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Twilight is having a difficult time adjusting to being an alicorn. Everything is changing, and it's nothing like she expected. She's wanted this all her life - so why is she always turning into a monster in her nightmares?

Her friends keep telling her that it can't be that bad, and whatever changes may come, being a princess is worth it. Especially Rarity, who looks at her a little differently now that she has wings and a title. But if Celestia won't tell her what it's really like being an alicorn, what else is she hiding?

Written as a gift for Seer, who deserves all the RariTwi in the world. Cover art by the fantastic Shaslan.

Massive thanks to all my prereaders - I never would have written this story without you.

CW for several varieties of unhealthy relationships.

Story updates weekly.

Chapters (6)

Equestria is a husk of what it was before.

Friendship never existed, the windigos took over the world completely.

All that remains are insane alicorns, gods, and monsters.

As the remaining ponies cower in fear and hide away from the constant battles, two alicorns clash once more only to experience something new.

Now, Midnight Sparkle and Nightmare Moon must work together to uncover what could have been. They start with the other alicorns.

C̷̨̦͖͙̭̤͙͕͊̾̅͗̅̄̓̔ͅe̸̤͉͉͔̲̟͕̒̇́͜ͅl̷̢̪͇̟̙͈͕͙̆͊̕e̵͖̝̲͈̒͐̕̚s̸̹̽t̷̢͍̖̭̙̄̆̂̆̓̚͝ỉ̴͉̎̈͑̚͝͠͝å̴̢̡̨̛͙̫̱̤͋͋̊̿̕͘Daybreaker. M̸̡̜̲̮̳̣͑̂̀͘í̸̢͈̙͆̑̓ ̶̛̳̣͓͂̀̈́́̚͠͝A̷̩̮̰͐̃̈́̔̇̓̈́̃͆͝ͅṃ̶̩̲̟̰̣͎̬͐̆̿ō̵͍̳̝̣̪͛̅r̶̡̖͈͕̜͇̤͙̠̾͋̄̑̆̅͗͘ȅ̶̝̜̘̙ ̷͙̠͂̔̔̏̂̒̑̍̀Ĉ̷̛̛̘̼͉̅̓̒͐̓̈͝a̷͈̟̦͑̄̇͐̔̎͋d̸̥̳͓̖̠͍͔̗͑e̶̻̬͈̳̺͈̳̖̣̣̓͋͑n̸̢̩̹̳̲̖̦̲͂̓́̉̑͜͝ͅz̶̢̤͈͔͙̪͚̜͐̑̏̊̚a̵̝͓̱̖̞͕̰̓̓͆͠Heartbreaker.

It wouldn't be easy. They didn't care.

An experimental AU. Set to be less than 20k words, and uploads will be as I write the chapters.

Romance will come in later chapters. You have been warned.

Chapters (9)

The Rainbooms and some of their classmates are on a field trip to an archaeological dig in Greece. As they walk about the dig, they eventually come across a creature that was supposed to be nothing but a myth: Lamia. But Lamia was quite different to what the stories said she was.

Inspired by https://www.fimfiction.net/story/434737/medusa

Chapters (4)

An AU that ties in to The Equestrian Prime, where Artemis is born and raised in the mirror world, where he falls in love with a certain taco-loving Siren, possibly more.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Farmer & The God

It has been four years since Thor returned to Asgard, and since then a lot of things have changed for Applejack. Her life has changed, along with the lives of her friends. With their lives seeming to move on, Applejack starts to wonder about her own life, and if Thor will ever come back for her.

One day a stranger comes to Ponyville, and gives Applejack a strange old book. This sets Applejack on a journey to the mystical world of myths and legends, through the massive sea that divides the living world from the afterlife, through Midgard to find the rainbow bridge, to the land of wonder. Land of the gods.

Art made for me by: Hoodwinked MCShelster

(Please note this is not Marvel Thor, contrary to popular belief there are other versions, like Norse Mythology ;D)

Hello, and welcome to the sequel of The Farmer & The God. Before you proceed you should know some things may have changed since the first one. The story is the same, but the description of Thor has changed.

I could go back and change it in the original story, but I like to keep it as it is, flaws and all. It is a good reminder to me how far I have gotten.

So if you go back to read it, you should know there are mistakes I would not do today, habits I have shaken off. It feels very much like a fan fic in the the most cringe way possible, but in a good way for me.

That story will always hold a special place in my heart. :heart:

Chapters (10)

One late afternoon Applejack is caught in a freak storm that seemingly appears out of nowhere, getting home wont be easy. As a lot of sticks and branches fly everywhere she get's dangerous close to getting hurt when suddenly someone saves her!

A mysterious stallion managed to shield her from the danger, but get's himself knocked out. Where did he come from? Who is he? He has no idea, he has forgotten. So until his memories comes back he will stay at Sweet Apple Acres and get better.

Though one cannot sit still at the farm so he soon volunteers to help out and proofs himself useful much to amazement and maybe interest to a certain blonde mare?

But who is he really? Can Applejack find out and can she accept the truth when she does?


(This is my first fiction on this platform, so any feedback would be much appreciated since English is not my first language ^^)

Chapters (10)

In the darkest moment of Twilight’s life, where all who she cared for have left her, a voice gives her comfort. It tells her that she is not weak, that she is not worthless, that they were foolish to ignore her. When she is offered power and knowledge that was denied of her, Twilight accepts and changes the fate of Equestria.

This story is going through revision and some editing, anything mentioning Nemoroth or Horus should be ignored.

Chapters (5)

One day, as Twilight was tinkering with the portal, she accidentally sends herself and her friends to another world. And they’re no longer ponies, but wolves. They have to learn and adapt to their new bodies and instincts until they find their way home. Along the way, they'll make new friends and face new enemies. But maybe they’ll see that being a wolf isn’t that bad.

Chapters (10)

Since they had caused so much destruction through the entire world, the Wrecking Crew that consisted of George, Lizzie, and Ralph, along with the new Wrecking Team, with Boris, Ruby and Curtis. Scumlabs had enough of their experiments running wild, and opened a rift to banish the Wrecking Crew to another dimension, never to return. Upon arriving in that dimension, George, Lizzie, and Ralph stirred from their unconscious state, finding themselves in a new land, the crew could not believe what they are witnessing. But not only has the transfer landed them in a new dimension, it changed their forms as well... Boris and the others were nowhere to be found... they feared the worst for their comrades, but hoped they were alright.
In order to find them, George, Lizzie, and Ralph will need the help of Twilight and her friends... even if it meant hiding the fact that they were monsters in pony clothes. But it was something they were willing to live with, but it is something that they can't hide forever, for a new form of evil from their world... had followed them through the portal.

Both Series belong to their respective companies

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Twilight sparkle lord of death

It's been three years since Twilight Sparkle became Lord Of Death and left Equestria, she's been alone fighting enemies that threaten the balance for three years, she's begun to get used to blood and death. ,... but after three years, fate once again brings her back to Equestria, meeting her family, old friends and mentor again, will they be able to accept what she has become ,... will they be able to correct their past mistakes to mend their friendship once again?

Chapters (1)