Favourites 231 stories
  • Favourites 231 stories - 434 unread chapters
    Created by Roara
    - May, 2022
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You're the newest human in Equestria, and you're the guest of honor in the castle while the Princesses figure out a way to get you back to earth. One night, while out looking at the stars, Princess Luna comes to pay you a visit. HiE Fluff One-shot.

Chapters (1)

I accidentally revoked submission so I submitted the story again. please don't read if you already have and I'm apologizing in advance

No one had ever seen Anon without his clothes on. Not even the princesses. So they task Twilight to unravel the mystery. How will she fare? There's only one way to find out...

This story is a response for a blog post you can find here. This is pretty rushed so don't expect too much.

Chapters (1)

When Luna and Celestia visit Anon's house to check up on him, Luna has the bright idea of wanting to kill Anon. Obviously, Anon has no input in between their arguments and is completely ignored as they discuss Anon's murder.

Chapters (1)

Lyra has loved Anonymous for a long time from afar. Unfortunately for Anon, she's also a wanna-be murderer. One day she gets the brilliant idea to kidnap Anon and threaten and/or intimidate him into loving her back! How hard could it be?

Unfortunately for Lyra, she's not very good at it.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle wakes up one day feeling strange. Everything is gigantic, her tail is wrong, and she can't help but notice all the unusual smells. Her hopes that it might be one of Discord's strange pranks are quickly dashed, as she discovers the effect is more widespread than she initially guessed. Twilight Sparkle is an Espeon now.

But will Equestria survive it?

Written on a bizarre whim because the world needs more eevees. Then Sparktail supported me on https://www.patreon.com/user?u=3226653 to keep going, the absolute mad lad. He and Two Bit did the wordfixing. Zutcha did the eevee cutes.

Updates daily until complete.

Chapters (13)

Equestria has fallen. A horrific cataclysm has destroyed all semblance of life, and only one pony remains. Twilight Sparkle's last journal entry is the only remaining evidence left to describe the tragedy that has descended upon her and her friends.

Cover image by Imalou

Fanfic reading by FlameTuned

Chapters (1)

What do you do when those you love have died, but you still live on? How can one come to terms with the fact that every new friend will eventually die, leaving you with notheing but memories and a broken heart? Would you even try anymore? Can you even try anymore?

This was inspired by the cover art, which can be found at http://gign-3208.deviantart.com/art/Winter-evening-416326884

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie feels hungry. She decides to make a sandwich. It does little to satisfy her hunger, so she makes another. And then she makes more food. More and more and more...

Until something gives...

Chapters (1)

It's bathtime AGAIN for some of the young characters, and who else but you gets to wash them? Each filly and colt has a different personality, though, and some of them REALLY hate baths!

Cover by ~strabArybrick on deviantart

Written with permission, as a continuation of the beloved "Bathtime for Ponies" by the boss, Derpsanddinks404
If you haven't read part one, it's great! And it's right here, go see it first.

Many different characters all get their very own chapter, so the only tags will be, "other" and most of the beloved ponies have already gotten a chapter in part one.

Chapters (41)

It's bathtime for some of the young characters, and who else but you gets to wash them? Each filly and colt has a different personality, though, and some of them REALLY hate baths!

Cover by ~strabArybrick on deviantart

Because of the CT limit, I used the "other" tag. But keep in mind that there will be many ponies here.

Chapters (23)