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  • Favourites 523 stories - 155 unread chapters
    Created by Nadir
    - October, 2014
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This story is a sequel to X is a Changeling

Twilight discusses some new rules with the changelings that live in and feed from her library books.

Thanks to Noble Thought for prereading.

Chapters (1)

You can't go home again. That's what they say--and Sunset Shimmer happens to agree. You can't go home again. You really, really can't.

Coverart: bakki

Chapters (1)

It started with a Nightmare: a corrupted monarch, a desperate sister, and a fragmented kingdom left in their wake. Saddled with the burden of protecting Equestria alone, Celestia chose to be strong enough not to. Instead, she found another way: three mortal ponies, the most magically gifted of their generation, to stand by her side as defenders of the realm.

For a thousand years, they've been everything Equestria needed them to be. Scholars, guardians, warriors, heroes—or, as Celestia prefers to call them, Angels. And if their inaugural achievements are any indication, her latest nominees for that illustrious order might just be the best ones yet.

Provided, of course, they don't blow up half the kingdom proving it.

An alternate universe retelling of the events of Friendship is Magic. A non-zero number of changelings were harmed in the making of said account.

Special thanks to CouchCrusader and totallynotabrony for their editing assistance.

Chapters (4)

Trying to patrol the dreams of every pony in Equestria can be stressful. To ease her burden, Luna retools the Tantabus to turn nightmares into good dreams instead of vice versa. Aware of her mistakes from last time, she tests it out thoroughly, making sure there are no unexpected behaviors. And as far as she can tell, there are none.

Except that it's started calling her "Mom".

Faced with the prospect of possibly creating life, Luna seeks out Twilight's advice and assistance. With a little luck, they can get this all sorted out before the sun rises.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Roar

Friendship can only go so far, and after one of those friends goes far enough to take her own life, it leaves the others depressed and forlorn. A chain of six, shattered by one link, until the other five can't even look at one another without thinking about what happened.

Twilight spends her days in a dark Trottingham apartment, chased by memories and haunting visages of what happened. What went wrong. What she could have done.

A visit from Fluttershy may be just what she needs... or another reminder of her failure. Their failure.

Chapters (1)

In the back room of a hole-in-the-wall shop in Canterlot, there rests the incomplete final work of a master craftsman. All that remains is the final piece; and the gift to his daughter will be done. Now she runs the shop, waiting for the day some special pony walks in and lays that piece at her hooves.

Lucky for her, today is that day.

"A simple Valentine's Day lesbian horse story." - BubbleBoom

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Direction

A year ago, Scootaloo's parents were arrested, and Scootaloo was placed in Rainbow Dash's care. Now, she visits them for the first time, to say what's on her mind, even if it's hard.

A Nuptialverse story. Takes place during Direction.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle isn't feeling too well, and it is up to Princess Celestia to nurse her back to health. It would be a simple task, if not for the fact that her student was thirteen years old with an uncontrollable amount of magic.

To make matters worse, six years ago Celestia was forced to shrink Twilight to 1/100th of her size so that her untamed magic wouldn't be a threat to Equestria. She would have to remain tiny until she would learn how to control her enormous power.

But surely a two millenia old alicorn with enough magic to destroy a small mountain can handle her littlest, fragile and most magical subject... right... right?

This sidestory takes place between chapters 4 and 5 in Celestia's Tiny Student.

Special thanks for pre-reading to ambion, I took some inspiration from his story called melt, worth checking it out for additional dose of cuteness.
List of editors, thanks for fixing grammar guys, you did a great job:
Solstice+Shimmer and Word Worthy

Chapters (1)