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During a secret mission to the Diamond, an orbiting spy station, Yuri is injured by an unknown force.

He awakes to find himself in a strange world, separated from the rest of his crew, where small brightly coloured ponies talk in a strange language.

How will Yuri survive in a world where only he speaks Russian?

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Edge of Reason

Join Trixie, agent of the Conclave – an elite and covert congregation of unicorns sworn to protect ponies from magic… and magic from ponies, sometimes!

Sinister plot threatens magic in Equestria, and it is up to one boastful mare to stop it! After recovering a mysterious emerald from the Everfree Fire incident, Trixie will travel across the land, perform some awesome magic and even learn a thing or two about the magic of friendship!

She might also uncover a conspiracy that will make Equestria tremble… all in her unique, spectacular style!

Chapters (7)

It's been a very, very long time since that first time Twilight Sparkle first stepped foot into Ponyville. It's been almost as long since the day of her wedding; a day nopony saw coming. The part they saw coming less than that was that the lucky "stallion" was Rainbow Dash, of all ponies. Of course, they lived the happiest lives they could possibly live together. But what happens when that life ends?

Twilight Sparkle is dead. Rainbow Dash has had this fact pounded into her skull over and over again, and on the day of her funeral it can't be denied any longer. As all her friends' attempts to console her go awry, the widow Dash is forced to confront the hole left gaping in her life with Twilight's absence. As Dash's thoughts spiral downward further and further towards the unthinkable, Applejack leads a last effort to re-kindle the spirit of her old rival.

(Image taken from primedawg9170 on Ponibooru)

So, uh, yeah! This is my first pony fic, ever. Hope you guys enjoy it.

Chapters (14)

After being humiliated in Ponyville, The Great and Powerful Trixie needs to get back on her hooves. Fortunately, she gets help but from a very unlikely source.

Chapters (2)

PLEASE NOTE: This story takes place between the episodes 'Boast Busters' and 'A Canterlot Wedding Part 1&2'. The episode 'Magic Duel' does not apply to this story. Twilight is not an Alicorn.

Trixie has lost everything. Her fame, friends, and motivation. She is taken under the teachings of Princess Luna who wants her to realize the meaning of magic, love and friendship. But who does Trixie really love? Only a certain purple unicorn comes to mind...

Chapters (4)

Trixie's life has been filled with sorrow and heartache. Her trip to Ponyville was no exception. Now after the attack of the Ursa Minor, Trixie finds her life has hit a new low. After sifting through the remains of her wagon, she wanders off nearly broke and dejected. That is until she receives a helping hoof from an unexpected pony.

A week later, Twilight Sparkle discovers a yearbook from her time at "Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns". She tells Spike the sad tale of a friendship between her and Trixie from when they were both younger. The discussion leads Twilight to Canterlot, where she hopes Princess Celestia can help her find Trixie. But when the two unicorns meet up, can they put the past behind them and revive their friendship or will they remain bitter rivals? And what secret about Trixie's ancestry does Princess Celestia finally intend on revealing to her?

This story was partially inspired by the events from "The Not So Great And Somewhat Powerful" a touching story by xxGamer101xx. I also wrote this story because Trixie is one of my favorite ponies. I can't help feeling for her plight, and have been sad that there have been no additional episodes with this inspiring unicorn in them.

Chapters (1)

Sweetie Belle pulls a prank on Rarity, but a good laugh is not the only thing that she wants.

Chapters (1)

Shipping. Shipping the never before shipped!
After the end of Season Two, the mane six enjoy a cruise and along the way meet six unusual partners...!
- - -
No OCs. The challenge is in shipping something not seen before, is it not?!
Don't bother checking the character list either. I won't spoil the identities there. Maybe when all the chapters are done and online. Maybe.

Chapters (6)

Twilight isn't feeling well, and unfortunately, that's all anypony knows. Her best friends try to understand, but even they are at a loss. That is, until a petty theft of Twilight's personal diary leads them on the track they least expected.

Art by: up1ter

Featured on: Equestria Daily

Chapters (2)

As a filly, Rainbow Dash achieved two wonderful accomplishments. Earning her cutie mark and inadvertently causing a Sonic Rainboom. However, these achievements mean nothing to her when she comes to realize that Fluttershy is missing. Without her to share these gifts with, they feel meaningless to her. In all, she misses her best friend and is worried, wondering what had happened to her.

Chapters (1)