• Member Since 24th Jan, 2022

Miro MM

I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all

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Co-written by HPBudgecraft.
Edited by James Fire.
Pre-read by Samey90 and Majin Syeekoh.
Now with a reading by Zachmoviefan.

Sleep paralysis: a state in which one is aware, but incapable of movement or speech. It occurs when awakening or falling asleep. It is said that between eight to fifty percent of the population will experience it at some time in their life.

It is during this time that one may hear, feel, or see things that are not actually there. Beings of shadow or darkness that seem to wish to cause harm to the victim of the paralysis.

For Princess Luna, she's about to experience the horror of it all first hand.

Chapters (1)

Lightning Dust's lived a successful life. She's a hero of Amareica, a top tier Wonderbolt, and a legend among her friends. But nothing she does will ever bring Octavia back.

It's been seven years since Lightning Dust's wife died. That's about to change.

Originally written for a Sofa and Quills Speedwriting Contest where it placed third. The story was conceptualized and written in the span of an hour with the themes 'Dream' and 'No Way Home.' The original version is the second chapter, the first chapter is an extended version written after the contest.

Chapters (2)

Equestria's last night is nigh. Next evening it will be ash. Twilight slips off with but the past to bargain with. Can she buy a future?

Chapters (1)

Princess Cadance is nearly ready to deliver Princess Flurry Heart into the world, and Shining should be the happiest stallion in the world. After all, he's about to become a father—what stallion wouldn't rejoice at this fact?

And yet... something's eating away at him. Keeping him up nights. Driving him to speak with anypony who'll listen. An anxiety. A fear. A doubt.

An inadequacy.

My submission to Scribblefest 2016. Rated teen for some mild descriptions of birth.

Pre-read and edited by the lovely Plumander. If you like my work, consider donating to my Ko-Fi.

Chapters (1)

"Apparently, some prince a long time ago whipped up this recipe and gave it to this princess he liked. He meant it to be a love potion, but things didn't turn out so well."
"How 'not so well' did things turn out?"
"Well, there's something here about a dragon, the kingdom falling, chaos reigning... apparently it was all because the prince and princess were so lost in each other's eyes that they couldn't perform their royal duties."

Hear the tale of Princess Golden Dream.
And learn from her mistakes.

Made for /mlp/'s daily 30-min writing prompt. And in just one hour, I'm getting close.

Chapters (1)

Prequel to (sic)

Rarity is all alone. She doesn't have any friends, no matter how hard she tries.

She tries to be good to her parents and live up to their success, but it's too hard.

It all changes when the arrival of her sister comes.

Art by CuteSkitty.
Warning: Some adult situations that might be uncomfortable to sit through. Reader advised.

Chapters (1)

Starlight Glimmer woke up outside of her body, and wasn't entirely sure whether or not she could climb back inside.

Chapters (1)

Terramar is stuck between two heavens: earth and sea.

His parents said he didn't have to choose; that's not wrong.

It's not right, either.

Because he never had a choice to begin with.

And he is unraveling.

Coverart by the fantastically skilled Konsumo.

Special thanks to Aragon, Undome Tinwe, and Feather Note for prereading.

Chapters (1)

Princess Luna arrived to me one night in my worst.

No matter what I told her, she would not leave.

Inspired by a hallucination.

Coverart used without permission from Loxotictoxic.

Chapters (1)

Blueblood fled Tirek's initial attack, but his escort was caught in the middle of the Everfree Forest; he barely managed to escape into the woods where he was discovered by the local inhabitant, Zecora. As the days turn into weeks and with no sign of normalcy manifesting, the prince begins questioning his new routine, and that of the zebra in his life.

Can something more than magic thrive in their little corner of the Everfree Forest, or will both of their secrets be the cause of their downfall?

For the May Pairings 2022 Contest.

Commissioned the cover art from the talented Scope, and it looks lovely! You can find him on: Twitter, and Deviant Art

Chapters (3)