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One fateful day, seemingly by chance, two humongous spacecrafts crash-land on the peaceful planet of Equestria. As Twilight Sparkle and her friends investigate the fallen ships they discover their pilots and that there is something going on that may be bigger than all ponies.

Meanwhile, on Earth, Sunset Shimmer has made the cut for a new, revamped Friendship Games. Although Canterlot High and Crystal Prep won't be the only schools competing this time. The Primus Academy Autobots and the Nemesis High Decepticons will be competing against them in the spirit of friendship!

But what if these two situations have more to do with one another than initially thought?

My Little Pony and Transformers are both Copyrighted by Hasbro

Chapters (4)

Unicron begins to awaken, threatening Cybertron and everything on it. The Autobots and Starscream recognize the threat, but Galvatron refuses to see it as anything but an Autobot trick to get the Decepticons to lower their defenses. When talking Galvatron into admitting the threat fails, Starscream sacrifices himself to unite the two warring factions.

But instead of death, Starscream is gifted with continued life in a new land with its own conflicts.

Shoutouts to Alchemo Arrow and Legion222 for proofreading and editing.
Shoutout to Fan-the-little-demon on DeviantArt for the astounding cover art.

Follows MLP canon up to S3E13 as closely as possible.
Follows Unicron Trilogy (only the cartoons themselves, so no comics) canon as closely as possible, with small interjections of headcanon and other made up things to fill in the plot holes and lack of backstory in the actual cartoon.

If you're going to dislike, at least have the courtesy to explain why.

Chapters (16)

While the Decepticon lair was being destroyed by the power of the malfunctioning space bridge, Megatron and Starscream are sucked into its portal which foils Megatron’s master plan of conquering Cybertron and defeating the Autobots. However, both Decepticons arrive in a colorful world which they have never seen before. Once they discover its inhabitants and the magic it contains, Megatron sees his ultimate chance to get his revenge on his worse enemies and conquer Cybertron.

Note: This happens after Transformers: Animated season 2 finale “A Bridge Too Close” and MLP: FIM season 7 finale “Shadow Play”.

Chapters (11)

War is terrifying. When you've been at it for over ten million years, you tend to start to run out of resources. You also start to run out of ideas, and this can be particularly vexing if your people face annihilation if defeated. The warring factions of the Transformers, the Autobots and Decepticons, are locked in such a titanic death struggle.

The Decepticons rebuild one of their best spies into the likeness of a pony and send him to Equestria, a nation found on a planet during a top secret investigation. In an effort to study magic and quantify it, they hope to establish a valuable new energy source. However, their studies of the pony culture, though detailed, are barely comprehensive enough for their agent to fit in. Worse still, the spy must wrestle with the sensations of his never-before-used organic body, including the frequent and puzzling emotions that occur whenever ponies interact with him.

Chapters (16)

This story is a sequel to The Enchanted Library

It's easy to think about fairytales when you’re an ancient alicorn trapped in a library for centuries on end. It's easy to wonder how one would go about rescuing you, to think and devise and plot out how to free you in a blaze of glory, intrigue, adventure, and romance.

Or, rather, it’s easy until suddenly it happens and you’re forced to ask yourself the one terrifying question you’d yet to consider.

Now what?

Original story inspired by an old oneshot.
Chapter Art by Arctic Waters and lilfunkman// Graphic Design and Typography by Swan Song.

Chapters (30)

Everypony enjoys myths and ponytales, even if they know such things aren't real. Alicorns fighting against a spirit of chaos? An ancient princess trapped in a library under a tree, waiting to be found? Quite enchanting and fantastic tales yes, but nonetheless as fictional as Daring Do and other such stories. At least, that's what Rarity used to think.

She doesn't anymore.

Dedicated to Annuska for being as amazing a writer as she is a friend.

Now a physical book!!!
Based on an old oneshot.
Chapter Art by Arctic Waters // Graphic Design and Typography by Swan Song.

Chapters (46)

Sonic used to live in Equestria with Celestia and Luna but was forced to leave after Discord became corrupted. 13 years later he returns but is fearful of being discovered by others, he ends up finally letting his emotions go on one faithful night 3 years after his arrival and releases a shockwave that attracts a new threat to Equestria.

