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This story is a sequel to Cruising

With school drawing to a close and her wedding getting closer, Sunset realizes that she must reveal just where she's been staying the few years to her sisters.

But can they handle the truth?

Continuity: Homecoming

Featured February 25, 2017

Pairing: Sunset/SciTwi

Revisions completed 1-1-19

Chapters (3)

Having learned much about Equestria from both Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer, the two principals from CHS have always been curious about what the world is really like. Luna finally proposes the idea that the two should find out themselves just what its like to be a pony...and not just any pony but royalty as well. What could possibly go wrong in this situation?

Twilight could probably name about thirty of them.

Chapters (18)

Some little vignettes about some of our favorite couples on that special day of the year.

Continuity: Based on Homecoming for majority, E616 for final chapter.

Pairings: SunLight, AppleDash, Rarishy, OctaScratch, Starxie, TwiLuna.

Proofed by JacksandDashes

Hit Popular Stories Sidebar 2-14-17

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to There's More That's Out There

Sunset's gone to fill her sisters in on the facts, and Princess Twilight decides to do some stellar research with the help of her counterpart. They also wind up bonding with Cadence and having lunch out on the town.

Continuity: Homecoming, concurrent with There's More That's Out There

Story inspired by this art by and cover art by Uotapo

Popular Story Sidebar 2-28-17

Chapters (2)

It's rare to see a pegasus with a bat pony for a mother, but Scootaloo wouldn't have it any other way and neither would Night Crescent. But the road to their relationship was hardly an easy one to travel, full of it's own pitfalls.

Follow the story of how Night Crescent came to adopt Scootaloo and what they had to fight to get there.

A Skitchverse story.

Cover art by GatesMcCloud.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Of Kingdoms and Cutie-Marks

The Great and Powerful Trixie. Showmare. Illusionist.


With an artifact smuggler trying to kill her over incriminating information she found, she's been forced onto the road and towards the small town of Ponyville, where her destiny will clash with the town's inhabitants.

Including one pony originally from another reality.

A Skitchverse story.

Cover art by GatesMcCloud

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to A Skitch in Time (Revised)

The threat of The Collector has been vanquished, and peace has returned to the land of Equestria. Everything should be back to normal, right?

If only it were that simple.

The nations beyond Equestria's borders now stare at the sister monarchs with suspicion, viewing them as potentially compromised and dangerous; forcing Celestia and Luna to play international politics while they hurry to keep tabs on wards and prisons for dark forces long sealed away.

Meanwhile, the former human, now pony known as Skitch-Sketch struggles to find purpose in her life in Ponyville. Fear of other threats dominate her nightmares, and to make matters worse she will have to face her most deadly foe yet...

A mortgage!

Oh yeah, and her cutie-mark is fading away too.

Chapters (9)

Nothing is right.

Jake has no idea why he woke up as a pony mare in Equestria. He has no idea why he can't remember what he was doing before it happened, and he has no proof that his human life is even real to begin with. Just his memories. Memories he can't even trust any more, because even the Equestria that he's found himself in doesn't match what he remembers and everypony he meets think he's a unicorn by the name of Skitch-Sketch, who's been right at the side of the Element Bearers.

And then there's that creeping sense of dread. Feelings that he's run from for a long time. And the sensation that some other, deeper doom is bearing down on the planet Equis.

But surely the Mane Six can fix everything....right?

Cover Art by the awesome GatesMcCloud!

And fan art by the loveable and huggable Angermuffin!

Starting story of the Skitchverse

Chapters (11)

Now with an audio reading by Skijarama!

Now with a print version available for order!

A purple Alicorn shows up one night and then vanishes into thin air. Many wouldn't think anything of it besides how strange it was.

Not Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash has met that Alicorn before.

The implication it brings and the guilt that follows leaves Rainbow Dash with questions weighing on her mind.

Luckily, in the crushing pain of reality, she still has friends.


Cover art created by the extremely talented invertigo and paid for by the amazingly awesome Shipmun. Oh my gosh it's just so cool.

Chapters (15)

  As a dark threat descends upon the Diamond Wall of Canterlot, an ancient treaty forces the deerkin to come to Equestria’s aid once more. To the Royal Five’s surprise, a single ambassador is sent instead of the army Equestria so desperately needs.
  And yet, this unique magic-wielding deerkin may hold the secret to Canterlot’s salvation… assuming she ever stops flirting with the young Astra Princess Twilight Sparkle.

"Unofficial" Entry in Monochromatic's "Interwoven Colours" RariTwi contest.
Featured on EquestriaDaily on July 4, 2017!

Historian's Note: Set deep within the infinite possibilities of the multiverse, this new world is completely unknown save for a very select few. Which is to say, that no knowledge of any other story is required to enjoy the whimsy of this tale.

Featured on FimFiction: May 28-31, 2017!

Cast: Astra Princess Twilight Sparkle & the Lady Rarity
Co-Starring: Aurorae Princess Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, Trixie Lulamoon & Shining Armor with a cameo by Radiant Hope

Cover & Section Break Design by Novel Idea
Virtrung Deerkin Rarity and Princess Twilight Sparkle by Jykinturah.

Virtrung Deer based on and inspired by the original concepts by Sirzi.

Beta Reader & Editor Credits
Ebon Quill - Audio Director & Quest Designer on The Manehattan Project
Little Tinker - Master of Systems at Poniverse & Scripting Engineer on The Manehattan Project
Beltorn - Commenter-at-Large on FimFiction
Cursori: Reader of Many a Pony Word
Monochromatic: This is entirely her fault, just so you know

Word Count: 29,000
Version: 3.0

Chapters (4)