Plan to Read 493 stories
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    Created by Formis_Sage
    - October, 2014
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Total Words: 23,100,158
Estimated Reading: 9 weeks



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The Cutie Mark Crusaders decide they need to expand their numbers, but things quickly go awry when their first target begins sobbing on the spot. Sweetie Belle soon finds herself roped into hanging out with the young colt.

Can Sweetie Belle see past the young colts weirdness and allow friendship to bloom? Can Button Mash fake enough normal behavior to make at least one friend? Will these two hit it off, or are Button’s only friends destined to be the ones in his video games, forever?

Cover art by users Vallis and Novel-Idea

Chapters (26)

There are many rules to a good horror film. Most ponies learn them with time and experience.

Twilight never did. Now, trapped in a desolate inn at the end of a long driveway, far from help, she will learn of them. Or, at least, one of them. The one Rarity, her only surviving friend, insists is keeping Twilight alive.

To everyponies misfortune, Twilight has questions, and fleeing in terror like she should will not get her the answers.

It’s going to be a bad night for the killer.

Edited by the Illustrious and Maleficent Crowscrowcrow...crow...crow...crow

Cover image made by vanillaghosties.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie has a secret. Actually, more like fifty secrets. 

See, Pinkie isn’t really Pinkie. She’s actually a whole hive of changelings, working in shifts to absorb as much love as they can. Ordinarily, that works out fine for Grasshopper and her sisters--but what happens when somebuggy breaks the rules? 

Note: This story uses colored text for some important bits. Readers with colorblindness or using monochrome displays may have trouble. If it's getting to be too much of a problem, drop me a line, and I'll see what I can do!

Edited by Krack-Fic Kai. Thanks, Friend!

Inb4: Yes, this AU makes no sense and doesn't stand up to scrutiny. But it's a Pinkie Pie story, for Chrysalis's sake. Just enjoy it.

Chapters (7)

It's been a hundred years since Twilight was crowned. Most of her original friends are gone. Now, only Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy remain, each with a spark of something special keeping them past their time.

But unlike Twilight, neither of them has a claim to true immortality.

Winner of the 15th Quills and Sofas Speedwriting contest. The prompt was "A Worthy End." The contest was a two-parter, and each chapter was written in an hour, and then expanded slightly afterwards.

Chapters (2)

Another one of Pinkie's parties is winding down, and Dash sits alone in the corner. She feels another knot tightening in her chest, clenching harder by the second. She just can't seem to make it go away, not alone.

Expanded from an entry into one of the Quills and Sofa Speedwriting group's contests, with the prompt "Spurred to Action"

Thanks to Zontan and Petrichord for some proofreading and feedback.

Chapters (1)

Having succeeded in their task of convincing the dragon to leave his mountain home, Twilight and her friends are of course delighted that things are getting back to normal. But shortly after their return to Ponyville, the young unicorn gets a surprise visit from the heroine of the hour, Fluttershy, who has something she needs to ask her.

Chapters (1)

Ponyville Mare's Excessive Pranking Leads To Zombie Outbreak

Ponyville Mare Hijacks Parade Float And Careens Into Lake

You can find headlines like this in any newspaper. Crammed somewhere in the back, bought from a smaller publication for a few bits to fill space. Most ponies laugh, if they spot them at all, and then move on. But one stallion took a particular interest in these strange stories and especially their protagonist.

After years of research and study, he's determined to track her down. One way or another, he will find this mysterious Ponyville Mare.

Chapters (1)

Everyone wants to be able to relax once in a while and not think about things for a bit.

Twilight's made it into a science.

Chapters (1)

Queen Chrysalis is trying to take over Equestria!

Meanwhile, Berry Punch sleeps in. She's a member of an elite guard, and she sleeps in?! Pinkie doesn't mind, but Bon Bon does. Being an Elite means watching out for Changelings. Is Berry good at what she does?

Sorry for the cheesy description. It's a detailing of one day in Berry Punch's life, does that sounds good to you?

Chapters (1)

After the return of Princess Luna, Equestria entered a period of unparalleled innovation. Space flight and faster-than-light travel became not only reachable goals, but reality. And so equine civilization expanded throughout the cosmos. But in their search for other intelligent life, they discovered a race that could not be befriended, appeased or reasoned with. The race they encountered existed only to feed.

Now, in a war where defeat means extinction, any victory counts.

Chapters (1)