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I wish I didn't bought that helmet. But who cares about that! Now I am in Equestria more importantly I'm the current ruler of the Crystal Empire ruler also have a couple Protoss Templars and others with me. But those who dare threaten our new home shall face our wrath!

Chapters (2)

It was the first time that I ever cosplayed.

Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, last I remember is a flash of light and suddenly I'm in Equestria.


But now I'm back... and that pretty white faker of a ruler is gonna pay...
for I



Edited by GS4

Chapters (2)

Word of Advice never go to a costume convention ever!

Ultron, Hero, former Element bearers, friend of the royal sisters... wait what?

Allen Peirce went to a costume convection as his favorite comic villain. After a bright light he ended up as his character. Deciding instead of letting himself become as his character was a villain he became a hero, and after a thousand years since his supposed death he has returned.

A new age had began Equestria has new element beares and Ultron is ready to step up once again.

My fifth Displaced Tale.

Chapters (5)

My name's John. I guess my last name doesn't really matter any more. Life is ironic, isn't it? Life nurtures all kinds of species that can get along, but it also creates the species that kills others. In fact, there are some species, who's sole purpose is the death of everything but itself. I'm talking about diseases, of course. Viruses, bacteria, fungi, and even parasites. All my life, I found these things interesting. I loved studying them, so naturally I grew up to be an epidemiologist. When I wasn't studying diseases or doing other basic functions, I was playing one of my favorite games, Plague Inc. It's a game where you try to wipe out humanity using diseases. Over the years, I've become a master of the game, to the point where it isn't really a challenge anymore.

But, that all changed when the game sucked me into itself, and I wind up in a strange land, with even stranger creatures. But that isn't all. I've somehow gained the ability to create and control every single disease I can think of. Now, I have to survive in this harsh world, knowing that I'm one step away from wiping out the entire planet.

Like I said, life is ironic, right?

[Displaced fic]

To any newcomers reading this fic, I want to point this out. The story may seem confusing in the first five chapters, as I was trying to figure out how I want to write the story. I won't be getting rid of any chapters, but some small points might contradict each other across both of them. These points hopefully won't affect much of the future.

Chapters (7)

Hi! My name is Joshua, or at least it was before The Merchant got his hands on me. Now I'm just another Displaced. and to top it off the first ever time I fell in love... she was taken from me by outside forces. Now exactly one thousand years later, I'm reunited with the one i love with all my black heart.

WOOO FEATURED 8-16-17 thank you guys so much for all the support!

Chapters (17)

The Netherworld is suddenly brought to Equestria. Azure Flame finds himself in the body of a Unicorn with no clue how he got there. One of the Gates he uses to travel shows up within Ponyville. Upon that realization he sets out to regain the kingdom that seems to have been lost by replacing it with the ponies of this new world.

Chapters (19)

I happen to be a huge Starcraft fan. So, when Comic-Con came to town, I just had to go as a zerg—my favorite race—of my own devising. The only thing that I could not make or get in time, were some clawed gloves that go with my outfit. So when I saw the perfect pair, I just had to buy and try them on. So, then I blacked out and found myself in the land of techno-colored ponies. And I discovered that I was not in control of my actions; it was the genocide named Prime Directive that was in control. And so, the zerg spread over half of Equestria before they managed to blast me with the rainbow. I was turned to stone, and I ended up becoming the one in charge. Now I need to convince the ponies that I'm not evil anymore. (My first fic, and a LoHAV. Thanks to all constructive critics that are helping me, or have helped me.)

200 likes! WOOOO!

Chapters (19)

I was sent to Equestria only to be hunted down as if i was an animal. Well now that my friends that I met after being petrified and I are free it's time to leave Equestria and regroup. This time it will be the Darkness to purify the Light but in truth that's only a side effect for our main goal. Revenge. Unfortunately this is a very slow burn plan but that is fine. We've waited for over 5000 years to be free what's a few more? In time those who wronged us will know that wrath of not just a Dungeon Keeper, but a Oni!

Hello everyone. This story was inspired by The Beating of my Heart. by Clockworklich. Please note that this story will be much darker then all of my other stories with the possible exception of Tales of a Lycan-Scale due to me not 100% sure where that one is going to end up with the few plans I currently have for it. Please know that I will change this to Mature if it's needed but to all who read this then I hope you enjoy!

Edit: This is going on hiatus for awhile because I want to work on it but the inspiration and ideas just isn't there.

Chapters (4)

Many of these so-called ponies believe they were the first to discover the land that is now known as Equestria. They were wrong, of course. Those idiotic Humans, inebriated Dwarves, and the pitiful vomit-inducing, tree hugging, frolicking Elves littered the landscape first all the while living their simple, boring lives. The ponies and the other smattering of races moved here over time from some other land. If they were still here, the various original races meeting the ponies would have made for a bit of a chaotic first contact considering they used dumber cousins of the ponies as labor and mounts. It's too bad that didn't happen, oh I could have enjoyed watching that carnage with a nice bowl of salamander eyeballs.

But, well, one or one-hundred powerful wizards attempting magic beyond their capabilities on magical artifacts beyond their comprehension tend to make things go... explodey. In a single snap of my claws the entire human race, and all of the other "intelligent" races as well, were simply gone. Vaporized in a magical wave of energy. The landscape left even more magically scarred than when the Tower Heart of the old Dark Tower went kaboom. We minions fled back to the Netherworld from whence we came and waited for the land to heal, and hopefully for some other race capable of thought to come knocking at its gates.

We waited a long time for that and now we should really get around to finding a new Master, none of the races showed any real promise so we need to do this ourselves. Giblet seems to have found something promising while digging around the cave of a local dragon (the dragons seem to have gotten smarter too), so I'll have to go give that a look-see and pray to Darkness nothing weird comes out of it.

But as I always say... Evil always finds a way.

-Gnarl, the Minion Master, on the origins of Equestria

Chapters (6)

What happens to a human when they die? Do you ascend to Heaven where you will live without worry? Or are you sent to Hell where you must suffer for the sins you committed while alive. Or maybe your reincarnated into an animal. Well no one really knows, if we did their would be no need for so many ideas of what happens.

For the mercenary Angelus Sombra, he also wondered what would happen to him. He sure as hell wasn't a good man, but he did some good deeds in his years. But like most things in life, things didnt go as planned. Instead of letting him find out what happens to those who pass on, He is instead sent to a world that is unknown to him. A world who's problems are going to be his own. Now he must try to find a way home while trying to blend in with the locals who can somehow use magic and fly. But with the sudden "changes" that he got to his body, that might not be a hard as he thought. But at least he won't be doing it alone, as the biggest problem that this world has is stuck in his head and is constantly trying to take over his body to "claim what's rightfully his".

"All you have to do is submit shadow. Once you do, we can rule a kingdom of our own."

"For the last time. FUCK OFF!"

(Warning: Humanized ponies)

(Cover art from Mr Tech.)

February 25, 2021: thank you all so much for enjoying my story.
March 31, 2021: once again, you all have help me get featured, thank you for taking the time to read my story.

Chapters (13)