• Member Since 22nd Sep, 2014

Maximum Stupid

Get out of my head.

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Berry Dots is a quiet, but respected, stallion employed as an accountant at a small business. He causes no trouble, and is a kind and considerate neighbor.

He also harbors a dark secret.

Every day of his adult life, he has been fighting a monster he can't see, or taste, or touch. An evil that, if left unchecked, would ruin countless lives. A darkness that nopony else can ever know about.

Until last Thursday happened.

Chapters (1)

Warning: Silliness inbound.

By order of the high lords of Terra themselves, a lone soldier from the Death Korps of Krieg has been sent to the planet Epona to wipe out its Xeno population. Starting with Equestria, the Korpsman has sworn not to leave the planet until he falls or completes his mission.

However, no Korpsman should fight without setting up a proper trench first, and so the Korpsman must dig...and dig...and dig.

Destroying Equestria is going to take a while.

Chapters (1)

Applejack finds a strange visitor in her apple orchard one day, with even stranger stories to tell...
MLP/L4D2 crossover. My first story on FiMfiction.net! May add more tags as story progresses.
Credit for the image goes to brokencreation on DeviantArt.

Chapters (16)

Princess Peach Toadstool of the Mushroom Kingdom has come to Equestria on important diplomatic business, bringing with her the superstars of the Mushroom Kingdom, Mario and Luigi. But, when Discord is released, and aids Bowser's forces in invading Equestria and kidnapping Peach, Celestia, and Luna, Twilight and her friends must work together with Mario and Luigi on an adventure spanning two kingdoms, to rescue the princesses, defeat Bowser and Discord, and return Equestria and the Mushroom Kingdom to their former glory.

Chapters (20)

Pinkamina battles Death incarnate, trying to prevent the deaths of others using the cryptic powers of the Pinkie Sense. Meanwhile the Royal Sisters frown upon her messing with the fabrics of fate, and her stallion Lickity Split has been eyeing the wedding bells lately. Who is under Death's hood?

Chapters (13)

Every night when Pinkie Pie goes to bed, Pinkamina rises. Using the cryptic powers of the Pinkie Sense, she deciphers the clues and goes out to prevent the deaths of others. Meanwhile, the Stallion Lickity Split is developing feelings for Pinkie's darker half, and the Royal Sisters do NOT like Pinkamina messing with fate.

Chapters (10)

My programming or my training did not prepare me for this. I understand completely what I must do to protect the people of my city, but when confronted with these...ponies, I am not sure how my directives work. But I do know that they live like people and feel like people, so I shall carry out my duties to them as if they were my people. And that is to serve their trust. Uphold the law.

Protect the innocent.

Robocop will be the older version and most of the story will be him from the first movie with some of the other two added in. Robocop will still be more machine than man when the story begins, so he won't talk that much or have too much inner monologue, but from there...we'll see.

Chapters (26)

To save her sister and her faithful student, Celestia herself must travel into the ancient tunnels beneath the ruined castle in the Everfree Forest. She, and the guards who accompany her, must face the dark, twisting corridors. Still, what was Luna and Twilight's purpose at the old castle? Why were they unable to return of their own accord?

And what watches Celestia from beyond the light's edge?

Chapters (6)

Pinkie's new to Ponyville, She's just been invited to work at Sugar Cube Corner and live with the Cakes while she gets to know the town. But on the way she meets a strange, blind creature with no fur, no cutie mark, and no place to live. Seeing her chance to make a friend, Pinkie quickly decides to help him, but how will this affect how the other ponies will see her with this strange blind thing?

Picture was made by my friend Escopeto. Also, not a fallen soldier story. The AU tag is because I'm setting this before Pinkie's arrived in Ponyville and things may turn out different for her, she may or may not even get Gummy.

Wow, on 9/17/2020 the remake kicked this story all the way to #2 on the popular list for a few minutes and got its first tenure on the Featured list.

Chapters (7)

After strange occurrences with radios across the world Twilight does some research. What she finds, changes everything.

Chapters (1)