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Everyone's favorite musical pairing is back in another fanfic! Octavia and Vinyl are now room-mates, and are like any other couple...but how will they react when they discover there's another about to show up?

Chapters (69)

This is a realistic view on how shipping would actually happen in the show. Almost every pony has been shipped with everypony else, but this is what would actually happen if two ponies ever attempted at a relationship.


No offense to any shippers, even though you shouldn't take any. If anypony would like to see any other shippings done on this fic, just leave a comment. Maybe I'll write it if I feel like it.

Chapters (12)

Ditto, a changeling from the attack on Canterlot, is flung far from her home and lands in Ponyville. She crashes into Twilight's library, and finds it a nice place to stay, quiet, abandoned, and peaceful. Until, of course,Twilight returns from Canterlot and finds her.

How will Ditto survive? She is lost, hungry, and far from her swarm.

Will the ponies find it in their hearts to help this poor, injured creature?

(Special thanks to Teapartycannon, who's story, Smoke and Mirrors, inspired me.)

Note: This story is no longer under revision, but there will still be a few spellchecks and such :)

Chapters (16)

Special Forces working dogs are highly trained, just like the men they serve with.
When the Russians need a veterinarian, they call Fluttershy.

Chapters (1)

The glamorous unicorn Opalescence is haunted by bizarre recurring dreams of a world in which she and her friends are all animals. But as vivid as these dreams are, surely they're just dreams, right? There couldn't actually be a parallel universe somewhere where they're little more than pets ... right?

Chapters (1)

Luna is on her way to visit Celestia, but hears her squealing for someone to 'stop!'

She walks in on Twilight on top of a red-faced Celestia, and the two of them react like guilty teenagers. Just what the buck is going on here?!

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash Find themselves in trouble, with their lives on the line. Will they get out alive?

Hey guys, this is my first pony fic. However, I do take constructive criticism well. I can only get better if I know what I'm doing wrong.

Chapters (24)

Twilight Sparkle tells a certain very special pony in her life how much she loves her. For my mother, without whom I might never have started writing.

Chapters (1)

After a long week of suffering, Twilight cannot clear her mind of lingering issues. When she finds Trixie nearly dead, Twilight stirs up feelings for the blue unicorn she didn't know existed. Trixie is all too willing to give this relationship a try, but is Twilight ready for such a commitment? Does she really love this show-mare or is Twilight just feeling guilty over the way she treated her...

Chapters (2)

Queen Chrysalis has assembled all the My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic villains! Twilight and her friends are doomed. . . right?
A parody of LittleKuriboh/CardGamesFTW's YouTube video "Marik's Evil Council of Doom."

Chapters (1)