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One would think that the wounded Trixie would appreciate Twilight Sparkle taking her in to nurse her back to health. But for some ponies, leaning on someone else isn't so easy. Their crossing of paths sets them both on a journey that neither of them would've expected...

Chapters (32)

An ancient evil escapes from its prison... A familiar story for the bearers of the Elements of Harmony, but against a threat even older and more alien than Discord, victory will be no simple thing. Even so, with friends rallying to their aid and a former rival fighting by their side, in this strange aeon even death may die.
A Cthulhu Mythos crossover.

Chapters (10)

While visiting the earth pony town of Promise, the Great and Powerful Trixie is coerced into searching for a missing foal against her own better judgment. But things are not as straightforward as they first appear. When push comes to shove, what kind of pony is Trixie at heart?

Chapters (6)

The Great and Powerful Trixie is finally the successful stage magician she always dreamed of becoming. However, she can't stop thinking about Ponyville and went wrong for her there. When she brings her new show to town to try and repair her image, the only pony that will accept her is Twilight Sparkle. A conversation leads to a bet, and the bet leads to attempting a mind-swapping spell that fails and traps both Trixie and Twilight in the former's body. Can the two magically gifted ponies get along, and can they keep the mishap a secret from Twilight's friends until a solution can be found?
Comments are appreciated.
[This story takes place in the same continuity as the Order-naries saga. Reading those stories is recommended but not required to enjoy this one]

Chapters (9)

Though never touched upon often, the art of magic, whether used by unicorns, pegasi, or earth ponies can have darker applications. The simplest of spells could spell disaster if utilized in the (in)correct way. Unfortunately for a quaint town, The Great and Powerful Trixie has chosen to explore those applications.

Chapters (1)

As Trixie finds herself performing for her smallest audience yet, questions abound. Can her ego take the strain? Are the old stories still worth telling? And just how did Prince Blueblood get his title, anyway?


Originally written September-October 2011.

Now available in Spanish, courtesy of SPANIARD KIWI.

Chapters (1)

The Great and Powerful Trixie is suffering after her embarrassing defeat in Ponyville. Her act was mainly impressive due to her confidence, but with that gone no pony would spare her the time of day. Now, own in the dumps, Trixie is barely getting by. However, could an encounter with a certain DJ change her whole life?

Chapters (1)

(please read entire description)
(News: first prelude 'Unreconciled' is being written for release before chapter 3)
After nine relatively peaceful years in Ponyville, Spike falls into hibernation and a protracted nightmare.
Upon awakening, the uncertain future of the World is thrust onto him by a message from the Great Teacher, Starswirl,whom may yet live.

The Royal Sisters are trapped in conflict with a Draconic entity capable of destroying the universe.
All the while, Spike and the Elements of Harmony each must seek out powers and wisdom rooted in the origins of the world.
They do this in hopes of overcoming a foe that roils the black and starry depths of the very heavens.

In their absence, the former CMC and the uprising youth of Ponyville grasp power in the midst of possible griffin invasions from the Avian continent.

[key: Telepathy; Thoughts; EMPHASIS in dialogue ; Magic Spells/Special Abilities ; * marks objects or facts related to side stories]

(Chronology of back-stories in the Machi-verse)
<prelude>"The Wyrm Has Turned" [un-posted]
<prelude> An Astronomy of Souls [un-posted]
<prelude>Waiting For Galaxei [un-posted]
<prelude>Too Far From The Tree [un-posted]
<cross>Appleseed Hill [un-posted]
<cross>Gambling in the Dust Trough [un-posted]
<cross>Absolute Defense [un-posted]

Cover: dsurion (http://dsurion.deviantart.com/) edited: Muzzledelk
editor/illustrator Credit:
AwSweetHolyHell, Frees,Quisky, Karon, lordlyhour, Samaru163, genocidal brony...
all other contributions are credited within the work.(all art use has been permitted by the respective creators.)

Chapters (3)

Twilight finds Trixie, raggedy from travels during Heart's Warming season. Rainbow's Sonic Rainboom had powered up Trixie's Age Manipulation spell one day, and it bounced back. turning her into a teen. With Twilight Caring for her, Will Trixie find friendship or more? Something she's never had before?

Go easy on me, this is my first Pony Fic
The image is from here,

Chapters (7)

It's summer, and nobody has seen or heard about Trixie for a while. But have you ever wondered why?

Chapters (12)