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Since the Alicorn Amulet incident, Trixie suffers of nightmares. After some time she finally yielded and decided to get to the one pony who can help her. And so she returns to Ponyville, the place her nightmares began, not knowing that she has bigger problems than simple nightmares.

The dark tag is for two or three chapters that handle nightmares or past events with mentions of death. Those chapters will be marked with [D]

Chapters (20)

After almost two decades working under Princess Celestia, Chronicle has... acclimated to his position as her seneschal. The process was rarely easy and never comfortable, but he did it. He's learned the ins and outs of making sure the palace runs smoothly, keeping De Cuisine happy, Fitted Sheet from destroying his paperwork, the nobility occupied, and even managed to pickup some politics along the way.

Every year, H.R.H. Princess Celestia chooses a different city to host the Summer Sun Celebration. Unfortunately, her absence from Canterlot doesn't stop the palace from hosting one of the largest parties in the Equestrian Diarchy. If everything goes according to plan, Chronicle will be able to spend the evening in the privacy of his solar, waking up just in time to see the sun rise on the thousandth consecutive Summer Sun Celebration.

(A prequel of sorts to Tundara's epic story Myths and Birthrights.)

Twilight's Library Approved

Chapters (18)

This story is a sequel to Celestia's Care Taker

A year has passed since Alex has said goodbye to Celestia. Another year to the ponies who found themselves taken care of by Alex. A year passes since Alex has seen his beloved.

That was until Alex receives the other end of the deal, and is now thrown to Equestria instead of the other way around. There, he will reunite with his many, many friends. Celestia will see him once more.

And memories return, good and bad.
FEATURED on 11/20/2016!

Chapters (14)

Failing once in her attempt to take Canterlot and failing again in her attempt to take down Twilight, one would think Chrysalis would have cut her losses and let things be, but the queen has once again appeared, this time in broad daylight with no disguise and no army. Her weapon of choice? Diplomacy.

Now Twilight is having to deal with the changeling queen, but surely putting up with her antics will be worth the knowledge she's willing to provide about her mysterious race and the potential undiscovered agents still within their midst...right?

Takes place before Magical Mystery Cure and diverges from there.

With thanks to MisterGunpowder for proofreading and editing.

Revision History:

05/09/2015: Chapter 1 updated with millions of little corrections.
05/20/2015: Chapter 2 revised and edited with another million small and large corrections.
06/12/2015: Chapter 3 given a thorough editing and revision.
06/23/2015: Chapter 4 taken to the gutter and edited twice to be sure.
07/14/2015: Chapter 5 thoroughly brutalized with the editing stick.
08/03/2016: Chapter 6 finally edited. Yes, I'm still alive, dammit.
09/29/2016: Chapter 7 fell out of the editing tree and hit every editing branch on the way down.
10/26/2016: Chapter 8 has emerged from the editing emergency room.
11/17/2016: Chapter 9 found and edited. No casualties reported.
11/30/2016: Chapter 10 treated for whiplash after lightning fast editing.
12/22/2016: Chapter 11 edited. Chrysalis shot first.
01/17/2017: Epilogue edited. Time to hit the cider.

Chapters (12)

We all wear a mask called composure, beneath which hides a heart that twists with guilt and hidden feelings. Regal as she is, Princess Celestia is no exception. What might be revealed should circumstances cause this mask to slip - or break?

Set several years after the potential conclusion to the series.

Chapters (7)

Basically, this is a Hazbin Hotel Crossover with My Little Pony. I noticed that there were little to NO Hazbin Hotel fics with this fandom. Now I am the first... second... MAAYYBBEE the third (?)...

Anyways, this was something I thought of during work. I am NOT making this into a full fledged story; but as a short story with either 2 or 3 chapters.

Here's what I thought of at work: What if Twilight accidentally summons a specific Radio Demon from Hell during the final showdown between her and Nightmare Moon? The rest is up to you.

But I hope you like this story, and Always Have A Smile On Your Face while you read.

~ WhalenJP

Chapters (2)

(Takes place in an alternate version of EQG)
Sunset has had enough. She has to get the Element of Magic. But, she can't risk getting recognized. So, she puts together a ritual to summon a certain demon to help her...

A certain deer demon...

Inspired by A Displaced Radio Demon by R-E-X

Now, onto the Content Warnings....

Profanity: Because I can't write anything without saying "fuck" or "shit."
Violence: Pretty self-explanatory, tbh
Comedy: Because my writing is so bad, it might as well be considered a comedy
Dark: I like dark humor, what's the problem?
Drama: It has Sunset before she was reformed, what do you expect?
Crossover: It'll have a few characters from Hazbin Hotel, that's all I'm saying.
Alt. Universe: because yes

Cover image is a screencap from Hazbin Hotel's pilot.

As you can see, I am trying something different.
I know, I know, "It's only your third story," I don't care, I've been wanting to try a crossover-fic since I joined, and I saw this as an opportunity.
Since Hazbin Hotel only has a pilot, and I absolutely refuse to use Twitter, I am going to go off of a lot of personal and fandom-made headcannons I thought were cool.

Anyway, read the damn story, and let me know what you think!

Chapters (6)

Twilight was born under the stars and night sky; she has always been special. Her mother is an author and famous at that for her writing of Daring Doo. Her brother is a member of the Royal Guards her father a Royal Astronomer. Twilight's family is full of great feats and she is no different. This tale is about the journey of achieving those great feats and of course the changes along the way

And when the 1000th year of the Summer Sun Festival rolls around she will learn just how special she really is.

Sex for reference to sexual spells and Gore for scenes of blood, injury, threats of death and violent illness.

Chapters (6)

Orphaned from birth, with only the memories of a soft touch and gentle voice to remember her by, Twilight yearns for her mother. What pony wouldn't want to know why they were abandoned, why they were left to be found by the Princess of the Sun herself.

That was nearly two decades ago though. Twilight was older now, and hopefully wiser. She is happy with her two best friends, Cadance and Shining Armor. They are like family to her, the brother and sister she never could have. Though dreams still haunt the young mare, dreams of lullabies and tender kisses, she has moved on.

The personal servant to the Princess of Helios, the land of the Sun, Twilight enjoyed both rank, and knowledge. But it also means that when Princess Luna comes to visit her old friend, Twilight is given the task of tending her. The Princess has come in search of marriage, at the behest of her ruling Council. They demand an heir to ward off the potentially catastrophic attacks of the neighboring dragons.

Soon, Twilight will be tested and tried. She will be given the a choice between the life she has known, and the duty she is sworn to. But never, not once, will she forget.

For who can stop loving their mother.

Chapters (23)

A person wakes up in a forest with no memories at all, now when you combine this with the gear he woke up in he's very suspicious of who he is...

Chapters (7)