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  • Favourites 523 stories - 155 unread chapters
    Created by Nadir
    - October, 2014
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Estimated Reading: 9 weeks



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Sunset Shimmer's life has been on the up and up. She turned from her past, made new friends, and is now passing the magic of friendship to others, including this world's Twilight Sparkle.

Which is why, of course, this is all just a mistake. Things got a little out of hand, but it's over now. So now they can just move past this. Why, it'll be a funny story to tell in a few months.


Special thanks to the following:

SoloBrony, for being who he is.

CarcinoGeneticist, for his charitable contribution cleaning up the grammar.

Nadnerb who along with Solobrony convinced me to work toward publishing this stuff, even when I didn't want to.

And Skeeter the Lurker, Tourquillian, Nyerguds, and Prane for arguing in the Gdoc about what worked and what didn't.

The catalyst for, but not part of, The Shelf Cleaning Intiative

Now has a spiritual sister story in So You've Just Seduced Your Best Friend. For more details on that, check here.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Shadow Hangs Overhead

Nightmare Moon won.

The efforts of Twilight and her friends to stop Nightmare Moon in the Everfree Forest failed. Nightmare Moon took Rarity from the forest, leaving the other five to their fate. Now she rules Equestria with Rarity at her side, forcing her to take care of any threats to her rule.

And Rarity endures, for if she does not, it will not be her that suffers the consequences.

AU to A Shadow Hangs Overhead.

Want a print copy of this and Shadow? You can get one here!

Chapters (3)

At a tea party with all of her friends, Fluttershy returns from the kitchen to find her beloved Angel Bunny dead on the floor. Obviously, one of her friends must've been the culprit. That leaves Fluttershy wondering one very important question: "Okay! Who killed Angel Bunny?"

But maybe not for the reasons everyone might think.

Now with a youtube reading! HERE!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Masquerade

After a long day, Twilight is ready for a quiet night keeping watch over the Princess. Or, it would have been a quiet night had the Princess not decided her bodyguard's sleeping arrangements were 'simply unacceptable'.

Part of the Bodyguard!AU Series, based on Earthsong9405's AU where Twilight is the bodyguard to a "Princess/Queen Rarity". Prior knowledge of the AU is not necessary to read the story.

Chapters (1)

It's taken months to get to this moment. Months of planning, testing, and tearing her mane out. This is one time she can't afford to fail.

Today is the day. It's cold, her nose is runny, and she's scared out of her wits, but she's finally going to do it. She's finally going to tell the Princess how she feels.

Chapters (1)

The law exists to protect Equestrian citizens, and must be enacted in a fair and even manner. Prince Blueblood knows this; he's accepted punishment for his numerous minor disturbances of the Equestrian legal system, without ever trying to slip out of it.

Fluttershy is in violation the law. Ergo, she must be brought to justice. That's just logic.

Now if only he can get the captain of the guard and his annoyingly lackidasial aunt to cooperate...

Made for the eighth FTP competition. Cover art by hwaho.

Chapters (1)

As Applejack's fillyhood friend, Countess Coloratura, is singing up on the stage, amid all of the flashing lights and music, Twilight Sparkle can't help but feel that there is something familiar about the mare.

Oh well, it's probably just her imagination. . . right?

Possible spoilers for the latest episode, The Mane Attraction.
Spoilers may be contained in comments.

Featured 11/23/15
Thanks for all of the support!

Chapters (4)

It's a week after Nightmare Night, and the dead have risen. Zombies, ghosts and skeletons walk Ponyville's streets. It would be pretty terrifying, except for the fact that they're so nice. Also, they don't seem to realize they're dead.

But not everypony is happy with their new undead neighbors. Rainbow Dash is a little freaked out, Twilight Sparkle is on trial for murdering a skeleton, and Rarity conspires against her ghostly business partner. Will our heroes be able to keep up in a world where busy ponies don't have time to let death slow them down?

Chapters (1)

Five years ago, at the behest of Princess Celestia, Princess Cadance was sent to travel the world beyond Equestria's borders as a diplomatic envoy. During that time, she learned to move through political circles, wining and dining with the world's elite. Back home, her former classmate, Twilight Sparkle, has since proven her mastery of magic and been elevated to the ranks of Celestia's revered guard: the Battle Mages.

The two foalhood friends suddenly find themselves together again when Cadance is recalled to Equestria without warning and Twilight is given her first official tour of duty: protect Princess Cadance at all cost from both new and ancient threats. Now they are forced to navigate a world of assassins and diabolical plots that stretch back before the very founding of Equestria itself.

Big editing thanks goes to Bubble Boom for the first 8 or so chapters.
Any and all mistakes are otherwise mine.
Also big pre-reading thanks to Misago.

Chapters (16)

After taking her first bath in a thousand years, Luna discovers that her cutie mark has been a horrible lie. It turns out she isn't Princess of the Moon after all. In fact, she's actually Princess of Uranus.

Is Uranus ready for this?

Probably not.

Big ups to Masked Ferret for prereading.

Chapters (1)