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After growing a fanatism over a Book saga, Twilight decides to take time to study some creatures in particular that called her attention, Werewolves, one day, she finds a spell to transform into one of them, Her curiosity ends up beating her and she uses her magic to give it a try, the new werewolf In Town will cause Panic all over, but it will save Ponyville from a coming menace that threads Ponville... Or maybe Equestria.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle: magician, scholar, bearer of the element Magic, and most of all, friend.
A bat, a book, and a bite can change so much of that, and bring darkness to her heart.
Can you keep your friendships when you might hurt those around you?
If you want to hurt them?
Bloodlust can bring an end.

Chapters (1)

"I'm not even angry,
I'm being so sincere right now.
Even though you broke my heart,
And killed me.

And tore me to pieces!
And threw every piece into the fire
As they burnt it hurt because,
I was so happy for you...."

Chapters (4)

Toby "Tobuscus" Turner is transported to Equestria when he presses a rainbow colored button, will he make friends or will he be evil. Neither, he shall be Tobuscus. And if It's Tobuscus it means stuff.

Chapters (11)

With Pinkie Pie's brutal murder the whole of Equestria is on high alert. With no clues leading to who did it, it begins to look like Pinkie's killer will never be found.
Rainbow Dash begins to find herself loosing control both mentaly and physicaly. As Applejack tries to comfort Rainbow Dash. But she unintentionally becomes her next target.

Chapters (11)

When Rainbow Dash is finally accepted as a member to the Wonderbolts she become an instant celebrity. Even though she promised herself that she wouldn't let the fame go to her head like she had with the 'Mare-do-well' incident. But spending so much time away from her friends starts to take a toll on her relationship with the rest of her friends. While her bonds with her newfound team grow stronger, her ties wit her old friends slowly vanish. Can a horrifying and dramatic turn of events in Equestria reunite them? Note: I'm a New writer, constructive criticism is always welcome. There will be many chapters to this story eventually.

Chapters (7)

Twilight, probably the smartest unicorn in Equestria, has had some troubled times. She is constantly bombarded by nightmares and now on the run. Her friends don't know where she is and don't know how to help her. It probably doesn't help that Twilight has also begun to hallucinate, not sure what is reality and what is her own distorted version of it.

Chapters (4)

Sweetie Belle goes missing one day. She is found near the Everfree Forest beaten and bloodied. With no evidence of how she ended up there, life returns to normal. Until Rainbow Dash gets signs that another pony is going to disappear next. Soon all of Equestria is dragged by the black shadows into an unending nightmare. Only one pony can free Equestria, but at a cost.

Chapters (10)