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Godzilla vs. Kong (2021) Crossover

This story is a sequel to The One True King.

A new age of monsters had come at last.

Coexistence, an idea that once seemed to be a fading dream, was made possible, and the Gods of Old had returned to the world of ponies. For a time, all was at peace. For a time, the Titans and the creatures of Equus could live together in a fabled harmony made true. But peace, as all things, could never last.

Ancient rivalries are being made new. Legendary monsters are reigniting a war long-forgotten. Terror is growing on every tide as an old enemy grows in the shadows. It’s up to the heroes of Equestria to form unconventional bonds, discover the primordial evil living beneath their world, and fight a battle they could never have prepared for.

When Godzilla and Kong clash, and until the last king stands.

Cover art by Shrekzilla. Go give this awesome dude a follow!

Huge shoutout to Tarbtano, Great White Prime, ViliK, and of course Shrekzilla for their contributions to the story!

*FEATURED ON DAY ONE, 9/10/2022! Thank you all for the massive support <3*

Chapters (38)

The almighty Grogar has arrived with the promise of laying waste to everything in his path, wielding the Infinity Gauntlet, which confers untold power on him.

The only ones capable of stopping him are the Avengers and the rest of the superheroes in the galaxy, who must be willing to sacrifice everything for the greater good.

Captain Equestria (Applejack) and Iron Girl (Twilight Sparkle) will have to iron out their differences, Black Panther (Daring Do) will support with his troops from Wakanda, Rainbow Dash and the Guardians of the Galaxy and even Spider-Girl (Luster Dawn) will join, before that their plans of devastation and ruin put an end to the universe.

Will they be able to stop their biggest opponent to date?

Based in the MARVEL's movie "Avengers 3: Infinity War"

Chapters (17)

A "The Swan Princess" crossover/parody. (I'm not sure which.)

As his friends prepare to go to Manehatten for a ballet, Spike comes across a frail swan in the Everfree Forest. Determined to help, he takes care of the swan while his friends are away.

The night after his friends depart, however, the swan makes its way to a pond and transforms into a filly when touched by moonlight.

Now, Spike must discover how to break Pirouette's curse before the wicked mare who cursed her finds her. While at the same time, developing feelings for her?

Title card created with Pony Creater by generalzoi and Medibang Paint Pro.

All OCs belong to me. The rest belong to Lauren Faust and Hasbro.

Chapters (3)

After escaping the Changeling gladiator arena at the cost of a friend's life, Equestria's lone human is attacked and befriended by Twilight Sparkle. This begins a long, strange, and confusing adventure to return home, and discover why he even arrived.

Complete, and edited twice... but If you see something I missed, I'd greatly appreciate it if you'd leave a comment.

Cover art made in Blender.

Chapters (74)

Predators. The predator or by its species name Yautja have been hunting for millions of years as is there tradition, but occasionally the species will find a new species to hunt other than the Xenomorph's or the Humans and it just so happens the new species are the pony's of this new world. Now there are 3 un-Blooded predators on there way to this planet to become blooded and earn there honor and make trophies out of all there prey. So now lets begin.

Note: The Yautja go by a strict honor code that honor code is to not kill anything that cant defend itself. So in turn if a pony cant defend itself (A pony with a diesease that will debilitate it or will kill it eventually) than the predator wont attack it... but if a predator sees a weapon it will kill said pony.Also aliens show up later.

Chapters (8)

With Cybertron a barren wasteland, the Autobots and Decepticons stumble upon the planet Earth in search of resources. The evil Decepticons hope to seize control of Earth and its energy supply in the hopes of conquering the galaxy, while the Autobots fight to protect the Earth with the help of Spike Witwicky and his friends, the Rainbooms.

Contains plot elements from Transformers G1, Prime, and the live-action movies.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Sonic Enters A New Generation

3 Months after stopping Sprout, something weird is going on with the crystal bright house’s Magic, and no one knows what’s going on. But Sonic and Zipp both start noticing and try to figure it out.

But when preparing for Maretime Bay day some Earth Ponies are not to happy with magic’s return, along with the big blue Hedgehog rolling around at the speed of sound.

Hopefully today goes great… right?

Additional Tags

(I own nothing)

Chapters (13)

(Contains spoilers for G5) Sonic is his name and speed is his game he decides to try and go faster than he's ever gone before but when he does, He accidentally travels to equestria where he meets sunny and Izzy, together they travel across equestria to try and bring back magic as well as reunite all of pony kind.

(side note I will do my best to keep everyone in the story as accurate as possible. This will be mostly based on the film MLP a new generation and Eggman will not be apart of the story along with sonic’s friends just keep that in mind)

Takes place after the Metal virus story.

I own nothing

Part 1 of 5

Chapters (16)

"After many adventures Sunset Shimmer and her friends have been on, they're in for an adventure of a lifetime. When Giant Monsters attack their world, they don't know how they appeared, but one thing was for certain... they needed help. Their prayers are heard, when a Human Reionyx named Rei is summoned to their world. Together with his Kaiju partners, Gomora, Litra, and a recently reacquired Eleking, Rei and the Rainbooms must work together if they are to save their world."

Ultra Galaxy Mega Monster Battle belongs to Tsuburaya
Equestria Girls belongs to Hasbro

(Fair Warning: Flash and Twilight will be shipped in this story.)

Chapters (12)

Star Swirl "The Bearded One", known as the King of Equestria, passed away. But before dying, he communicated that he will leave his kingdom to the strongest pirate in the world.
Thus, hundreds of pirates from around the world will compete to reach Equestria, among whom is a young rookie pirate named...

Twilight Sparkle, "The Starry Crown"

Chapters (4)