• Member Since 21st Mar, 2012


An American who doesn't go to cons. Follow me on my Tumblr and on Fanfiction.net.

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Who is Scootaloo? Everypony knows about her present, but when it comes to her past there are as many different answers as there are questions.

Is she the love child of two star-crossed lovers? The last hope for the future? The child of a broken home? A mysterious figure fighting a war no pony knows about? Or is it something else entirely? Is she even a pony at all?

Twilight Sparkle decides to ask everypony in Ponyville and find out about Scootaloo...and the stories, rumors and gossip she gets will leave her wondering how the truth can ever compete with fiction.

My thanks to Page Turner for the new story cover!

Now has its own TVTropes Page!

And has a featured page in the Non-Canon My Little Pony Funny Page!

Thanks to all my readers and fans for all the support and help I have gotten! I am truly touched.

Chapters (24)

Lemon Dreams is a happy pony with a perfect life in Ponyville. There's only one problem - she thinks she's a lemon.

Is she really a pony-shaped citrus fruit, or is she just crazy? Does it even matter? When Lemon Dreams finds herself at odds with the ponies of Ponyville and pursued by a strangely familiar ghost, she realises she must discover the answers to those questions before it's too late.

Chapters (7)

The cutie mark crusaders want to be grown-up mares like Applebloom's big sister, Applejack.
So when Applebloom finds out that Applejack has a secret cider stash, and Applejack tells her it's "For adults only" the crusaders decide that if they drink it, they'll be adults too. What could possibly go wrong?

This is an idea I had while drunk. Also I wrote it while drunk. Maybe I spend too much time drunk.

Chapters (1)

Ever been bested by a sickeningly sweet pony, specifically one who wields the Elements of Harmony? Are you just tired of love and hope and kindness filling your world? I know I am. Come to the next meeting of Villains Anonymous, where no unjust deed of cruelty goes unrewarded. Discuss your beliefs of disaster and anarchy with your like-minded colleagues, speak of plans for your next big scheme for world domination, or just be a stuck-up jerk. Here at Villains Anonymous, all evil is welcome.

-Discord, The Spirit of Disharmony

P.S., Chrysalis, it's your turn to bring snacks.


Updated 11/11/12

Seeing as how some of you want me to write more, I'll get on it soon.

Chapters (6)
by a3V

When Rainbow Dash started reading, she realized just how much she had missed. Entire books with the promises of possibilities, opportunities, and adventures. The Daring Do series always remained foremost in her mind, but she planned to broaden her horizons, so to speak.

However, it was particularly important that her new hobby remain a secret, as there are plenty of ponies in Ponyville that would be glad to find out that the awesome Rainbow Dash is a bookworm... or at the very least, happy she's taking interest in other hobbies...

Chapters (4)

You'd think that being trapped in stone would mean that, if nothing else, I could get some peace and quiet. Unfortunately, it seems that Celestia has other ideas.

She has appointed these ponies... these 'Keepers', as she calls them, to keep me entertained during my incarceration.

Honestly? I'd prefer the boredom.

Cover art by matrosha123
Spanish Translation by SPANIARD KIWI found here

Chapters (3)

Twilight Sparkle starts to develop strange and alarming symptoms after learning that Rainbow Dash helped her earn her cutie mark.

Chapters (1)

Dusk Shine has dealt with many trails throughout his life. From clashing with Nightterror Nebula to outwitting the mischievous Eris to thwarting King Nymphamos’s invasion, he'd seen it all.

All in all, Dusk Shine would admit that life was hardly easy. And now, Dusk finds that his mentor's self loathing is the least of his problems as he finds himself thrust into a world where he and his friend... are mares?

edited by Saylux and OverlordCornutt

Chapters (5)

King Sombra has a problem. A Twilight Sparkle shaped problem. The evil ruler of the Crystal Kingdom is about to be overthrown unless he can hold out until reinforcements arrive.

Seven days of keeping Twilight at bay. What's the worst that can happen?

All he has to lose is his self-respect and dignity...

Chapters (1)

Silver Spoon awoke one morning only to find that her parents had left without preparing her breakfast. Alone, with a strange voice lurking about and hungry, she must fend for herself. But in a world where an upper-middle class filly lacks sufficient cooking skills, there is only one food that can provide relief. Can Silver Spoon withstand the challenge of: Breakfast Cereal? Dig in to find out!

Chapters (1)