.
Her team has been sent into Forever Fall on their first solo mission, to investigate recent sightings of Grimm. A bit low-key, but Team RWBY has needed the break since the last fight with the White Fang.
She's investigating some tracks when she hears a scream echo through the forest.

What she finds will change their lives forever.

MLP/RWBY Crossver. No Ruby/Dash ships. If you want that, make your own.
Set post Season 2 of MLP, and post Volume 2 of RWBY; the tournament has not happened yet.

If you've never heard of RWBY, go to RoosterTeeth's Youtube playlist right the buck now and watch it. it is in reverse order, unfortunately but deal with it. Watch the four trailers first.

Not quite sure yet how far I'm going to take this, but I'll figure that out as I go along.

Chapters (6)

A pair of Ferengi merchants and part-time slave traders (any time they think they can get away with it) decide to pick up some people from the newly discovered world of Equestria - a world without local space travel. For variety, they decide to pick out one of each of the major groupings - a pegasus, and earth pony, a unicorn. For ease of control, they pick out juveniles.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders fit the bill perfectly.

(Sidequel to Equestria's First Warp Drive)


Once upon a time, the Federation paid a visit to Equestria. The story of that visit - and some of its consequences - is detailed over here.

Partway through the tale (in chapter 15, to be exact) a Ferengi ship passing through space meets another ship. There were meta-narrative reasons for this, reasons why the author thought it would be necessary.

These reasons were promptly proven incorrect.

This, therefore, is the story of what would have happened, had the Ferengi ship not met anyone else on their way through space. It follows on directly from chapter 14 (Further Communication) of Equestria's First Warp Drive; I strongly recommend that you read the first fourteen chapters of that story first, and then return here.

Chapters (17)

Queen Chrysalis, disguised as Princess Cadence, is hard at work preparing for the invasion of Canterlot. Over the last few days, she's been carefully milking Shining Armor, captain of the guard, for all the information on the capital's defenses she can get her hooves on.

But one such defense leaves her confused and curious. A brief conversation with Shining later finds the changeling queen trapped, terrified, and in for the wildest ride of her life.

Chapters (1)

Can Equestria handle the impact caused by Wild Pony, who is actually the somewhat scrambled and ponified martial arts prodigy and weirdness magnet otherwise known as Ranma Saotome?

Set after the failed wedding at the end of Ranma ½ and approximately three years before the return of Nightmare Moon, then rapidly skips ahead to just a few months prior.

Now has a side story: My Little Sphinx

On a side note, like MLP:FiM itself, the story will mainly be Slice of Life, with the occasional sections of Action/Adventure popping up now and then. I mention this because I couldn't choose both tags, and of the two, this story weighs in more on the Slice of Life side.

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to A Certain Railgun in Canterlot

Misaka Mikoto, the third most powerful level 5 in all of Academy City, known famously by her signature move "The Railgun" is brought back to Equestria by Princess Celestia in order to save her friend Fancy Pants and unravel a plot that may threaten all of Equestria! This time she wont be alone as she teams up with Equestria's most daring hero and it's fastest flier. Can the unlikely trio save Fancy Pants? What is the connection between Misaka's world and Equestria? And who would win in a race between the three of them? Find out in my cross over Daring, Dash and A Certain Railgun!

Chapters (3)

It was a few days after Pain's devastating attack on the Village Hidden in the Leaves.
Half of the town was completely wrecked, but eventually Pain was stopped, and luckily there were no casualties.
This was thanks to Naruto Uzumaki, now hailed by the townspeople as ‘Hero of the Leaf’.
Things were really looking up for him, finally being respected, rather than shunned and hated by the citizens.
However, all this becomes meaningless when a mythical creature appears at his doorstep, and somehow kidnaps him into another universe.

Now a stranger in a world full of colorful ponies, Naruto tries to conceal his identity until he can find a way to get back home.
But with a millennium old evil soon making its return, he might find he plays a much bigger part there than just an unintentional visitor...

Please review after you read it! Constructive criticism is always welcome!

AU tag is there for a reason, even though it is not obvious at the beginning.

Many thanks to SkittlesJesus for providing me with (yet another) epic cover art!!!

Many thanks to my editor Viper Redbird!!!
The story is currently undergoing fixing of mostly grammatical and punctuational errors.

Chapters (36)

A man is found beaten to death. The weapon appears to be...hooves? The Equestrian Royal Intelligence Service cooperates with human law enforcement to solve the murder.

MLP crosses over with NCIS.

Chapters (6)

Misaka Mikoto is having a pretty bad day despite being one of the most powerful beings alive. The level 5 esper known as "The Railgun," suddenly finds herself in Equestria. More specifically Canterlot, as a pony! Can The most powerful electromaster get back home to her friends? Can she solve the trouble that is brewing in Equestria's capitol? Find out in my crossover, A Certain Railgun in Canterlot!

Okay readers, I heard you loud and clear so hear it is! The sequel!

Chapters (4)

Edit: Now a collaborative effort with Loyal2Luna

Commander Shepard has been through a lot, but now that the Reaper War's over he can finally relax and take a little R&R, right? Soak up the sun, grab a few drinks, spend some quality time with Tali, introduce a new race to the galaxy... wait, what?

In the aftermath of the war, a new species has been discovered amidst the destruction and fire. A species that have access to powers never seen before, powers which could prove vital to the continuation of galactic survival.

The Citadel Council has elected to send Shepard, along with the rest of the crew of the Normandy, to introduce Equestria to the universe outside of their solar system.

Now Shepard must wade through obstructive bureaucrats, antagonistic journalists, and the odd, angry prince in order to bring Equestria into a new age of space and adventure.

So settle in, it's going to be one hell of a vacation!

Now has it's own TvTropes page

Chapters (9)