• Member Since 22nd Sep, 2014

Maximum Stupid

Get out of my head.

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A Ghost. A weapon. A tool. That's all he's ever known himself to be.

One day he's sent on a mission, a mission to assassinate a high priority target. When he fails that mission, and gets abruptly sent to a certain planet, how will he cope with being taken from the battlefield, and put into a world full of colorful horses that talk?
And will he have access to a Tactical Nuke?

Only time will tell in this tale of adventure and comedy!

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Teenset Shimmer Gets Wasted In Her Room While Listening To Nirvana

Sunset Shimmer still has a lot on her mind. Things are looking up though, with Twilight over, she actually gets someone to talk to. About life, love and stuff like that.
The small issue of the thing is that Sunset seems to have been put face-to-face with the one she wants to talk about.

Written because I enjoy pretending this is how people think and things work.
Nervous teenage girl-love written by some later 20's guy.
Sounds creepy, I know.

Chapters (2)

Sunset Shimmer has a lot on her mind. What happened? Where is she going? Why are things the way they are?
A drink and a smoke and perhaps a good friend will change the outlook of her... well, everything.

Written because I enjoy the idea of a lone teenage girl getting increasingly intoxicated while listening to good music and figuring out what to do with her troubles.
Sounds creepy, I know.

Contains extremely light drug use.

Has a reading;
Youtube link to the reading right here!

Chapters (1)

Don't write on two hours of sleep, trust me.

A story with an Anon and the methods he takes to dissuade the Princesses from asking him so many questions about his home and culture. Lacking the basic courtesy of a pony and definitely disregarding their pride in magic, this human drops to lows that are usually seen only in the most disgusting of humans.

Enjoy or not, I had fun writing this and it's more for my sanity than anything.
PS- No actual sex is in this story so calm yourselves.

Professional Reviews

"drunk/10 not bad" –NuclearWaffles21

"I'm seriously rock hard right now." –Rebel

"yeah the 3 children in my basement won't shut the fuck up" –Winter the Gimp

"This is both extremely stupid, and written in such a way that I expect your non-trolly-stories to not be extremely stupid." –bobbananaville

"I don't remember how I found this story, but it was weird, and I liked it." –Narlepoax III

”I like story! Is very good! Now you go to Gulag!” –Joseph Stalin

Chapters (1)

My first attempt at MLP fanfiction. Some time after the end of Season 4, a strange robotic pony suddenly appears on Twilight's doorstep during a freak thunder storm. Due to a tragic but understandable moment of panic, Twilight ends up damaging the machine's memory, leaving her with no idea of who she is or why she's on Equestria. With no other recourse, the Mane Six vow to help her adapt to their world as they try to solve the mystery of her presence. Hopefully, if it meets with folks approval, this will be Part 1 of an ongoing epic.

Chapters (16)

Twilight passes back through the mirror, wanting help from Sunset Shimmer.

Written for EQD's Writer's Training Grounds #006.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer isn't sure she's got much to be merry about this holiday season.

A few weeks ago, she thought she'd turned her life around. Now she's not sure she's accomplished anything at all. Not since the incident... Scandal, really.

When the rumors had begun to leak, everyone was so certain it was her spreading them. That she'd returned to her old ways, that her reformation was nothing but a charade. Even those she'd called friends were so quick to assume the worst, and to disown her. And even after the true culprits confessed, the damage had been done.

So now it was Sunset's turn to lose faith. Because if those she called friends were so ready to distrust her... Had she ever really had their trust or friendship at all?

Set after the Equestria Girls Holiday Special.

Chapters (1)

Twilight's convinced Discord hasn't really reformed, and has found a weapon to replace the Elements -- a reforming spell Discord missed eating. But panicking an entity like Discord is probably never a good idea. And Twilight's about to learn that the good intentions that pave the road to hell don't make the destination a nicer place to live...

There is now a Progress Bar. Part of "Next of Kin to Chaos", my Discord-as-Q series, set after "Negotiating Terms" and before "Hit Me".

(Note: gets a Dark tag but this is not super dark; after all if Discord destroyed the universe he'd find he had nothing to play with later, and both "Hit Me" and "The King Who Would Be Man" happen after this story.)

A page for this series now exists: Next of Kin to Chaos

Chapters (3)

As I sit on this branch, looking at the town through the mangled, black branches, I began thinking about why I came here. About everything I left behind on Earth.

I wish I'd never have come here...

Consider joining the Ending-verse if you liked it!

This story has been redone. Also, A brilliant lad called Vlad decided to write a sequel. I seriously recommend reading that and following him.

Also, there's a prequel in the works!

Chapters (1)

Everyone in the Foundation knew 682. Most of them knew not to talk about him. Not to talk to him, more importantly, for fear of invoking his wrath. That creature made every single thing in the facility frightened, and they knew they couldn't do a thing about it. So what happens when he vanishes without a trace? Chaos. Absolute chaos. But this isn't about what happened there; this is about what happens to where he was transported. Which, coincidentally, is precisely the same thing.

Dedicated to everyone's favorite hard-to-kill reptile. You my boy, hamdoggz, for providing such an awesome rendition of it.

Chapters (3)