Plan to Read 493 stories
  • Plan to Read 493 stories - 6268 unread chapters Completed stories waiting for download
    Created by Formis_Sage
    - October, 2014
Found 455 stories in 66ms

Total Words: 23,100,158
Estimated Reading: 9 weeks



  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

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After realising that Scootaloo has never been to Cloudsdale, Rainbow takes the filly to the citadel of the pegasi, much to Scootaloo's excitement.

A short sketch for Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo; gentle friendshipping.

Update: It was translated into French! Have a link: Scootaloo à Cloudsdale
Update 2: And then it was translated into Russian! Wow! Скуталу в Клаудсдейле

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle's drinking problem leads her friends to organise an intervention at Sugar Cube Corner. But things get out of control when Twilight decides the time has come to tell them some home truths about themselves.

Chapters (1)

Twilight learns what comes after life ends.

Winner of the Happy Stories Speedwriting Contest, written in 60 minutes.

Do you want to learn to sharpen your skills as a writer? Then join the speedwriting Discord channel!

Chapters (1)

Twilight is taking tea, just like she used to with the princess. She's the princess' faithful student actually. Did you know that?

Winner of the 4th Panic Fiction contest for the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting Group. Originally conceived and written in half an hour. This version here has undergone some very slight refinement.
The prompt was 'What's That Smell?'.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle's wildest dreams have just been met, and exceeded. Due to an unexpected magical outburst during her entrance exam to Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, the Solar Princess herself took an interest and took Twilight on as her personal student.

This was a pleasant shock for Twilight and her family. However, a few months later, a less pleasant shock would reach Twilight in the form of Celestia returning to Canterlot with a new daughter, a freshly adopted pegasus filly named Rainbow Dash. As the two get to know each other, Twilight can clearly see something eating at the self absorbed and competitive filly's mind.

To make matters even more confusing, Princess Celestia is now hiding something. Twilight dares not question it, but it is quite clear that Celestia isn't being wholly open with anypony about her decision to adopt some random orphan.

Could the answers have something to do with the cryptic dream Twilight had the night before she met Rainbow Dash?

**Apparently, this was featured on August 12th, but I slept through that brief window. All the same, I am flabbergasted and humbled!**

Cover Art by the wonderfully skilled Novaintellus

Now with a TV Tropes Page.

Chapters (40)

Twilight takes a bath to forget.

Second place in GaPJaxie's Happy Stories Speedwriting Contest, where it was conceived and written in 60 minutes.

Now with a reading from StraightToThePointStudio!

Chapters (1)

A mission ends with Fluttershy being revealed as a changeling. The Mane 6 pause on the walk back home to discuss this development.

Featured on Nov. 14 2019. :yay:

Chapters (1)

Anon is too cheap to spring for a golden apple, so he settles for a cardboard box. Didn't start any wars, accidentally a job, 9/10 would recommend.
{This story has two versions, the last chapter is the first person version.}

Chapters (2)

Cozy Glow dreams within the stone—a dream so deep, so long, and so faint nopony knows about it. Except for Discord. Diving in secret past Morpheus’ jaws, Cozy is Discord’s stone to roll uphill.

Edited by the lovely GaraTheAuthor, proofread by the conscientious Pocketbot.
Credit for the picture goes to Bra1nEater over on Twitter.

Reviewed by Present Perfect on May 28th, 2020, here, by TCC56 on May 12th, 2021, here.

Featured from November 13th to 16th, 2019, and reached 2nd spot in the box. Thank you, readers! :heart:

Chapters (1)

Discord knew this was coming. He knew. So did Princess Twilight. They knew. They saw it coming a mile away. Yet, they let this happen anyway. Why couldn't they just let things stay the same? Who's the bigger fool here?

As of Nov/12/19 this story has made it to the featured page! That has never happened to me before! Hell yeah! Proof Welp, as of Nov/16/19 the story isn’t on the featured page anymore. Oh well, nothing lasts forever.

Author's Note: Okay! So this is a pretty simple story I pumped out because I was in a depression-fueled journey through immortality and its repercussions after seeing the finale of the show and realizing we've been right about it all since bucking SEASON 3! But whatever, it's fine, we're all fine. Just so you know I did NOT have any proof readers or editors so if you want to point stuff out that I got wrong, I'll happily fix it. COMMENTS ARE MUCH APRECIATED! Please leave one if you can think of something to say or if you just have something relevant to share. Also, maybe let me down gently if I suffered from "talking heads" too much in this. Improvement is a slow process and I'm rusty as all hell. Okay? Okay.

Chapters (1)