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Sometimes, when you've lost so much, when everything you do seems to come out wrong, and when you don't feel like anything but a failure, it can seem like there is no other option but to give up.

But when one pony feels so lost, so inconsolable, so forlorn, that she makes a life-changing decision that almost leaves her shattered forever, it is up to her friends to bring her back.

When you lose something that you can't replace, when you love someone but it goes to waste, and when the tears come streaming down your face, is there anyone who you can turn to...

...to fix you?

Chapters (6)

Twilight Sparkle and her fellow Elements of Harmony have faced down supernatural foes of the highest order, but sometimes the deadliest danger can come from places one would least expect. As Twilight is forced to bear a devastating secret, her efforts to keep the Elements together may well tear them all apart.
The plotline of the thrilling Pony Psychology Series continues with an exploration of deception, despair and Discord.
This series takes place between Season Two and Season Three.
Secrets and Lies shares the Pony Psychology Series TVTropes page.

Chapters (7)

The element of loyalty is put to the ultimate test as she finds herself stranded in a foreign world with no idea where she is, how she got there or how she can even get back. When she is rescued by a small group of battle hardened soldiers on a secret search and rescue mission, she has no choice but to go with them if she wants to stay alive.

Soon she realises the seriousness of her situation as she finds herself on the front line on one of the worlds most fearsome battles.

WARNING: Contains strong language and graphic injury detiail.

Chapters (48)

When a freak solar event threatens Ponyville and Princess Celestia is nowhere to be found, Twilight desperately casts the only spell that she thinks will help: a spell that transforms her into a vampire. Forced to deal with the side effects, Twilight relies on her vampirical side as she ventures into a life-threatening situation for the sake of the princess, Ponyville, and quite possibly all of Equestria.

Based on and inspired by the artwork of ponykillerx - http://ponykillerx.deviantart.com/
Cover image by ponykillerx - Used with permission
Edited by Spabble

Chapters (1)

For so long Twilight fought to defeat the relentless parasite that had consumed Equestria with fear. She risked her life fighting for what she belived in. Her friends are now dead, her mind is full of rage and now she has become the one thing she truely despised. As she begins to slowly loose control, Twilight decides to once and for all, find whoever did this to her friends and take them down.

But will Twilight find the mystery antagonist, bring them to justice and find a cure before one of Equestria's brightest ponies is driven to insanity and Equestria's only hope for peace is lost?

Chapters (8)

When Alphion, the spirit of darkness erased Rainbow Dash from history he went to the spirit of time, Temporaz. He fooled Temporaz into erasing Rainbow Dash from history. Her removal screwed up the timeline and the temporal flow. This caused the worlds of Equestria and Earth to slightly merge, transforming Anne Halavan into a pony. She meets up with Rainbow Dash and Blitz, who work together to find out how this happened. With Temporaz weakened from the merging timelines and Angealla weakened from resurrecting Dash and Blitz, Alphion's power continues to grow. Yet again, he plans to strike at Equestria....

Chapters (10)

Ponyville is not just all love, tolerance, happiness and friendship. One morning, Twilight Sparkle comes up with a brain tumour, and she gives up the will to live, the will to have friends, and the ambition of becoming as learned as StarSwirl the Bearded with magic. Will her friendship remain? Or will it be thrown away slowly and painfully like her life?

This fanfic is dedicated to all the poor patients of brain tumour, especially to my aunt, who recently contracted brain tumour. I hope it gives you all the support to live your life, no matter how bad your condition gets. Just remember, I will always have you all in my prayers :D

Chapters (3)

With the whole of Equestria plunged into darkness, the once peacfull world is now tearing itself appart with fear. Twilight, Fluttershy, Rarity and Spike are now the only hope the world has.
They choose to leave their home to save Rainbow Dash. Despite loosing their friends because of her they are determined to prove she can be saved from her madness, which is slowly consuming her. But will there be anything to save?

Chapters (16)

[Second person narrative]
[You + Rainbow Dash/Fluttershy]

You're a fast-flying, teenage pegasus colt with dreams of glory! Having just transferred to a new boarding school in Cloudsdale, you're looking forward to meeting new friends, joining the wingball team, and finally hanging out with fellow pegasi. This year's going to be so awesome!

Except you're the only pegasus around without a cutie mark. And everyone already seems to think you're a total loser, before they've even met you. And your only friend can hardly stand up for herself, much less you. And you're convinced a certain rainbow-maned mare is out to ruin your life. Yep, awesome.

This is the story of your high school days at Wingbury Academy.

Chapters (14)

After a horrible dream with warning from a foe long defeated, Discord, Twilight Sparkle and her five pony friends face one of their greatest struggles yet. When a mysterious yet powerful dragon proves his strength against her friends, Twilight seeks Zecora's wisdom for answers about both matters. However, things take a dark turn when Twilight finds an old book about an ancient power thought to be lost, The Elements of Magic. With such power Twilight could beat the beast, but at the sacrifice of her friendship with the other ponies. Taking on the burden herself, the pony slowly begins to be corrupted with her own powers. When the Elements of Magic take on the form of shadow ponies and a plot of chaos thousand of years old is set into motion, hope and salvation's only chance may lie in a forsaken power, magic of friendship.

Chapters (2)