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Things have changed.

When Rainbow Dash unexpectedly arrives at the Badlands Hive, her open displays of hostility leave Princess Twilight Sparkle and Queen Chrysalis perplexed. The situation only devolves from there as differences in this Rainbow Dash are discovered, and it soon becomes apparent that two worlds have collided that were never meant to meet.

Twilight and Rainbow, each with scars both physical and mental, have to find common ground before time runs out. If they can’t, then the pegasus may become stranded in this world of changelings forever.

A crossover between the Little Flashes series and the Change series.

Cowritten with Skijarama.
Featured on: 04/11/2019.

Chapters (29)

The Mortal Realm of Equestria is besieged by unknown shadow-demons that seek to kill all living things. No where is the situation more dire than in Ponyville which has faced more and more of these attacks taking a gruesome toll. Rarity, Priestess of the Gods at the temple in Ponyville enacts a ritual to seek the aid of one of the Divine, gods and demigods that will help a pony for a price. Can the mysterious Goddess of Magic help Rarity save Ponyville and find out who or what is behind the Shadow-Demons?
Inspired of by Earthsong9405's Goddess AU. This is only my own take on it all that this is has flowed from the inspiration that Earthsong9405 has inspired.
Love the art! Love the ideas! What? You have not seen it or heard of Earthsong9405? Blasphemy! Go here and take a look!

Chapters (3)

Twilight finds a strange book on her doorstep, with no idea where it came from or what it is about; she reads it. The more she read, the more she loses sight of who she is as she slowly gain an amount of knowledge she never thought possible.

While days go by, her friends try to reason with her. Can friendship defeat lust for infinite power?

Chapters (1)

After Twilight said Cadence was evil, everypony rejected her warnings. Twilight feels sad and betrayed. Sad that especially Spike, Shining Armor and her mentor had avoided her, and betrayed that her friends had told her that they would take what Twilight would tell them seriously after the Lesson Zero events. Twilight just didn't expect Nightmare to come keep her company.

Chapters (7)

Sunset's off on a world tour, she's made it big. She's at the top of her game with several charting albums and rising higher by the day. But she never forgets the one who kept supporting her at her lowest moments. But a lonely motel room does not pleasure make.

Twilight's... well, Twilight. She prefers armchair adventures and romance novels -even if she has a stunningly great girlfriend- and things like that. Qualified introvert. Still, that doesn't stop her from getting lonely on those long nights, and an empty bed and a girlfriend on live TV... well, yeah.

Thankfully Facetime exists, eh?

(Written for Secret Moon’s Self-Isolation Writing Contest)

(Featured on 4/16/20)

Chapters (1)

The night reigns eternal.

Nightmare Moon sits the Equestrian throne from her castle in the City of Everfree. From there, her rule is undisputed and unshakable. Ponies tremble beneath her, both for her wrath and necessity, her magic all that is keeping the tidally locked world alive. With one side facing away from her sister's hated sun, and the other obscured in a veil of shadow blocking almost all light, by her grace alone does enough warmth peek through that Equus and its peoples might yet live.

It is a reign of terror. Of fear. Absolute and unmoved.

Until she met the foal. Then Princess Luna began to find something she had been missing for far too long...

Commisioned by DarknessProductions.
Cover by Eugenia Mackiewiez.

Chapters (1)

Dear Princess Celestia, I’m sorry I failed you. I’m sorry I let Equestria fall to ruin. I’m sorry I have to kill you.

Chapters (2)

Loving somepony means making them happy. But what do you do when her happiness is tied to being a tree?

This story was featured on the front page of Fimfiction.

This story took part in arboreal-yearnings-contest.

Chapters (1)

It is three months after the Royal Wedding, and normalcy has returned to Equestria... for the most part. Pinkie is the same old Pinkie, Rainbow Dash is still addicted to the Wonderbolts, Rarity is still trying to learn Prench... but for Twilight, things are not the same. Ever since the Wedding, she's noticed an almost unnoticeable distance from her friends and from Celestia. This alone would be enough to bother her, but to make matters worse, she has been tormented by a dream that she cannot remember and physically cannot rest for fear of.

The tension is building, and something is bound to snap. If you've felt death and loneliness... what would you do to keep your loved ones from suffering the same fate?

Hello, this is your author speaking.
I know you're anxious to get to reading the story with the cryptic description would just like to point out a couple things before you get reading.

First of all, this is my first MLP fanfic, and it is set as an AU beginning just after the S2 finale, so I would appreciate constructive criticism. Not flaming or silent downvotes; give me criticism!
Secondly, it is important to understand that the AU tag seen above possesses two meanings. Not only is it an AU in the literal sense as it utilizes my own expansive worldcanon (dubbed Nidus) but in addition to that, it is an AU in that it does not accept the events of season three as canon. This is due to it chronologically beginning only 3 months after season two. The events of season three may appear, but they will likely be warped.
Lastly, I need to point out that I will probably be editing the tags and characters as this story goes. This being my first story, I'll need time to get a handle on the nuances of the submission system.
Thirdly, Please tell me if any of the fonts I use in the story go wrong. There are bound to be a few errors even with my prereading, so if you find them do say something.
Finally, I'd like to thank RoseyTail for her permission to use this marvelous image as my cover.

Thank you, and enjoy the story of Dark Horizons.

Chapters (2)

Twilight begins to develop new powers after her brother's wedding, well the truth is that not everything we saw in the royal wedding was the only thing that happened that day...

At her brother's wedding, after Chrysalis sent her to the cave, Twilight loses consciousness and has a vision, a dream in which she meets a nine-tailed beast, when she wakes up the only thing she remembers from that dream is a name "Kurama"...not only that, she found out the truth about her, she is not a normal unicorn, she is most than that

English is not my maternal language, this is my first story, I hope you enjoy this:twilightsmile:

Chapters (13)