• Member Since 22nd Sep, 2014

Maximum Stupid

Get out of my head.

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Her death had been catastrophic. Deadened iron in her core, sapping her strength, then the incomprehensibly painful collapse into her own body. But that was in the past, and Cygnus X-1 had grown content with her life as a black hole.

But then, she fell to a strange planet in a stranger body. Not knowing how to eat, drink, or communicate, Cygnus X-1 would have met her end if it were not for meeting an organic who took mercy on her. But now that she had returned to life, Cygnus X-1 found her embers sparking, and within her new powers is the way for her to return...

... and if anyone tried to stop her from going home? She was going to kill them.

Chapters (6)

Discord feels Fluttershy needs to be a little more assertive when it comes to expressing her own views and maintaining her beliefs against the weight of other arguments, especially when those counter-debates turn... well, personal. Fluttershy doesn't want to risk it.

So Discord mentions a simple fact: two plus two equals five.

Fluttershy naturally disagrees.

It gets worse from there.

(A stand-alone, no prior-reading-necessary part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page (with new Recap section) and FIMFiction group: new members and trope edits are welcome.)

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Chapters (1)

OK, I'll start from the top.

Discord found a loophole on his stone prison... several, in fact.

Now I'm in the colorful world of ponies, have the power to make Physics go to a corner to cry, sweet toys, I have new friends, the responsibility of managing and studying chaos, my own maids, a personal assistant, the possibility of a herd... oh, and some stupid cult wants me dead and has the stuff required to make a very good attempt, another stupid cult wants me to take over the world and can't take 'no' for an answer, my subconscious plays merry hell with my powers when I'm upset, a few nobles despise me, my emotions can break the brain-shaped cork holding back power enough to fold reality in half, Celestia is either trying to manipulate me or get me to control myself, and I'm tasked with preventing the unraveling of the fabric of reality due to the lack of sufficient chaos magic use through the ages making the world start to rot at the seams.

Oh, and since this is sorta following events on episodes I already saw but 'haven't happened yet', I have to avoid mucking with them or I risk causing a paradox that might or might not erase me from existence, outright kill me, cause my powers to find a new host, cause my power to find several hosts, or just provoke the destruction of the entire universe.

(Though that last one is the worst-case scenario; the destruction might be contained just to this galaxy.)

No pressure.

Oh, I have to go, Dash and Scootaloo found me. In case you're wondering, they want to see if beating me up will cause them to earn enough EXP to go up a few thousand levels and grant them the ability to will galaxy-sized mechas into existence through sheer hot-blooded-ness.

No, I'm not ashamed of having introduced them to- oh $#!&! They have Twilight on their side! Bye!

Chapters (31)

Sonata couldn't believe it. She wasn't smiling, she wasn't happy, and was clearly shattered. She could only think of one solution: Jump. Finish the job. Besides, who would care that she's dead? Nobody liked her anyways... except the ones that cared.

Editing by KillerShadow 15! Thanks, mate! And cover by SkycatcherEquestria!

Chapters (2)

You are my queen. I am your servant. We are both Changelings, separated by our fates. I will protect you with all my life and heart. If a Changeling could only love...

Inspired by the youtube PMV of Servant of Queen : Chrysalis Another Story.
Translated into Spanish by MasterSounds: http://mastersounds.deviantart.com/art/Mi-Deber-Como-Capitan-524799635

Chapters (6)

All things have a beginning.

Even for one such as Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings.

She lost her bid for Equestria. The changeling was found lying in a crater miles from where she had been flung. It was a miracle she had survived. Her army was shattered. So far as the Equestrians knew, Chrysalis was the only survivor.

But her hive survives and has gone to hiding as another queen seeks to find it.

If Equestria thought Chrysalis was a monster, wait until they meet Queen Taalia...

In the meantime, Atalanta has given Queen Chrysalis a renewed sense of purpose. Hatched in captivity, she is the whole world to her doting mother.

She writes the story of her life for her daughter, who could very well be the last of the changelings once Chrysalis is gone...and who this Queen Taalia is.

Cover Art by pinkanaon. Check out the art!

MLP:FiM was created by Lauren Faust.
MLP:FiM is owned by Hasbro.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapters (29)

So, four days ago, Tirek brought Equestria to its knees—with my help—only to turn on me—which I really should have seen coming, but that's hindsight for you. And then some stuff happened involving—of course—rainbows, ugh, and now I'm here. Helping pay off my debt to the nation by fixing things which may or may not have been broken by me in the first place, like a good draconequus should.

Problem is, doctor, I've been finding myself preoccupied as of late, and I really just can't see why...

One shot written after a discussion about Discord's actions during the season finale.
Featured 7-31-14! Wooooo!
Has its own entry on the Dusk Guard Saga's TV Tropes Page.

Chapters (1)

"...The test ends when you open that door."

Princess Luna has begun searching for her own personal student, and her test has hit a small snag: Not a single unicorn, out of the dozens of applicants, has passed. In fact, every last candidate has failed the test in seconds.

But just what is the purpose of this test? And how can somepony pass it?

A young earth pony named Morning Glory is going to find out.

Chapters (1)

How much can change in a hundred years? How much can change in a thousand? The day of the Nightmare’s defeat Princess Luna finds herself adrift, a thousand years away from the world she knew. With her home in ruins and Equestria changed beyond all recognition, is there anything left for her when even apples are strange?

Winner of August's Write-off! - Distant Shores

With thanks to JCatt and Lord of Dorkness for their help pre-reading.

Chapters (1)

After losing their magic, the Dazzlings are hit hard by shame and sadness. None are more hopeless than Adagio Dazzle, who loses all light in her life and begins to sing a swan song. For sirens, this is suicide.

Sonata Dusk begs for the help of Sunset Shimmer and her friends to stop the song and keep Adagio alive, but they discover that saving a life is more difficult than saving a school, and they may not be able to keep their former enemy from fading away forever.

This story was inspired by the song "Never Too Late" by Three Days Grace.

"Main 6" is tagged but Twilight is not in this story.
Rated Teen for language and mature subject matter.

Chapters (7)