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Twilight is lost in another world which is already facing an extra terrestrial terror. Will these strange humanoid creatures see Twilight as a friend or foe? Will she ever go back? And what will happen to her home while she is lost?

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to Cinematic Adventures: Ace Ventura Pet Detective

The Mane Six and Spike are off on another adventure through the Multiverse as the threats of the Dark Order continue to rise. This time, they travel to a city called Gotham, where they meet billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne and help him to rid the city of its crime and greed. Along the way, they will encounter ninja assassins, dastardly villains, and an evil plot that could shake the very foundation of Gotham City to its core.

Will they succeed? Or will the darkness that plagues Gotham consume them all?

Rated T for displays of violence and language

Chapters (16)

An Aladdin crossover.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash live in the streets with their adoptive brother, Aladdin. Twilight, Rarity, and Fluttershy are the ladies-in-waiting of Princess Jasmine. Taken from the same land and separated, the five are reunited when Jasmine catches Aladdin's eye.

With Genie and his apprentice, Pinkie Pie, can true love prevail?

Or will the wicked Jafar rule over all of Agrabah?

Chapters (4)

A thousand years ago, Princess Celestia banished her sister to the moon, that much we know. What wasn’t known, and what Celestia kept secret was that before her banishment, Luna had given birth to a foal. Now a thousand years later, as Nightmare returns to Equestria to bring about Eternal Night.

Twilight Sparkle, protege of Princess Celestia, struggles against the tyranny of this ancient foe. But how will she be able to save herself and her friends when the truth of this ancient legend crashes down upon her? Twilight will have to confront herself...and her heritage.


Chapters (27)

Twilight Sparkle was born on the moon, 999 years before the 1000th summer sun celebration. Her mother, Princess Luna, trains her and teaches her to be the perfect ruler. Her plan is to stop this Nightmare and be happy.

Of course, Twilight gets released early, and has to face this whole new world without her mother. At least it will be a while before Celestia finds her and finds out her motives, or will it?

Twilight will have to deal with things she definitely wasn't trained for, including a possible love interest?

New cover art made by Nablyudatel, my editor!
Link to their Kofi where they take commissions!

Chapters (10)

This is a request story from Chazkopa, and is an alternate ending to Canterlot Wedding. It's based on this, but when Twilight's about to kill Chrysalis, the changeling queen creates a portal and escapes, realizing that with Twilight so powerful in dark magic, she'd be unable to conquer Canterlot.

The Mane 5, Shining and Celestia apologize to Twi, but it's too late. She doesn't forgive them. Twilight angrily turns to them, and broadcasts a recording of what happened at the wedding rehearsal. The wedding guests were furious. Also, when she broadcasted it, not only Canterlot, but all of Equestria saw. And then...

Why don't you read the story now? :derpytongue2:

Chapters (10)

Twilight's friends have had enough, resulting in a terrible split among the mane six.

Finding herself almost completely alone after the events of the Storm King's invasion, Twilight needs some new insight into her purpose in life. She's hurt where it matters the most, the spark of friendship in her failing to rekindle, and she knows she can't just stay in Ponyville after what happened.

She gets to thinking... She liked the adventures she went on. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to have some more.

First story published on FIMfiction. Rating is subject to change.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Kingdom Hearts 2.7: Friendship Is Magic

This day was suppose to be perfect
The kind of day of which I dreamed since I was small
But now we've made a mistake
There's no wedding, dancing, or cake,
This day should have never happened at all...

It was suppose to be the best day for everyone, where Princess Cadenza Mi Amore and Captain Shining Armor were suppose to get married. Unfortunately, things ended so badly, where the bride turned out to be a wicked Changeling Queen who nearly took over Equestria, but the love of the two banished the Queen and her Hive far far away.
However, it came with a terrible price. Twilight Sparkle, the faithful student of Princess Celestia, was the first to know something was wrong. But no pony listened to her, and after a failed desparate attempt, Twilight was cast out of the wedding by her brother, and her friends and mentor abandoned her in her time of need, planting the seeds of darkness in her heart.
Now, though the threat has come to an end, Twilight Sparkle lashes out at her friends and brother, and turns them away in pain and anger. Unable to forgive her friends, and herself, Discord, who is on the verge of breaking free from his prison, convinces the unicorn to abandon friendship, leading her down a road to a dark path, to awaken an evil that was sealed away long ago, and to make matters worse, a Crystal Kingdom has emerged in the North, along with an wicked unicorn who wants to burn it all to the ground.
Meanwhile, it has been months since Master Xehanort's end. Things have gotten back to normal, except for Sora. He has been out of place lately, which many believe is Post Traumatic Stress from the Climatic Battle. He says that he's fine... but maybe he's not. But the magic in the universe is fading away, which brings him, Donald, and Goofy back into action. They are tasked by Yen Sid to head south of Equestria and find Twilight Sparkle and restore the connection of the Elements of Harmony, while Riku and King Mickey go north to investigate the Crystal Empire.
But a great shadowy evil has awakened, with Maleficent and Pete taking this opportunity to take over Equestria, with help from a strange individual who is looking for something in the Land of Ponies.
Can our heroes save Equestria and stop the darkness? Can Sora find Twilight and restore the magic of friendship, but can he also conquer his inner demons and come to terms with his own struggles?
Join them on this epic adventure filled with musical songs from My Little Pony and other famous musical classics and movies. It will have magic, drama, comedy, action, chaos... and of course, Friendship!