The Storm King arrives to not only steal the magic of the princesses but to claim Sonic’s power as well. The main 6 along with Spike team up with Sonic and set out on a journey of Epic Proportions.

(Takes place within the events of MLP Movie while having elements of Sonic Movie thrown in. There will also be a bit of new scenes and dialogue to go along with this story so keep that in mind)

Additional Tags:
-Princess Celestia
-Princess Luna
-Storm King

(I own nothing)

Part 1 of 5

Chapters (18)

In the Year 201X, in Neo Canterlot City, two scientists named Celestia and Luna Light tried to build a type of Android that had free thought processes like humans. They were also built to make their own decisions, unlike Robot Masters.

That is where they built the Prototype for the Reploids, which they had named Proto-Sunset. Because of its first success, many other Reploids were sold throughout the world. Even though it first started well, the Reploid's Brain Module was faulty, and it made her start having hallucinations to the point where the Reploid eventually went insane from the hallucinations. This made Celestia very distraught and she then discontinued the Reploid Project for some time.

However, years later in the year 202X, when Celestia was on her Balcony drinking Tea, she noticed something in the bushes. When she went to investigate, she saw that it was a Reploid Girl, but it seemed to be on low power mode and its memory chip was damaged beyond repair. However, this Reploid Girl looked exactly like the Prototype they built so long ago.

So after repairing it and putting in a brand new Memory Chip, Celestia decided to activate the Reploid. Instead of showing any signs of violent tendencies, it acted with kindness and curiosity, almost like a child. This Reploid's name was Sunset Shimmer, and her primary task was to help with any daily chores.

Because of this, Celestia made six other reploids that would become Sunset's closest friends.

Everything was peaceful, until Proto-Sunset returned with revenge on her mind, as she wanted to destroy all humans and her fellow Reploids for choosing to serve and coexist with humanity.

And soon machines known as Bio-Metal will meet these Reploids and transform them into the Newest Megaman.

This is the story of the Reploid 7.

Chapters (2)

At the end of the war, after Team Prime defeated Unicron and restored Cybertron, Shockwave had become wanted a war decepticon criminal for his various cruel experiments and creations during the war, including the Predacons, the Forged, and generally became a fugitive all over cybertron. Knowing he would eventually be found out, Shockwave retreated to his lab to activate an old project of his, a space bridge off of Cybertron that lead to an unknown world in the far outer reaches of space. Running out of options, Shockwave uses the space bridge, and winds up in a strange new world filled with strange new creatures. Now, Shockwave has the ability to study these creatures and experiment in peace, and potentially... Even befriend them. Of course, as long as it is Logical.

7/29/22: Featured boyos.

Note: This story includes lore from the Transformers: Prime series, Transformers: Cybertron Trilogy, and IDW comics.
I do not own Transformers or MLP.

Chapters (7)

(The Human Sunset Shimmer is the Main Protagonist).

(This takes place during Gaara's 1st year as Kazakage).

Could her life get any worse, not only was 7 year old Sunset Shimmer forced out of her home by someone who looked exactly like her, she was sent through a portal and as a result was sent to a barren desert with almost no where to go. Without any food, water, or shelter, poor little Sunset wouldn't be able to survive the harsh desert heat. She was eventually found by The Great Ninja Spider and The Ancient Sand Spirit, Kumo, and instead of being eaten, she is raised by the sacred creature. Eventually she is turned over to Gaara the Kazakage of the Hidden Sand Village, where Gaara becomes her sensei.

She also makes new friends, such as Hidden Mist Ninja Twilight Sparkle, Hidden Leaf Ninja Rainbow-Dash, and Hidden Stone Ninja Applejack and Pinkie-Pie.

But with the threats of both Corrupt Leaf Elder Danzo, Orochimaru, the Akatsuki, plus revenge crazed Rogue Ninja Sasuke Uchiha rolling around, Sunset will have to step it up to protect her new friends and the Village she calls her home.

This is the story of Sunset Shimmer, The Crimson Spider of the Hidden Sand Village.

Chapters (1)