• Member Since 22nd Sep, 2014

Maximum Stupid

Get out of my head.

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“Pure Chaos? Now there’s a joke if ever I heard one. No no no listen. I am the unexpected. I am disharmony. I am that one piece of spaghetti that refuses to stay on the fork. I am, and always will be, Discord. Oh, it's true that I may enjoy chaos... Oh, who am I kidding? I love the stuff. But I am not chaos itself. What you see before you, however... Now that is pure chaos"

If you think this is just your average HIE then think again. With only the thoughts of getting back home our lost human will have to get to grips with the world around her, just as the world struggles with getting to grips with her.

Chapters (10)

A Bioshock Big Daddy wakes from his stasis in Equestria, and subsequently adopts an unwilling Apple Bloom as his little sister. This is the short tale of the events that followed his awakening.

Chapters (1)

It has been a thousand years since Celestia last saw her beloved sister after her banishment. Ever since then, she has counted the days to her sister's return. When the night finally befell upon Equestria, and Nightmare Moon liberated, it was suppose to be a joyous reunion. But fate has something else in mind...

Collab done with TailsFox88 (Chapters 1-17)
Chapter 18 (Solo)
Collab done with Foals Errand (Chapters 19 onwards)
Artwork done by pridark

Chapters (19)

Twilight Sparkle's Harmony Project is the culmination of her life's work. The only thing left is for everyone to be gathered, so that all of Equestria can join together in Harmony.

But now that success is staring her in the face, Twilight begins to have doubts. Fortunately, she has a friend like Discord, who is only too happy to lend a paw to a friend in need...

Editing work courtesy of NorsePony.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Drawn With the Night

Sequel to Drawn With the Night. Fancy Thunder and a small team go to Canterlot to fulfill a commission.
She decided to ask a few 'innocent' questions and toss a few stones in the placid waters to see what is stirred up. Specifically, how will the Princesses react to a pony who doesn't need them, and thus doesn't worship them?

A TV Tropes page

Chapters (5)

A human finds himself in Equestria under very unpleasant circumstances with no explanation.
His reaction: get the heck out of Dodge and start a new life where Equestria and her ponies can't reach him.
But an alicorn's reach is long and the events which brought him here and his treatment in Canterlot are not so easily forgotten by those who did it. How does one say 'go away' to an immortal goddess?

Yay! Featured, thank you all.
A TV Tropes page
Revised 08/31/14 for clarity and grammatical issues, no events changed. I am working on a sequel, but it will be from Fancy's POV.
P.S. Green is NOT Lyra. There are other green unicorns.

Chapters (1)

"We wear the mask that grins and lies, It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes."
— Paul Laurence Dunbar

It started as a normal Equestrian morning, but doesn't it always? The princesses are frightened, and in Ponyville, a creature from a forgotten race walks into town. His kind hasn't been seen in over a thousand years, but even then he's still far from what he appears to be.

Arc 1: The First Day

Author's Note: Hey guys! This is my first story, so constructive criticism is more than welcome. I'll take this moment to say that I own nothing but my main character, the plot, and a few surprises which will appear later. All other characters and linked music are NOT mine. A word on music. At times I might offer two links to a song. The first is the OFFICIAL version, the second is the closest approximation to how I feel it is sung in the story. Just warning you, because I know some people hate covers. This story is rated teen for occasional language, implied sex, and gruesome imagery (mostly late in the story and in flashbacks). Now with technical out of the way, I wish you all happy reading, and I hope you have fun.

Edit: Bug the writer! He writes faster when you do.

Chapters (7)

She is the last. All her kin are gone. They'd either been blown apart by the Friendship spell so many ages ago or, in the case of her sister, changed their diet from hate to love. Cryoxia is the last of the windigos, but she is determined to be different, to never go back to those days ever again.

She'll make friendship from hate. She'll adopt an alicorn foal as her sister. She'll take physical form and learn how to move the celestial orbs with her mind. Celestial... has a nice ring to it. And she'll ally with the other nations in the world, establish friendship and preach harmony, no matter how they may diminish her food source. She'll make a world so wonderful that it will starve her to death.

Or die trying.

For antiquity, featured 10/9/14, 10/13/14 -10/16/14

Chapters (3)

In the aftermath of her battle against Tirek, Twilight Sparkle is unwell. She wants more. She needs more. And she is afraid of what others might think of her.

But even in the midst of her growing despair that she has betrayed everything she stood for, she learns something about friendship and what it means to be an alicorn.

Chapters (12)

She could've been many things after leaving Canterlot High. A baker, a comedian, a singer, a professional party planner.

Yet instead, Pinkie chose another path in life. A road nobody thought she would ever travel. For Pinkie Pie, being a police officer is almost second nature to her.

Written for the June 19th short story Writeoff Group event using the prompt "A Matter of Perspective".

"This story is why Schnapps is a bad idea." -- Bradel

Chapters (1)