Despite the MLP characters and disney characters included, the story is rated T for the Fantasy Violence, Comic Relief, and Animated Blood, with Mild Language included.
Keep in mind that this is also an AU, so the story both follows and doesn't follow the ending of Kingdom Hearts III. You'll see when more of the story is posted.

Anyway, hope you guys enjoy the story!
May your hearts be your guiding key!
Also, keep an eye out for Secret Reports in the notes... They contain some very interesting information!

Chapters (33)

After Kion discovers his new destiny as leader of the Lion Guard after experiencing the Roar of the Elders for the first time, he assembles his friends Bunga, Fuli, Beshte, and Ono to be a part of his team, but his father King Simba did not approve of his decision leaving his son downcast that his father doesn't see that he is taking his new role and responsibilities seriously.

As soon as Kion wanders off on his own he discovers a magical portal that leads him to a new world where magical ponies that include unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies exist in with his best friend Bunga tagging along for the ride. There they meet Twilight Sparkle, the protégé of Princess Celestia, who arrives in Ponyville to prepare the Summer Sun Celebration. There they would also meet Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie along the way.

However, a new threat is on the rise as Nightmare Moon, the villianous mare from a book Twilight has read about prepares to plunge Equestria into an Eternal Night as she abducts Bunga. Seeing the world and his friend in danger, Twilight and Kion together, along with their companions journey to the old Castle in the Everfree Forest to find the Elements of Harmony in order to stop her as Kion attempts to prove to his father that he is worthy of his position as the Lion Guard's fiercest, rescue his friend, and help Twilight save Equestria.

Chapters (11)

The Mane Six might be Equestria's greatest heroes, but what if they were more? What if they were SUPER-heroes? In this universe, the Mane Six (and others) are all portrayed as various superheroes from the DC Universe. This anthology of stories will be introducing the heroes one by one, you will witness their creation, their solo adventures and eventually their first time uniting in defense of Equestria.

The anthology begins with:

The Batmare Volume 1: Batmare Begins

(Starring Twilight Sparkle, Spike and Trixie Lullamoon)

  • The criminal organizations of Manehattan have been under attack by a mysterious assailant set on tearing them down and bringing them all to justice! But as the battle between the criminal elements of the city and the shadowy vigilante reaches a critical point, a new threat emerges, the likes of which Manehattan has never seen before.

The Mare of Steel Vol. 1: A Pony of Two Worlds

(Starring Applejack and Filthy Rich)

  • The last remnant of a dead world and a gone civilization landed on Equus next to the home of a humble apple farmer family. Gifted with incredible powers, which she wants to put in the service of ponykind she eventually sets out to discover her origins and find her true place in this new world. But what happens when she meets the worst this world has to offer?

The Emerald Mare Vol. 1: Succession

(Starring Fluttershy and Nightmare Moon, guest starring Tomar-Re, Kilowog and the Guardians of the Universe from DC)

  • A fallen warrior from beyond the stars lands in Equestria, looking for a worthy successor. His choice falls on a young, timid pegasus mare who never wanted to be anything more than a simple veterinarian, yet she finds herself as the guardian of an entire space sector. And she'll have to grow up to the task quickly, for the most fearful creature Equus has ever seen is about to make a return.

The Mightiest Mare of Equus Vol. 1: The Seven Deadly Sins

(Starring Pinkie Pie and Doctor Caballeron)

  • An ancient evil rises from the grave it was once banished to, putting not only Equestria, but all of Ponykind in great peril. Only a champion of pure heart can hope to withstand the corruption of it's power. With one word, she is bestowed with the power of six gods becomes the mightiest mortal alive and acquires the power to save Equestria. The power of SHAZAM!

The Fastest Mare Alive Vol. 1: Rogues

(Starring Rainbow Dash, Bow Hothoof, Soarin, Short Fuse, Rolling Thunder and Zephyr Breeze)

  • A freak lightning storm took away a little filly's mother, but ended up giving her incredible abilities. As she experiments with her powers, she becomes a hero who helps those in need with unparalelled speed. For years, she went undefeated which left her quite overconfident. But her pride and determination will be tested when she faces enemies she once considered friends.

Canary & Arrow Vol. 1: Battle Hardened

(Starring Rarity and Prince Blueblood)

  • An ambitious fashionista and a spoiled prince came together for what they believed to be a pleasant date, only for it to turn to a nightmare when they are betrayed and left for dead on an deserted Island that may not be so deserted after all. Now, they must work together in order to survive, get home and gain back what's rightfully theirs. But most of all, they'll have to avoid killing each other.

The Justice League of Equestria Vol. 1: Invasion

  • The big day is here! The wedding between the Princess of Love and the Captain of the Royal Guard is about to begin! And while seven ponies are about to intertwine their destinies and become the best team of heroes Equestria has ever known... a conspiracy begins to form in the shadows.
Chapters (35)