• Member Since 21st Mar, 2012


An American who doesn't go to cons. Follow me on my Tumblr and on Fanfiction.net.

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As a big storm approaches Ponyville, Pumpkin and Pound Cake steal through the cellar of Sugar Cube Corner, on a mission to claim the cookies and milk promised them by the Ancient Ones.

Chapters (1)

To prove she's ready for more responsibility on the farm Apple Bloom decides to raise her own tree, with no help from the rest of her family.

Chapters (1)

One summer morning, young Princess Celestia meets a draconequus named Discord. Their lives are forever intertwined and they live out the centuries in various states of friendship and animosity. Rated Teen for violent deaths of OCs

Chapters (13)

My name is Artemis, I was sworn in as Princess Celestia's personal guard quite some time ago. I've watched her for so many years and silently stood by her side during all the recent ups and downs of her reign. Now I'm going to tell her how I feel. I know it would never work, we're just too different. But sometimes, there are things in a stallion's life he just has to do, and things he has to get off his chest.

What happens tonight will be anypony's guess, but one thing is for certain... it will be a night to remember.

Part one of the "To Love" trilogy. > Part two can be found here<
Teen for slight language and very mild suggestive themes.

Edited by Darastrix.
Pre-read by Azu and NATOstrike.

Chapters (1)

"Dear Santa Hooves. My name is Apple Bloom, and I don't want presents for Hearth's Warming this year. I just want my cutie mark..."

Featured on Equestria Daily -- January 18th 2013
Fanfic reading by Scribbler
Reddit page
Download link for the 'FROM THE DESK OF TWILIGHT SPARKLE' paper

Chapters (3)

With the Spirit of Chaos locked in stone by the powers of Harmony, a new order must be created. The spirits of Love and Harmony are given physical form, taking the names Cadence and Philomena, so that they may walk among the ponies and ensure peace reigns.

Too bad they're both terrible at this.

Sequel to Head Full of Cotton Candy

Co-authored by TheGreyPotter

Chapters (10)

Some warriors were never meant to come to a land of happy and fun. Maybe he's hungry, feed it some daisies.

Spoiler alert, I've never played Halo.

Chapters (1)

An ordinary afternoon at Canterlot's Summer Sun Faire becomes extraordinary when a young filly gets too curious and Princess Cadence experiences every foalsitter's worst nightmare. This is how one Princess discovered there is more to Twilight Sparkle than she ever imagined, and realized she is truly anything but "a regular old unicorn."

EDIT: Featured on Equestria Daily on 12/31/12. It's a New Year's miracle!

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle had been looking forward to a quiet, relaxing day with a friend, and at first it seemed that Fluttershy could provide just that. But when Twilight makes a rather unsettling discovery about the pegasus – and her unusually sanguine appetite – the knowledge proves to be anything but relaxing...

Chapters (1)

Applejack's life is turned upside-down after she suddenly inherits the full powers of a goddess. She insists that it isn't a big deal and that she's the same pony as always, just bigger. Meanwhile, everypony else starts making demands on her and placing expectations on the 'new princess'. When the constant stream of petitions and gawkers starts interfering with farm work, Applejack reacts a bit strongly. Luna, fearing the worst, is determined to rescue Applejack from corruption, further irritating the farm pony. Will Applejack accept her destiny, or is destiny what you make of it?

Chapters (19)