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Twilight Sparkle is undeniably a prodigy and has the skill and knowledge of a unicorn five years her elder as well as the power of one as well. This knowledge and power has drawn Princess Celestia's attention, with the alicorn beginning to wonder if the young unicorn will be the one to fulfill an ancient prophecy that would save her sister. A prophecy that would have come to fruition, had the alicorn's own checkered past not come back to doom the filly to a life of fire and brimstone.

Go check out this story's sister story!
Updates twice a month!

Story So Far (Been awhile? Get up to speed by checking out this blog!)

Chapters (99)

Twilight has been chosen as this year's addition to queen Nightmare Moon's mysterious cadre of personal students. She gets to live in a castle, receive lessons from their sovereign, yet her parents remain sad for some reason.

Twilight doesn't understand why they aren't happy for her.

This was a request for a patron and was viewable earlier for said patrons. Head over here if you want a chance of getting a story like this for just 5$ or to see stories early for just 3$!

Chapters (1)

Civil wars rage across the continent as the armies of Nightmare Moon and Queen Chrysalis seek to dominate the planet. Amidst the chaos, the two rulers take a moment to accomplish some needed... 'diplomacy'.

This was a request for a patron and was viewable earlier for said patrons. Head over here if you want a story like this for 5$ or to see stories early for just 3$!

Happy Valentine's day!

Chapters (1)

Equestria has been saved, and the space pirate menace is no more. Now all that is left for Samus is to wait for the federation diplomats, and enjoy her impromptu vacation. Provided no one touches her helmet.

Chapters (1)

Twilight and Luna enjoy a pleasant afternoon until Twilight brings up her love life, prompting Luna to realize what she's been missing out on since her return.

This was a request for a patron and was viewable earlier for said patrons. Head over here if you want a story like this for 5$ or to see stories early for just 3$!

This is also the second of my 12 days of requests where you will see a new story requested by a patron every day until Christmas day so make sure to stop by every day for new stuff! Check out the previous story here.

Now with a reading!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Five Years Of Struggle

Five decades have passed since Celestia's proposal, and much has changed, the royal couple most of all. Though war, war never changes.

Check out the first in the series, here!

This was a request for a patron and was viewable earlier for said patrons. Head over here if you want a story like this for 5$ or to see stories early for just 3$!

Chapters (2)

The School of Friendship has new Teacher Assistants!

The Cutie Mark Crusaders have been welcomed into staff on a probationary basis in order to assist their sisters (and Rainbow Dash) with their classes. Today just happens to be the day for the School Trip to Canterlot Castle for a certain group.

When things go wrong and our characters are flung into the Void and come out in one of many worlds at war, what kind of challenges will they have to face? And if they survive... what will they bring back with them to Equestria?

Many thanks to Petrichord and GapJaxie for their feedback and assistance.

Chapters (32)

He became The Master Of Death when he collected the Resurrection Stone and the Elder Wand from the Final Battle, since he already owned the famous Invisibility Cloak. What if one day, A powerful entity has watched Harry over the years decided it was time for him to go to His Next Great Adventure in this new world full of talking Ponies.

What will the Ponies think of the new stallion who has a Death Wish, the love of a Nightmare Goddess, and the senses of saving people?

Let's Find Out!!!

Chapters (18)

To commemorate the imprisoning of Discord one year ago, the first annual Celebration of Harmony is starting off with a grand party in Canterlot, something Twilight Sparkle has been looking forward to after many sleepless nights plagued by nightmares. After a chance glance at the party, Twilight and Princess Luna rekindle their friendship sparked on Nightmare Night. Meanwhile, Princess Celestia grows worried over the state of her kingdom, her sister disappearing at odd times, and the seal placed on Discord. Are the princess's worries well founded or is her sister's oddly secretive behavior taking a toll on her nerves? Twilight gets caught between the sun and moon as both royal ponies reveal that there is much that history has forgotten about the nature of the alicorns and even the draconequus.

AU for not taking into account Season 3 canon.

Amazing cover art by Sai, check the image source for more of his great work!

Chapters (42)

Princess Twilight, for all of her knowledge, didn't particularly know that much about Celestia or Luna's past. In an attempt to figure out more about her peers she digs up the infamous time travel spell. Jumping at the chance to gather first-hoof about the only other immortal ponies she dives head first into the past!

Finding that she has stumbled into helping the Princesses on a mighty quest she isn't hesitant to lend a helping hoof but her resolve is quickly tested when not all is what it seems and the past, and present, of Equestria is put at stake!

Follow Twilight, and the would-be Princesses, across the world as they track down dangerous artefacts, delve into dilapidated dungeons and avoid disaster in a race against time itself!

  • Romance will, eventually, be between Luna, Celestia and Twilight.
  • This story will include gratuitous amounts of cuteness at times.
  • There will be action and a little dark here and there, but only because it's the past and fighting does occur. It won't be a regular thing, trust me.
  • There is time travel and Twilight will be jumping around the timeline. But don't think about it too much!
  • The AU tag is only there due to the Princesses still being there, as well as the whole world existing before Equestria thing.
  • The world this story takes place in is: Equestria and Beyond. I absolutely love the detail which was put into this. Obviously there's parts not included, such as the Crystal Empire, etc.

I'm thankful to Dusk Melody for reading through and helping me realise the direction I wanted the story to go in.

Spelling, grammar and general thoughts have been provided by TheGreatEater

The source of the image used is: Magnaluna - Eye contact

Thanks for featuring! <3 Love you peeps!

Chapters (23)