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Godzilla, the King of Monsters. A terrifying beast of epic proportions, but he wasn't always this way. He was supposedly the last of his kind, the last Godzillasaurus, or at least he thought he was. When the United States bombed the city of Hiroshima, however, the excess radiation caused him to mutate into the form we know.

Eventually, after the death of his daughter, he decided that the humans should pay. He put up a good fight, yes he did, but the humans eventually defeated him and froze him in ice. Now, millions of years into the future, he finally breaks out and rampages into what he thinks is the Upper Canadian regions of North America.

But this isn't North America, well, at least not the one he knew anyway. He'll be in for a big surprise, and so will a certain purple pony. What exactly, all I have to say is... tune in to find out.

This is a reboot to my old story: Daughter of Godzilla. Since there are complaints of a messy plot, I made this story. Let's put this revival to the test, shall we?

All vectors belong to their respective owners. Twizilla belongs to Pyrus-Leonidas. The cover art itself belongs to me.

Chapters (14)

Simple, she takes up the mantle of the most powerful beings to ever live! Watch Twilight as she battles enemies from times long forgotten, to claim her place on the Throne of Godzilla, and become the next Kaiju King! Will she be able to tame her rage, and become a savior? Or will she go the same way as Godzilla did, out with a bang?

Chapters (3)

Chrysalis has won, Twilight is dying and everything looks hopeless. Still feeling the sting of betrayal from her friends, three powerfull entities visit Twilight's fading mind and offer her a deal. To not only survive, but to assume their mantle of power. Twilight accepts and is reborn as the next Queen of the kaiju.

This is all based on Snow Ghost Pony's, Kaiju Rumble. Credit for this wonderful idea goes to them.

Edit A\N new cover! This cover is fan art created by Cyanjames2819 and they did a wonderful job. Shout out to Cyanjames, thank you!

Chapters (3)

For some, it all started as a relaxing day at the spa. For another, it started with a space bridge malfunction. When a mysterious creature crash lands into the woods on the outskirts of Ponyville, Twilight Sparkle and the bearers of the Elements of Harmony must investigate the circumstances that brought this life form to Equestria, and face an unyielding force of evil that threatens their entire world. (warning: Mild language, violence)

Chapters (22)

Long ago, an Autobot spacecraft crashed on Equestria, and things changed. But the implications weren't understood until many centuries later when a stolen ship crashed there as well with a ship full of Autobots and one "human" following in pursuit. Many ponies will have to learn to live a second life once they discover the truth about themselves.
Here is some of the art that helped inspire this.
and an Autobot image I didn't create
along with some Decepticons I didn't create.

Chapters (36)

An unexpected invasion of Equestria has happened. Without warning, Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends have been abducted by aliens. When they next wake up, they find themselves inside new robotic forms not unlike the build of their abductors with muddled memories of what happened when they were brought aboard the ship. Before they could regroup, they're randomly scattered throughout another universe. Each one will have to learn the new properties of their robot bodies in order to find each other and find out why they were placed inside their new shells. Their journey will not be easy as they will have to deal with some of the nastiest 'Cons in Cybertronian history.

Pony/Transformer designs are based off of some of Atomic Chinchilla's drawings which were commissioned by NovDecJan. Co-written with Largefish8

Chapters (13)

A Crossover with the Darksiders Universe.

The number of the Horsemen shall ever be four.

Death, War, Strife and Fury.

Merciless, powerful and feared by many.

A cursed fusion of angel and demon. They had grown weary of the destruction of so many caused by their brethren. And so they turned upon the ancient Charred Council.

Thus, the Four Horsemen were born.

Join Death as he falls through the Well of Souls. Only to wake up in another world.

His siblings had somehow gotten involved. And so they followed him. Unknowingly.

The journey, so far...

**Author's Note**
A bit of gore here and there, but nothing that gruesome. But I put the tag to be safe.

Chapters (6)

Peace has returned to Canterlot High School and nobody fears Sunset Shimmer since the Battle of The Bands, but a new threat know as Decepticons, lead by Megatron, wants to conquer Earth and the rest of the Universe. Now Twilight Sparkle and the Rainbooms must join with Optimus Prime and the Autobots in their galatic civil war that last eons. Will the heroic Autobots prevail and bring peace to the Universe or will the evil Decepticons win this war and conquer Humankind?

Chapters (29)

Twilight Sparkle finds an ancient star chart which shows the location of another world, Earth, as well as a powerful teleportation spell capable of interstellar travel. Princess Celestia allows Twilight to go to the other world for exploration. However, due to the Changeling invasion during the royal wedding, the negative energies it produced also frees Discord from his stone prison, who also decides that Earth should be his new playground. Meanwhile the Autobots continue to defend Earth from Megatron, and his Decepticons; ignorant that a new player is about to release chaos upon the world. And Megatron is not about to let another would-be conqueror steal his prize. Equestria also has it's problems when Queen Chrysalis returns to Canterlot, bent on usurping Celestia and Luna.
Twilight Sparkle, and Optimus Prime must save two worlds from three powerful villains.

(This takes place at some point during the 20 year time frame between The Transformers G1 series Season 2 and Transformers: The Movie; and 1 week after the Royal Wedding in Canterlot.)

Chapters (12)

After a freak accident involving space bridges, a group of Autobots and Decepticons; Optimus and Megatron included; find themselves in the land of Equestria. There they wage their war while the bots back home try to find a way to get them back!

This is the original, untainted version of the fanfic uploaded by the REAL TFCrossoverFan. The other TFCrossoverFan and his "personally edited" version, and that fake and poorly written "sequel", are all fake and not officially approved by the original author.

Why am I hammering in this point so much? The answer is simple really. I DON'T LIKE PEOPLE STEALING MY WORK.

Chapters (13)