• Member Since 22nd Sep, 2014

Maximum Stupid

Get out of my head.

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Golden eyes and a large, curved front tooth were the first give-aways. I was changing and I knew it. I was changing into the monster from my dreams, no, my nightmares.

That wasn't all though. He left me a last little gift as he called it, sending me into a deep slumber only to awaken inside the room of a large white horse with a horn and wings. And she did not look happy.

Adjusting to a land filled with ponies is hard, adjusting to a land filled with ponies whilst you can feel your body and mind change is harder.

I had hoped that if I write down my memoirs I would escape him, escape his influence and his power and his alterations.

How wrong I was. Now I can only recite my tale as I feel the last shards of my sanity leave me. As I feel him beginning to take over.

You can find the artist of the picture at: Poor Yorick
I'll add tags/characters later depending on what I plan for this.

Chapters (13)

It's been a while since Discord's reformation. Most mortals are still intimidated by him, scared of him, but that's only to be expected. But Discord isn't looking for their approval; they'll come around, in time. He wants someone else's.

Mortal life is too short to hold a grudge for long. Immortal life is a different story. And even the greatest of the great have sore spots.

Featured on Equestria Daily on October 4th, 2013. Thank you all so much, and please tell me what you liked and what I could do better!

Chapters (1)

"You probably shouldn't even exist."
"You're only a clone, you don't HAVE any feelings!"

Who was she to believe? She was barely a day old, and already she'd seen the disappearance of her mirror images, all but her. Was she just a clone? A disposable unfeeling analog?
What would happen if she became her own pony? If she became real?

Is it possible for one of the Pinkie's, the only copy left behind, to develop? To become an entirely different pony to the one that she was modelled after?

Oh, and before I forget, thanks to the amazing WerewolfNobody for the (At one point) cover art!
Featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (12)

The sirens are defeated and Sunset Shimmer has restored her magic. All's well and good, right?

Of course not. What begins with Sunset's friends wanting to have a very important talk with her will escalate until the fate of at least one world hangs in the balance.

Rated Teen for cosmic calamities, trace amounts of waifu theft, and a bit more skin than Hasbro is likely to show. Cover by iisaw.

The Story Shuffle short stories "Aftershock" and "Rock On" take place in the same continuity as this story. The background details of "Fish Out of Water" apply, but the story itself does not.

Chapters (9)

When the deposed king of the Diamond Dogs is brought before the court of Celestia, the story he tells is far too much to believe. For if it is true, the Equestrians' conquest of his nation has been a terrible mistake.

* * *

Audiobook by Illya Leonov.
Proofread by GaryOak.
The Goodfic Bin

Chapters (1)

My name is Candy Cane. I live in Fillydelphia, and I make candy for a living. That's it. I'm nopony. Really.

I'm just a candy maker, and that's all.

Why can't I just be left alone?

Pre-reading and editing by The Dobermans, Sigawesome, and Dopamine Agonist.

Hit the feature box on November 3, 2015! :twilightsmile:

Chapters (1)

R. Sweetie Belle leads a fulfilling lifeā€•her parents love her and she has several friends that she can count on when times get tough.

Like today, for instance, when she wakes up with a lump on her chassis.

Preread by Waterpear!

Edited by Bradel!

Chapters (1)

Pinkie is not always the easiest pony to be around, with her maniac energy and crazy outbursts, but she means well, and she loves her friends dearly. What her friends don't know, is how sensitive Pinkie really is, so what happens when she overhears a discussion had by her friends, about her?

Note: This story is a rewrite of Broken by TheCloudtop.

Chapters (1)

Being a princess is stressful, but your peers and friends can certainly help.

That was what Twilight had in mind when she invited Luna over for tea one afternoon. A relaxing, friendly meeting between two fellow princesses where they can commiserate and share their experiences. An invitation to a stronger friendship than they had before, offered to a pony displaced in time.

What she got was an uncomfortable assertion about her relationship with her number one assistant, Spike. One that she is having difficulty refuting.

Chapters (1)

After being given the short end of the stick by the Mane 6 once again, Spike wonders if he's worthy to be called their friend. When an unexpected visitor arrives, he decides to voice his opinions.

Just a one-shot I cooked up in my spare time. I always feel bad that Spike is constantly neglected or mistreated, even if he is the comic relief.

Cover art vector by: kapicator

Now featured on EqD!

Chapters (2)