• Member Since 22nd Sep, 2014

Maximum Stupid

Get out of my head.

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"Dey say that da Loa grant power to those that devote demselves. Power to those that give their life to dem. Power to those who will gladly cut out dere own hearts for dem.

"But I was never devoted. Never da life giver. Never da one to make sacrifices.

"Dey say that da Loa curse those, banish those, who do dem wrong. Do dem great 'injustice'. Make dem angry. And any troll with two and a half brain cells know that ya never want ta make a Loa angry.

"But I was never one for doing things da right way. Never one for justice. Never one to make people happy. I sure as hell am not one who makes da logical decisions. But now I pay da price of defiance against my people, against my race.

"But ya know what? This isn't a curse or banishment. This is just a new beginning in a world that I have been blessed with."

Chapters (1)

Pinkamena "Pinkie" Diane Pie is Us. In crazy brilliance, We made Pinkie so strange that We would never be suspected, and it worked until the very end. An end that came about, not because We failed, but because of inescapable circumstance.

Now, We must run.

We do not want to think about what they will do to Us if they catch Us.

Chapters (2)

Having been defeated by the Rainbooms, losing their dark powers, and even their ability to sing, the Dazzlings are all but happy with how Adagio's plan went. But, as they did when defeated before, they will brush themselves off and keep moving forward.. Now they have to continue living in this world, without their powers this time. As they go on, however, they will start to notice some changes amongst themselves, and realize just how this tragedy affected each of them.

Chapters (11)

Sunset Shimmer just wanted a coffee. Honestly, that was it. Finding Adagio there? Not in the plans. Being invited to sit? Improbable. Becoming friends? You had to be kidding.

Getting asked to do it again?

Okay, now fate was just screwing with her.

[set post EG, RR, and the comic. All those happened junior year, and this is senior year.]

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to She's Shimmering

" When love is not madness, it is not love. "

The pain of loving someone who is close enough to taste, but never enough to touch is one they both know too well. But what they don't realize is that they share each other's torment.


So, I can not write descriptions, but there you have it. This is a sequel to both 'She's Dazzling' and 'She's Shimmering', but I can only list one and that's the order they go in so...yeah! :raritywink:

Disclaimer; Cover art by Jack-a-Lynn at DeviantArt

Chapters (1)

Sunset has heard in the news that a series of robberies has been occurring in her neighbourhood recently, but never did she believe that she of all people would be a target.
Upon discovering the thieves invading her apartment however, Sunset finds herself thrust into a cavalcade of awkward situations over who she suspects the robbers to be, as she feels that she can neither ignore the situation, nor entrust it to the proper authorities.

Set after the events of Rainbow Rocks

Chapters (15)

Sunset Shimmer encounters Santa Claus in Pinkie's living room and they have a short chat.

Cover art belongs to Astral Sketch.

Now with YouTube reading by kingfish!

Second reading by ObabScribbler!

Third reading by AliCentaur Br0ny!

...and a fourth reading by LoneWriter1800!

Wow, guys. That's a lot of readings.

Chapters (1)

My name is Nopony. As in, nopony can see me, hear me, or even feel me. The most I get is a shudder as I pass through them. Nopony can tell I am here. Nopony can help me move on. Nopony can hear my story.

For I am a ghost. Stuck to roam this planet until I find peace.

Traducción Española: https://www.deviantart.com/spaniard-kiwi/art/Fantasma-990274317

Chapters (9)