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This story is a sequel to Returning Home

With the defeat of the Changeling Queen Chrysalis and the Swarm, Twilight departs for the long forgotten Harmony Empire however when they arrive not everything is as it seems. Darkness is rising and the wind whispers of a great evil that is soon to come, the clock ticks down to the final hour as old wounds cut deeper. Their only hope lies in a long buried secret that will change the course of the future and reveal the dark past of how Equestria came to be.

Featured 5/27/2020

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to WHAT I'VE DONE

Equestria, the birthplace of not just the ponykind, but so many other races, as well. All these species are very much like our own, capable of both great compassion and great violence.

The story takes place during the events in the MLP: FiM episode, Princess Spike. Both MLP and Transformers are owned by Hasbro.

Chapters (4)

Civil war has ravaged Cybertron, homeworld to the Transformers, for millions of years.

Megatron, leader of the Decepticons, has recently discovered an ancient power that could give him the edge to win over the hated Autobots led by his mortal enemy, Optimus Prime.

Called, "Equestrian Magic", this power remains under the protection of seven organic life forms, who reside in a primitive world designated as... EARTH.

* My Little Pony: Equestria Girls and Transformers: Prime are both owned by Hasbro.
* In terms of EQG continuity, the story takes place after Holidays Unwrapped.
* In terms of TFP continuity, it takes place in an alternate reality where neither Autobots nor Decepticons ever met the human characters of the series, and both factions have members that are slightly different from the ones in the actual show.

Chapters (17)

Before time began, there was the Cube. We know not where it comes from, only that it holds the power to create worlds and fill them with life. That was how our race was born. For a time, we lived in harmony, but like all great power, some wanted it for good, others for evil. And so began the war - a war that ravaged our planet until it was consumed by death, and the Cube was lost to the far reaches of space. We scattered across the galaxy, hoping to find it and rebuild our home, searching every star, every world. And just when all hope seemed lost, message of a new discovery drew us to an unknown planet called... EQUESTRIA.

But we were already too late...

In terms of MLP continuity, the story takes place before, during, and after the events in the episode, The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone.

In terms of Transformers continuity, even though it is unrelated to any of the universes, it does borrow elements from several timelines (most importantly, the Aligned continuity).

Also, both MLP and Transformers are owned by Hasbro.

Chapters (18)

When Sunset Shimmer steals Twilight's crown to the Crystal Mirror, it's Twilight and Spike's job to stop Sunset with a mind of crudeness and dishonesty. They entered the world of Sodor, one where Twilight is now a Steam Engine and Spike is a little diesel boxcab. Learning how to act like a Steam Engine, a Blue Tank Engine was focusing on his branch-line, when he meets a purple Steam Engine and a little Diesel Boxcab, thus, helping Twilight and Spike to learn more about Sodor and finding their way to stop Sunset Shimmer.

A Thomas & Friends x MLP Crossover that takes elements of Equestria Girls Movie and many Thomas elements from the CGI era.

Set after Season 3 of MLP: FiM and T&F: Sodor's Lost Treasure.

Chapters (3)

When a mysterious substance known as Archetype is discovered and subsequently begins spreading all over Equestria, whilst also causing mysterious creatures to start manifesting, it is up to two separate pony groups from completely different timelines to become united and stop this upcoming threat. They must strengthen their resolve and face down a hopeless future that takes the form of a terrifying giant monster known as Godzilla!

Chapters (10)

Canterlot City has seen more than its fair share of craziness, but it's about to get even weirder. Cars without drivers? Mysterious meteorites? Sunset Shimmer and her friends are about to learn that when it comes to things in this world, there's almost always more than meets the eye.

Sidenote; let it be known that I am by no means an artist; my best work involves Hero Forge, so if anyone wants to do fanart of any scenes or designs in this fic, I am 100% okay with that.

Chapters (60)

The day starts out like any other, until Sunny Starscout purchases a most peculiar book. She brings it back to her friends for a little book club, until the book itself transports them to the land of Middle-Earth. There, they become involved and a part of the Company of Thorin Oakenshield, and by extension alongside Bilbo Baggins. Along the way, they encounter a plentiful of beings and creatures such as Elves, Hobbits, Dwarves, wizards, and a Skin-Changer; but also the Orcs of Gundabad, the Goblins of the Misty Mountains, and the great Fire-Worm that stole Erebor all those decades ago.

Not only with the Mane 5 risk their own lives and their friendships, but also discover more about themselves.

LOTR tag because it's set in Middle-Earth.

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to Cinematic Adventures: Scooby Doo Wrestlemania Mystery

Alllllrighty then!

The Mane Six and Spike are off on another adventure as they travel through the Multiverse to Miami, Florida. It is here where they meet Ace Ventura, a wacky and hilarious animal detective who is on the case to recover a missing dolphin that just happens to the be the mascot for the Miami Dolphins football team. Follow them as they encounter many bizarre clues all while staying ahead of Lieutenant Lois Einhorn, who has quite the grudge against Ace. Will they be able to prevail or will this mystery prove to be too much for our Equestrian heroes?

Warning: This story contains foul language, violence, and a little bit of sexual themes. If any of that bothers you...go f*** yourself. But if not, please like and comment on this story and enjoy the ride

Chapters (10)

An archaeological dig in the Crystal Empire uncovers an ancient tomb built by the three pony tribes—long before they united as one. Its design is foreign, and the warnings are written in an ancient language. A full expedition into the tomb starts, but the ponies uncover a creature that was never supposed to be awoken. Supposed to be trapped in this tomb and forgotten for eternity, this creature is none other than the Alien…

As it ravages the empire, as well as Equestria, all hope to contain their plague-like spread seems lost, until Twilight Sparkle follows the Friendship Map to a remote location. What she finds is the only creature that can stop the horrors unleashed, but it itself is alien.

This creature is the Predator.

Yep, crossover of the Alien and Predator universes with MLP: FIM.
I own none of these three franchises (obviously).


**Featured sometime recently (I put this part in on 10/13/21)

Chapters (3)