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Before going to Ponyville, Twilight Sparkle connects more dots than usual, which gives her more reason to face Nightmare Moon alone.

(Pamphile (PAM-feh-lee) means "friend of all" in Greek.)

AkumaKami64 continues this story in Pamphile: Alicorn of Harmony.

Chapters (1)


Sunset Shimmer, the prized student of Princess Celestia, is sent to Ponyville to prepare the Summer Sun Celebration. Unknowingly to her, her actual mission is to stop Nightmare Moon. However, she was never meant to be the Element of Magic.

With Celestia gone, Equestria is left unprotected against the mad alicorn. Twilight Sparkle, the faithful student of Princess Celestia, is determined to avenge her master and save the kingdom.

IMPORTANT: While this story was being written, some things in canon changed. That means a few things here are going to conflict with canon. Please bear with me on this.

For example, here Maud is the older sister, with Limestone and Marble being middle twins, and Pinkie being the youngest. Also, the friends Twilight had in Canterlot are not the same ponies that live/visit Ponyville frequently. Because silly canon is silly.

Chapters (11)

There is only one real rule regarding changeling royalty: there must always be a queen. Twilight Sparkle is about to learn this through personal experience.

Originally written for an X Becomes a Changeling prompt almost three years ago.
Set after season three.

Chapters (16)

This story is a sequel to Ascend

Congratulations, Twilight. With Celestia and Luna on their constitutionally mandated vacation, you're in charge of Equestria. The position of Regent is an honored and hallowed one. But maybe it's a bit early to congratulate you. After all, whether it's a nobility jealous of your ascension, or a military unhappy with Celestia's decisions; one thing's certain: your reign will be anything but peaceful.

Chapters (5)

Once upon a time, in the mystical and whimsical Land of Ooo, there lived two self-proclaimed sisters. The oldest, a Demon tied to the Setting Sun, and the other—younger by just a few years—a Vampire Queen.

Together they could do anything. And so, they embarked on an epic quest: To bring the sickest, gnarliest licks their guitars could produce to the unsuspecting people of Ooo.

And possibly save the world if they felt like it.

(Art by DustySculptures)

Chapters (5)

Sunset Shimmer and Twilight find themselves in the company of old enemies.

They whisper and slowly, they're taking matters into their own hands.

Chapters (1)

Starlight Glimmer comes home from a long day at the office. Unfortunately for Trixie, Starlight is not in the mood for some interesting Easter celebrations...

Well, this is weird. Hi there. Yeah, this is my first Starlight x Trixie fic. I acknowledge this is short and straight to the point. This story was made in roughly two hours since I spun the wheel for a story prompt from my previous ideas. Then I gave myself a time limit. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this short shitpost of a fic! I might make this longer in the future. Idk. It depends on if I get the motivation lol Also, this is marked with sex for the inclusion of a... spicy outfit. However, no actual sex happens in this story, so this is marked as Teen.

Chapters (1)

Celestia has a secret: She hates her job. It's not like she can quit, though. After all, what would her little ponies do without her? But then Luna returns from the moon and provides a whole new perspective on modern Equestria, and Celestia starts to reconsider everything. Does Equestria really even need her anymore? Only one way to find out!

[Note: This story takes place after The Best Night Ever. Seasons 2 and 3 are not considered canon unless otherwise noted.]

Chapters (1)

In an Equestria where Discord never was, and the Pony Princesses never came to power, a young Twilight Sparkle loses her family in a crowd during the Summer Sun Celebration. Little does she know that her very existence is about to set a series of events into motion that will take her far beyond the borders of Equestria itself—and change the fates of both her nation and her life, forever.

Chapters (5)

Trixie has been down on her luck ever since she used the Alicorn Amulet. Considered by many as a laughing stock and a monster, her career as a showmare has been ruined, making her became poor and depressed. But through some unfortunate events, she ended up back in Ponyville where she's forced to stay with her self-proclaimed sworn enemy; Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight is actually happy to have her living with her. Then why does Trixie hate her? And why is she blaming Twilight for her misfortunes?

Chapters (16)