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This story is a sequel to Spiders and Destiny: The Fall of Wolf-Spider

Officially Complete.

A Spin off story Based on Maximus Reborn 's story Spiders and Magic Rise of Spider-Mane.

At the end of the school year, before Summer Break, Twilight Sparkle learned a lot about friendship, but some students still were scared of her, because during the Friendship Games, she was transformed into Midnight Sparkle, and open portals to Equestria, even after Sunset Shimmer became Daylight Shimmer and saved Twilight from her corrupted magic hungry mind, she stills holds Midnight inside her.

After the Friendship Games and being the new transfer student at Canterlot High, Twilight focuses on her studies, learns for her new friends about friendship, at home, she watches the news, but mostly about a superhero in New York... Spider-Man. What started as a classic fan girl crush, turn into something special, since she now knows the magic comes from Sunset and her friends, Twilight studies Spider-Man, how he can whatever a spider can, by taking a sample of some DNA from different Spiders, Twilight has created her own altered Spider Venom and she injects herself she with it, she now has speed and strength of multiple spiders. She created a costume using cloth and fiber, she called herself Spider-Girl.

But what Twilight will learn about being a superhero, their always gonna make enemies.

She will learn how to forgive herself while soon starting with Peter Parker, her the friendly neighbour Spider-Man.

Chapters (54)

Cover art by MintyRoot (This is temporary as I make a new one.)

An errand in the Everfree takes a turn for the worse when Fluttershy is attacked by a rampaging hydra. Things only get weirder when she is saved from the beast by a mysterious giant, one she quickly learns has no memory of who he is or where he came from. As Fluttershy and the rest of the elements work to help this mysterious being they discover there is more to their world than they could have imagined as well as something far more ancient than Equestria or the Elements of Harmony.

Just a couple things to get clear:
- This is an alternate universe so there will be quite a few things different from canon, but the characters should overall be like their canon selves
- So there is no confusion on age, the Mane 6 are in their mid-late 20s and the CMC/Spike are in their late teens/early 20s. All other characters are aged up appropriately to match those standards.

This story is still my first attempt at serious writing (even after making a butt load of changes) so any and all constructive criticism is welcome:twilightsmile:

Arc 1: The Angel of the Everfree (1-11)
Arc 2: ???
Arc 3: ???
Arc 4: ???
Arc 5: ???
Arc 6: ???
Arc 7: ???
Arc 8: ???

Chapters (5)

After the Fall Formal, Sunset Is Still Unsure if she should even be forgiven for everything Shes done. During A Drive to Clear Her Head, Two Cars Mistaken Her for Someone else. This One Mistake Led Sunset to Understand that there's more to this world than meets the eye.

This Story Is If Equestria Girls and Transformers: Prime were in the same universe. It Will Follow the Main Story of The Equestria Girls Movies, But Some Prime Episodes and Concepts Would Be Changed to Fit in With the Story.

Chapters (4)

In S9, After King Sombra's horn was found in the Crystal Empire, the princesses have decided to resurrect him and reform him. The pony to reform him will be none other than... Fluttershy! But what will happen when our yellow pegasus learns more about the evil king? When he gets his strength back, he is ready to attack the crystal empire, but will he?

Chapters (22)

After Celestia banished Nightmare Moon to the moon, the Elements put her daughter into a coma. She wakes up centuries later with little recollection to what happened. Everything goes down in the Summer Sun Celebration but will she be able to stop her mother’s madness?

Chapters (8)

Twilight Sparkle was born on the moon, 999 years before the 1000th summer sun celebration. Her mother, Princess Luna, trains her and teaches her to be the perfect ruler. Her plan is to stop this Nightmare and be happy.

Of course, Twilight gets released early, and has to face this whole new world without her mother. At least it will be a while before Celestia finds her and finds out her motives, or will it?

Twilight will have to deal with things she definitely wasn't trained for, including a possible love interest?

New cover art made by Nablyudatel, my editor!
Link to their Kofi where they take commissions!

Chapters (10)

Twilight Sparkle has been betrayed by Celestia, all her friends brutally killed in front of her eyes after the young unicorn woke up one morning with wings. Celestia had realized that Twilight had been chosen by the Elements of Harmony to replace Luna and herself as the leading force of Equestria, and correctly surmised that the other Elements would have followed shortly after and become a united force the current princesses couldn’t hope to defeat if they chose to contest their position for the throne. Even though Twilight doesn't want to acknowledge her destiny as Equestria's next chosen ruler, the new alicorn cannot let the tyrants she has now seen Celestia and Luna really are remain in power.
Armed with only the Elements of Harmony and her burning rage, Twilight sets out to avenge her friends and free Equestria from Celestia and Luna's tyranny.
The fate of Equestria, as well as the balance of this entire universe, hinges on Twilight's success.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Daughter of the Night

Twilight must go on an adventure to reunite with her council. This proves difficult when they are stretched all over Equestria and Nightmare Moon has taken control and brought forth eternal night. They must wield the Elements to rid Twilight’s mother of Nightmare Moon.

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to Equestria Ninja Girls of Moo Mesa

The Rainbooms, the Turtles, and their allies are back again. And this time, they're going on a inter-dimensional trip to another New York where they cross paths with another team of turtles. Will the turtle teams be able to work well together when familiar threats emerge and return or will they have finally met their matches?

TeenageMutantNinjaTurtles2012xEquestriaGirlsxMyLittlePonyFriendshipisMagicxTeenageMutantNinjaTurtles2003 crossover.

The timeline in the 2003 universe takes place after the events of the Lost Episodes. Meaning the events of Fast Forward, Back to the Sewer, and Turtles Forever have not happened.

I don't wanna have to deal with or listen to so many of you who pestered and annoyed me with constantly asking me when my next one of this series would be. I took that break to get away from it, but clearly some of you didn't take the hint like others did. Well, hope you're happy I launched this. But don't ask me when I'll update it because that's up to me. I don't care if you're impatient or restless, you just have to deal. Thank you.

Chapters (22)

In the narrow alleys of Canterlot, Twilight, a dreamy orphan, grows up hidden in the shadows of the mighty Sun Empress Celestia. Through a series of surprising events, Twilight suddenly finds herself in the role of Celestia's personal apprentice. However, with this new position also come strange dreams that haunt her at night, and the monarch's behavior towards her becomes increasingly enigmatic and atypical.

Twilight's life takes a dramatic turn when she looks behind Celestia's carefully maintained facade. While rummaging through forbidden archives, she discovers censored documents that not only reveal the truth about her past but also Celestia's secret plans for the fate of the world. Caught between loyalty to Celestia and the urge to find her own identity, Twilight must decide how far she is willing to go to uncover the truth and avert the impending doom.

Every lover of a strong and clever Twilight will get their money's worth here. There are some very dark, but also very sweet scenes.

I appreciate any help, feedback, and criticism.

Chapters (3)