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In the darkest moment of Twilight’s life, where all who she cared for have left her, a voice gives her comfort. It tells her that she is not weak, that she is not worthless, that they were foolish to ignore her. When she is offered power and knowledge that was denied of her, Twilight accepts and changes the fate of Equestria.

This story is going through revision and some editing, anything mentioning Nemoroth or Horus should be ignored.

Chapters (5)

In an ancient civilization that started long before Equestria, there were many hidden dangers. During the 2020th year of the Yue Liang dynasty, Emperor Xin and his Empress gave birth to a beautiful filly, the 9th princess. Unfortunately, due to her birth mother's jealousy and hatred, her life became built upon one lie, and every next step she takes will always be based on that lie.

As she grows up, unfortunate events kept appearing, and the disputes and schemes in the palace were more apparent. With her loved ones in danger, she is forced to mature, but will she really be able to protect those dear to her in a prison full of sly poisonous snakes?

Deep in the inner palace, screams of pain punctuated through one spacious hall even when the sun was at its highest, and even when those screams became faint, no other alicorn thought to help. This was the circumstance in which the 11th princess of the Yue Liang dynasty was born into, a palace filled with solitude and emptiness, something that would follow her as a shadow in her life.

How will these two princesses, Huang Shu Tian (Celestia) and Huang Ying Yue (Luna) survive in such an accursed place?

Chapters (1)

Orion Selenevsky, a half ukrainian half german, graduated from Bundeswehr University Munich, he has knowledge on engineering, politics and military, and yet he did not find a job...it find him as Ukraine and Russia face combat and its his duty to defend his home from the Russian as the guy that assist in Engineering, but one day a russian rocket hit the building he was resting resulting in him dying....that is what he thought happened anyway so how the hell is he in a crystalline throne room and how is that evil looking horse talking.

Also please understand this is but an experiment, I am only going to see your reaction to this story
Please Support me to keep writing......thank you

Chapters (5)

After an unknown incident leaves Princess Celestia unsure if her precious pupil is alive, dead, or something in-between, the future of Equestria seems uncertain. With the elements compromised, the crown thrown into disarray, and Celestia herself flagging under the weight of her fear and grief, the solar diarch resorts to extra-dimensional assistance to unravel this mystery...

In the form of a lich necromancer.


Inspired by Dead/Light, by Lord Destrustor: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/173638/dead-light

Chapters (1)

“Location. Unknown planet. Objective. Survival of the Swarm.” I am Abathur, or at least I have his body, brain, abilities and a part of his mind and memory. My real name is James or short Jim. Yea I know, not really the most creative name but you can chose you friends but you can't chose your family. Well you all know how this goes, I go to a convention and meet a guy who has a lot of fun messing with people and the universe. He must be a real asshole to think this is fun. Yeah and this is my story. And the story of the Swarm and its future allies.

Something is controlling Equestria, out of the shadows, not there, but history shows its power. Many have fallen and crumbled under his power, but now that its most important tool is back it becomes more active again. Equestria will be consumed by a war that started long ago in another universe. Will they fall or will they rise? Many factions exist in in Equestria, what will they do.

Tags, rating and Charactertags can change over the time.

First, English is not my native language. So my grammar and spelling will be bad, at least I think so. I hope you will enjoy this story even with all the errors. Let me know what you think about it and leave a review, critique is always welcome.
Second, yes it is a Displaced story.

Oh and I own nothing beside the idea.
My Little Pony is property of Hasbro.
StarCrarft 2 is property of Blizzard.

Chapters (7)

"Have you ever wished you can control the sun? Have the wind dance at your fingertips? Make a mighty waterfall shoot from a puddle? I have..."

Naomi Misuka and her friend, Landon Ward, are the recent victims of a Dimensional misplacement. Stranded as the two white wolves, Amaterasu and Chibiterasu, they strive to find a way home (While having a little fun with ol' Sunbutt).

I. Regret. Nothing. This has been on my mind for a looong while now and so I'm doing it. Just take nothing seriously.

I own NO pictures or music used in this story.

Chapters (8)

One thousand years ago, a girl named Violet (renamed Chaos Jenny), was killed...

Wait, I'm not done!

She lost her friends, and decided to honor their memory by completing a promise to go to Comic-Con as Chaos Jenny. But as she was going, a mushroom cloud forced her to make a deal, and now lives in Equestia.

She was later killed by Celestia and Luna, but A.I.'s never truly die.

Present day, the CMC stumble in on a secret base of a long forgotten foe. What will happen to Equestria when this metal demon repairs herself? Will they be ok? And will the Elements be able to stop her?

All this demon has is a living toy named Robotboy.

Cole Light was a star student. His world was destroyed, and was taken to present day Equestria as the person he dressed as.

Evil Cole from inFAMOUS 2.

Will the Lightning Demon named Cole help Chaos? Or will he fight her.


Chapters (3)

So, we've all heard of the displaced right? People who are usually cosplaying as characters while at a convention, who then are sent to Equstria by a creepy merchant who sells them something for free that matches with their cosplay? Turned into his/her cosplay powers and all? Yeah I'm one of them. This is my story. NOT THE STORY OF A HYDRA DANG IT!

Okami and MLP belongs to their respected owners.
A displaced story.

Chapters (4)

There is an old saying, "You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become a villain," I never really understood what it meant until I was torn from my world and thrown into another.

I have been called a wraith, a parasite, and a demon, and I have earned every one of those titles many times over.

Now that I am finally free from my prison, I plan on making a pair of alicorn sisters very... very, sorry for what they have done to me.

Watch your backs Celestia and Luna, every star falls eventually.

(Displaced Story)

Crossover with Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door. The Shadow Queen belongs to Nintendo.

Special thanks to Emtu for editing this.

Chapters (10)

A woman named Marsara Semmeture goes to a store to get the final piece of her costume but gets sent to Equestria as a Zerg Broodmother.

I have been meaning to make this for a while now, and Bronyparasite got me to start making it as well as helping me by editing, so thanks a lot!

Unofficial tags: Displaced, StarCraft II spoilers.

Status: Undergoing massive editing.

Chapters (7)