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    Created by Roara
    - May, 2022
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To Luna, Anon is very good at two things--bantering, and staying up far too late. One night, she devises a cunning plan by which to see him off to a good night's sleep once and for all!

The cover artist is SilFoe!

Chapters (1)

A summons in the dead of night.
A lone passenger on a train to the edge of Equestria.
Nothing but the clothes on your back.
Nothing but the ring in your pocket.
On a small hill you approached Princess Celestia.
On that day your fate played out.

Chapters (1)

Sunset was relaxing and pondering her life as a pony in the human world. Fluttershy though this would be a great time to brush the pony-turned-human's fiery hair.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Princess Is Sad? Boop the Snoot

Several months after his 'encounter' with Princess Celestia in the throne room, Anon's life had come to a bit of a lull. He was content in his solitude and was enjoying spending his days doing... not much at all.
And occasionally abusing boops to get his way, but that's less important.

When he comes to realize the difference between solitude and loneliness, he sets out to fix it.

After getting shipped off to Canterlot due to some slight misunderstandings and slight timberwolf attacks, there's a tab bit more to deal with than he'd expect.

Like Princess Luna. And rebuilding bridges with Twilight.
And Princess Celestia's odd behaviour.

Image, for those curious. Give the artist some love!
Previous Image used. Still, give this artist some love, too!

Previously featured multiple times- I can't put how thankful I am for that. I'm glad you folks enjoy my silly stories.

Now featuring my Ko-fi, if you're feeling generous!

Chapters (9)

Twilight Sparkle, always the studious mare, was conducting an experiment one day. This experiment however went terribly wrong, and it not only injured her, but it brought a strange and unknown creature to Equestria. Injured, on the brink of death, and in need of urgent care, Tyler is quickly healed as much as magic can do, before he is put under the care of a suspicious Princess Luna. Yet this experiment-gone-wrong may prove as a blessing not only to Tyler, but Princess Luna as well...

Chapters (1)

Art by AlicornParty on deviantart. Here is her profile. http://alicornparty.deviantart.com/

*Now with a sequel, To return home *

(Know I am planning on editing my earlier chapters with the help of two people I have met here)

Hello there, my name is Micah. Your typical Jewish fellow in Seattle. I only recently got back from a trip abroad to find a box in front of my apartment door. Apparently what was inside it were six My Little Pony figurines. Though, I soon find out they aren't figurines. They are the real thing. And, no, I got no freaking clue how they are here, nor why they are here. Only thing I am thinking of is this: Why am I tied up and on the ground of my own apartment?

And another thing that I wonder... Why won't they tell me why they are here?

Rated teen for some swearing and dark stuff in future chapters. Mostly the last two ones, which I admit are definitely darker and has violence and, well, some sensuality in it.

Gore tag added for the last chapter only. All other chapters are gore free, and even the last one is not heavy with it.

Takes place pre season three of the show.

Chapters (20)

Warning: Slight Dark and slight one-sided Celestia x Human. There will be no happy endings.

Anonymous has been charged with the death of Princess Luna. Twenty-five years later, on a stormy night his name is cleared and Princess Celestia tracks him down to convince him to come back with her.

But Anon has not been some innocent ponies, will he come back with blood on his hands or will he stay in the Tartarus-hole abomination he has been in for the last Twenty-Five years?

Chapters (1)

Anon-a-Miss has turned all of Sunset's friends against her, and Sunset is at the lowest point in her life. On the night she decides to end it all, she gets an unlikely visitor; an angel, or an angel-in-training, named Clark. Pretty soon, Sunset is whisked away on a trip to see just how much her death would impact those around her, and show her that her friendship with the Rainbooms, no matter how hard, is worth fighting for.

Loosely based on It's A Wonderful Life

Cover art by baekgup

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to 'Cause I Like You, Silly!

You call each other names. You're always showing off your skills to one another. She'll poke fun at you, but you poke right back. But that's just a part of the game to see whose feelings will cave first. Once things get a little too heated on the soccer pitch, Dash will start boiling, and that's never a good sign. When Dash finally confronts you, though, you'll know exactly how "hot" she can get . . .

The fourth installment of "The Steam Collection". Second-person present-tense perspective set in the EG universe. Rated 'Teen' for some sexy, steamy moments.

Featured on:

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Bunny a Day

The one and only Rainbow Dash. She's strong. She's funny. She's sassy. She's awesome. She's cute. So it's no wonder why you may have a bit of a crush on her... even though she'll never return your feelings.

One day, you spot the spitfire girl sitting alone in a tree mumbling to herself. And she doesn't sound happy. Maybe you can find out what's bothering her?

It probably won't work, but it's worth a try. Maybe it won't be such a bad idea after all?

5th installment of the The Cute, the Fluffy, and Romantic

WARNING: May contain lots of fluff

Idea and description by Harmony Pie

**Featured from August 20-21, 2016 :raritystarry:

Chapters (1)