• Member Since 24th Jan, 2022

Miro MM

I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all

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Zecora finds a wounded mare in the forest, but something is not right with her unexpected guest. The only thing the mare will say to her is "I don't remember". When the mare's condition worsens, Zecora is faced with a disturbing question: how far will a pony go to forget?

Thanks to theforrealdeal for editing this story, you made it at least twenty percent cooler!

Go check out TheLostNarrator's awesome reading of this!

This idea would not leave me alone last night when I was trying to write the next chapter of my other story. I had to get it out of my head, so I posted it here. I hope this isn't terrible, and I hope this lets me finally get back on track.

Chapters (1)

I don't know how long I have been here. I don't know how much longer I shall stay.

I am waiting for someone important to me, someone who will take me far away. I don't know where they will take me, but it doesn't matter. Because then, I won't be alone anymore.

Many thanks to BloodLord, who made this story so much better than I dreamed it could be. Ge check out his stuff, he's pretty awesome.

Written for the Most Dangerous Game Contest.

Chapters (1)

Applejack tells you her only secret.
It is about a hole.
The breathing, living hole in her face.

(Inspired by the cover image and a recurring dream)

Chapters (1)

Behind Celestia's graceful smile and kind eyes, secrets are hidden with a thousand years of practice. The whispered legends of her depravity hide a dark grain of truth, hidden in the mists of time: the clash with Nightmare Moon left her with scars that will never heal.

This was written before Season 4: it's in a Season 3 universe.
An eighth chapter, by Icebox Froggie, is on its way, and will be added to the story at some point.

Wonderful Cover Art By: PonySlayer, aka JonnySalami
Mailbox Bomber (From Bronyville Forums)
Ininsaki (From Bronyville Forums)
The 11th Wonder

Chapters (7)

Fragmented tales from the frontlines, starring or about Sergeant Reckless.

My tribute and gift to an oft unsung hero.

Chapters (5)

Shady Fortune is an ambitious stallion. The old manor outside of town is an ancient eyesore. Where most ponies would see a tear-down job long-gone undone, Shady instead sees potential and beauty in the decrepit old house.

But he's not the only thing living in Buckwheat Manor, and Shady will soon learn that not all spirits remain at rest.

This story has a dramatic reading by Skijarama, which you can listen to here. Thanks!

Chapters (2)

Time after time, through chaos and through wars, Princess Celestia prevailed.

Of all the terrible forces she could have fallen to, Flim Flam Industry was the last one anypony had expected.

With thanks to gardrek for editing (3-6) and PinkieDP, Ice Star, and Odd_Sarge for prereading help.

Chapters (25)

I'm Twilight, and I was chosen for something, but I just don't know what.

All I know is that I've lived here for quite some time; enough that my memories of what came before are getting foggy.

I also know that I need to leave.

I need to go before they get me.

Before the princess finds me.

And, most urgently of all, before I find myself.

Chapters (12)

Picture, if you will, the most mundane of existences that could ever be imagined on our planet. What you just thought up was probably very much like my own, happy, regular, uninteresting-in-every-possible-way life. Simply mix in a healthy dose of 'staying away from women or romance of any kind at all costs' and you've got it down pat.

Well, that didn't last long.

I guess all that boring-ness was saved up in some cosmic karma pool or something, because I've suddenly woken up in a strange pony land where everything's flip-flopped and I'm treated like a helpless child. And all with a new body, to boot!

Joy of all joys.

Hi, my name's Heath. Here's my story.


This narrative is essentially the culmination of everything I've wanted to see happen in similarly-themed stories but never did. It is my belief that perhaps the best reason for writing a story is that you really want to read one that has not yet been written. That was certainly the case for Libero.

In any case, I won't spoil too much, but the purposeful lack of Comedy, Human, or Slice Of Life tags should be indication enough that this fic will not be following the path of its predecessors.

Updates will likely be very sparse, as that's just the kind of writer I am.

Chapters (8)

Ponyville is filled with strange citizens. Enigmas such as the mildly psychotic Lyra, drama queens Roseluck, Daisy, and Lily, as well as Pinkie Pie, the reality-defying party pony are all welcome in the quaint little town.

But there is one new arrival that stands out among the rest, an individual with a tale so horrifying as to shake this blissful village to its core.

Is it possible to heal any wound? To regain something lost that may never have been there in the first place? Does there exist any hope for a soul that has been so thoroughly broken and betrayed by the world?

In the bright and happy land of Equestria, is it possible to bring such a victim back from the brink?

This is a story that's been on my mind for a while, so I figured I'd finally mollify my creative muse's demands and get it out. One of my very favorite things to read about__indeed, perhaps my most favorite subject__is those who so desperately need it getting the help and therapy they need. I like to think that in Equestria, where the common citizen is so much friendlier than us humans, such help is likewise more plentiful.

I know that there are some individuals here on earth that are past the point of complete recovery, indeed, past the point that we have tools to help them. But I sincerely doubt that Equestria is bound by the same rules, and thus I've been wondering if there's any individual that's beyond help.

Strap on in folks, this one's gonna be rough.

New cover art by the fantastic Flygon! My gratitude knows no bounds!

(P.S. Just to clarify: The title is Libero as in the Latin word for 'liberate', not the volleyball term.)

(P.P.S. For those understandably put off by the...well...strangeness of the writing in early chapters, it gets better later on.)

Chapters (30)