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In Equestria's far future, one thousand and five years after the return, a dysfunctional group of argumentative ponies must quest to defeat the most dangerous enemy of Equestria to ever live; the malevolent Lord Second, one of the only known members of the race of elder gods known as the humans, and the ancient cult who worships him, the Brotherhood of Man.

An over-the-top surrealist comedy, with slight serious elements. Expect a steady decline into insanity.

Cancelled, due to reasons of severe cranial trauma

Now with audio reading and prequel story, Shades of Grey, by Draven Eclipse.

Chapters (40)

Twilight and the other Elements of Harmony have saved the land of Equestria from Nightmare Moon, Discord, and the Changeling army, but now they face perhaps their biggest challenge yet. A challenge that lurks behind smiling faces and friendly eyes. A challenge that threatens to overtake the entirety of Equestria and enslave its inhabitants. But the ponies won’t face this threat alone. Help comes in the form of the most unlikely of companions: four teenagers, a hawk, and a blue centaur.

Chapters (51)

"So, my new sis-in-law. I've been meaning to ask you this: what happened to the three unicorns that tried to stop us when we left the caverns?" asked Twilight
"You mean the bridesmaids?" asked Cadance.
"Well as I recall, they jumped after the bouquet that I threw into..."
the realization dawned on the newlywed Princess
"The depths of the caverns." finished the lavender mare, who also had the sudden epiphany.
"Oh. Crap."

Chapters (3)

[2nd-Person Fic starring you and Applejack]

With a history of theft and deception behind you, you make the best for yourself through possessions belonging to others. Or, rather, the possessions that once belonged to others. With no need for a steady line of work, you keep yourself afloat through your occupation as a master thief.

But when a heist goes awry, you're left at the mercy of a simple apple farmer...

Author's Note: Alrighty! Here's a new one!

Uh...I really don't know what to say here. Compared to Rejuvenate, I planned this one out WAY more, so hopefully you won't find it as sloppy.

Won't be incredibly saucy. At the most, I'm predicting this one to be about the [Tender] rating.

Enjoy, folks!

Artwork by Graffston of dA.

Chapters (15)

What if Hitler planned the Nazi invasion more carefully?
What if Hitler kept his treaty with Stalin and didn’t invade Russia?
What if all of Europe fell into Nazi Germany’s iron grasp by the year 1947?
What if Japan didn’t stop at Pearl Harbor, and continued throughout the west coast of the US?
What if Japan’s attack disabled the US military?
What if Japan then conquered eastern Asia?
What if Russia annexed North America before the axis powers were ready again?
What if the earth was divided between four powers by the year 1958?
What if the space race continued between the axis and communist powers for 125 years?
What if Russia created the first fully space-worthy vessel?
What if, knowing that the axis powers would inevitably attack, the USSR executed an evacuation of earth, seeking a planet to bolster their defense?
What if the Axis powers are now doing the same?
The year is 2145, the fight for supremacy is on, and the Nazis have found something.

Chapters (3)

Bon Bon has been deeply in love with Lyra for almost as long as they have known each other. Every day is a blessing for the two lovers. But as Bon Bon starts to feel under the weather, will Lyra uncover a dark secret that will rip the two mares apart and leave only hate, sadness, and fear in it's wake?

The story continues in 'Life, Lies, and Love'

### Note ###
The story has undergone it's first ever proof-read and edit, to hopefully fix a lot of grammar and typos. Thanks goes to KiroTalon and Ivo for all their help with this.

Chapters (5)

There is a flood on the horizon. Equestria's enemies have united, and the coming tide will not only change the course of history on one world, but two, and bring about a monumental meeting that will bring brothers and sisters from those two worlds together.

At long last, the downtrodden will rise.

The battle begins.

Chapters (41)

Isabella is a half changeling that feeds on the love of others. She is also a master thief and has built quite a name for herself in Canterlot.

When something goes wrong on a heist, she has to flee from Canterlot, leaving behind all she has. She also learns she has matured farther as a changeling and now must obtain the love she feeds on directly from somepony, just like her changeling siblings. There's just one problem. She can't change form.

Chapters (15)

There is a changeling living in Equestria, under the disguise as a pegasus pony named Stellar Shift, and trying to make a new life after the last failed conquest.
He moves to a small town known as Ponyville, hoping that nobody will pry into his very, very special talent.
On the first day he meets six ponies that he remembers all too well from the past. Will they discover his true identity and shun him? Or will he be able to hide his unique abilities?

I don't own Mlp, Hasbro does.
Can't sue me now.

Chapters (7)

He had wished to be a pony himself. His name was Needle Wings, and this is his story. This is a story about love, hate, and above all, how someone can overcome all odds in the face of anger and oppression.

WARNING: To those brought here from Changing Flows, please know that this story is nowhere as well written as Changing Flows.

Chapters (17)