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Twilight's life is treading on very thin ice, and the only hope is for her to open her eyes, tonight. After a conversation with the doctor about Twilight's condition, Celestia enters her room and talks to her. After all, it might be their last night together.

Chapters (1)

It has been several months since the disappearance of Twilight Sparkle..

One night, after watching her sister raise the Moon and set the heavens alight, Princess Celestia begins to bed down for the night, only to be interrupted by portal forming in her room. From out of the portal comes none other than Twilight Sparkle, garbed in strange armor.

Princess Celestia, along with Luna, Cadence, and Shining Armor, are overjoyed by the Element of Magic's return, but are justifiably curious as to where she had been and what she had been doing. And so, Twilight begins her tale. A tale of survival against impossible odds. A tale of a people fighting for the most basic right of all sentient beings. The right to exist.

Chapters (9)

Some things in this world happen by chance. Others do not. Twilight Sparkle is about to learn a disturbing truth that will turn her world upside down.

- Originally written May 2011 for Deviant Art

Reading this story first is strongly recommended:
(Blood is Thicker) http://ciroton.deviantart.com/gallery/26378692#/d3e1ndq

~Image by JohnJoseco~ ~Edited by BrotherPrickle on Deviant Art~

Chapters (5)

Prizma is a filly that mysteriously appears after a long, horrifying storm. A storm that caused much death, destruction and chaos, and with her spawning from it, she is left to blame for this strange weather. She endures the pain and ridicule from the ponies who immediately have a deeply rooted hatred for her. As she hides from society, she makes one friend who defies loyalty in attempt to clear her name...

Chapters (2)

(Original Story Done by Me, Rewrite Done by Inuboy7 be sure to read both ;D)
Bad things always seem to happen to good people, or ponies for this matter. When a life is claimed, promises are broken and things are left unsaid. When Applejack and Rarity get into an argument Rarity storms off, but after Applejack is injured in a fire at her house, Rarity is nowhere to found. By the time Rarity returns and wishes to apologize and make up with her friend, it's too late...

(Cover picture found on deviantart by: ValeriyaShyshkina)

Chapters (6)

Twilight Sparkle isn�t dead.

But she's not exactly alive either, and there�s only one pony who can see her, can hear her, can prove that Twilight still exists. Unfortunately for Twilight, or perhaps fortunately, that pony is a certain pink baker and party planner.

Image by Coyoterainbow. Link: http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/233/a/f/good_life_by_coyoterainbow-d47eeub.jpg And no, I have not seen Ghost. Improved summary courtesy of Donny's Boy.

Chapters (4)

Night Mare Moon was defeated but the force of darkness which possessed her endures. Years later a voice calls to Twilight in the dark. And she listens...

A dark adventure story in which Twilight Sparkle is forced to confront the most terrible enemy; the darkness inside herself.

Foxtrot XXX

Chapters (9)

Twilight begins to have thoughts of overthrowing the Princess of the Sun. Her original thought is she would never do such a thing to her teacher. But as time moves on, and her sanity deteriorates, the more these thought's seem more real.

Author's Note: I will only continue this story if you all want me to. If it is not a story anyone would like seen continued, I will put it on hiatus for later updates.

Chapters (1)

Everything seamed peaceful, nothing was wrong. Then, everything was dead or dying around them. What will Twilight and the others do to solve this? The real question is.... what can they do?

Chapters (5)

Twilight is down on her self esteem when she sees all the colts so easily taken by Rarity. But when she discovers that residents of Ponyville are myseriously dissappearing, there's little time for jealousy.

Author's Note: This was my first mlp fanfic, and consequently is not the best and very angst-y. That's what happens when you write fanfiction when you're in high school.

Chapters (5)