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The Changelings have been defeated and Shining Armor and Princess Cadence have said their vows, but that still leaves the Mane Six and others with the issue of the strain on their friendships. And among all the guests present at the reception, a few of them are going to be suprised with what new relationships are formed.

A live reading by Alchemystudent is available here.

Chapters (10)

The Cutie Mark Crusaders land a job at a local Wal-Mart in their desperate search for a cutie mark. The new found responsibility soon takes a toll on their sanity as they struggle to make the job work. Will they be able to keep their new job and it's promising chance at earning a cutie mark? No.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle wakes up one morning to a harsh dose of unreality. She is stranded, without her friends, on an island which matches no known locale on Equestria. Surrounded and harried on all sides by the alien and the dangerous, she will find her mettle sorely tested, and find perhaps that the best friends you will ever have in your life are the ones you make when your back is to the wall...

Thanks to CedricBale and noobie56xx for tracking down the name of the artist so I could give them credit.

Chapters (13)

In the aftermath of the ruined wedding of Shining Armor and Princess Cadance, Celestia and several others maintain a vigil at Canterlot General Hospital. AU.

A/N: I'm sure that someone has done something like this before, but I needed to get the scene out of my head. Please give feedback and let me know if I messed anything up!

Chapters (1)

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

[Before asking questions in the comments, please read!]
- The first chapter is the end of the ninth season. I put it there just to ease the flow of the story.
- You will probably be extremely confused if you have not seen the last two seasons of Red vs Blue.
- You will probably be even MORE confused if you have never heard of Caboose.
- I placed a series of hyphens to show when the story becomes my own work during the prologue.
- Click here to watch the series if you have not.

Uploaded to FimFiction: Monday, March 5th, 2011 at 2:30 PM.
Uploaded to RvBfics: Monday, March 26th, 2011 at 11:50 PM.
Linked on Bungie.net: Saturay, March 31st, 2011 at 3:29 AM.

Proofread/Edited By - Pissfer

Current Title Image:
The Group by ~Butts-are-Nice

Past Title Images:
Caboose and Pinkie by ~SarahWidiyanti
Caboose and Pinkie by ~Farore769
Church and Twilight by ~Farore769

Dramatic Readings:

Fan Art:
Caboose's Drawing by ~Depressing Rain

Chapters (257)

Her car's a mess, and so is her life. What better way to start making sense of the cruel world than to take the city bus? Octavia is in for a bumpy ride as she journals her observations and feelings about using the Equestrian Transit System. What will she discover? Only one way to find out!

Chapters (13)

Because sometimes the choices we make in life have repercussions we could never have foreseen. Sometimes they're done at the behest of others, and sometimes what is done for the greater good can still hurt those we love.

In other words, an exploration of who Cadence is and the part she played in Twilight's life.

An entry for the MLPGeneral's Friend-Off event based on FacelessJr's spectacular image.

Chapters (2)

Discord managed to free himself from his stone prison, but some difficulties occured and gave him a new perspective as a pony. How will he adapt to these changes? And will his plan work this time?

Comments are filled with spoilers.

Chapters (39)

A simple Hearth's Warming Eve for Rainbow Dash changes her life forever after a series of tragic events.

Dedicated to my father, may he rest in peace.

Big thank you to Kiwi-Poo, Sean, Pinkemena and Shadowstar for all having a helping hand in making this.

Chapters (3)

A civil war has broken out in Equestria. Luna's New Lunar Republic has been engaged in war with Celestia's Solar Empire for 10 years and continue to fight until one side is left standing. However one soldier in the NLR may be the one who ultimately decides the direction of the war. Shadow Storm, a pegagus stallion who serves Luna, only wants peace in Equestria, and soon realizes that some things aren't as what they seem.

New Update: N/A

Chapters (17)