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    Created by Nadir
    - October, 2014
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Part of the Tutelary Spirit universe.
Main installments: Loyalty, Honesty, Generosity, Kindness, Laughter, and Friendship.
Minor installments: Living Forever, Tales of the Tutelary Spirits, The Guardian of the Elements.

Tales of the Tutelary Spirits is a growing collection of short stories centered around the actions, deeds, and exploits of the Mares of Harmony throughout their many lifetimes.

Warning: some stories may contain embellishment of events.

Cover image belongs to flamevulture17.

Chapters (4)

Third main installment in the Tutelary Spirit universe. Recommended reading order: Loyalty, Honesty, Generosity, Kindness, Laughter, and Friendship.

In an urban metropolis, many ages after the original adventures of the Elements of Harmony, a young unicorn finds the Element of Generosity. And as the living embodiment of her Element, Generosity, like the rest of her friends, is always willing to guide and teach a pony of Equestria.

Cover image belongs to Soul-Soar.

Chapters (5)

Edit: installments are now multi-chapter. Explanation here.
First main installment in the Tutelary Spirit universe. Recommended reading order: Loyalty, Honesty, Generosity, Kindness, Laughter, and Friendship.

Many ages after the original adventures of the Elements of Harmony, a young stallion soars high into the clouds, searching for the Element of Loyalty.

Her original life lived and gone so long ago, Loyalty, like the rest of her friends, has changed and grown over her many lifetimes to guide the ponies of Equestria.

Because even after so long, the Elements of Harmony will always share their lessons of friendship.

Cover image belongs to Nyarmarr.

Chapters (4)

Due to an editing/publishing error, all of Twilight's friends have now 'officially' died of old age. This leaves an immortal Twilight to grieve over the tragedy of how she outlived all of her friends and will continue to do so for the rest of her eternal life.

Seeing the obvious pain that this news is having on Twilight, Princess Celestia moves to console her with the help of her supposedly-but-actually-not-really-deceased friends.

Cover image belongs to Shawnyall.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy gets more than she asked for when she visits the Library and hears moaning from behind the door. Concerned that Twilight may have developed a problem, Rarity and Rainbow Dash go and investigate.

Chapters (1)

Everyone is dead. She doesn't know who is responsible, just that somepony activated the ultimate weapon. Only four ponies survived and now try to find meaning in the great wasteland. Celestia will just be happy if she can find a way to heal Twilight.

Chapters (7)

As Twilight Sparkle continues to go to Canterlot for private study sessions with Princess Celestia, she notices she feels less alone. This however raises more questions than it answers, forcing Twilight to figure out things she has never really even gave much thought to. Relationships. Love. Meanwhile, Princess Celestia has to struggle with her own emotions and fears, caused by centuries of loneliness and fear of getting too attached to anypony.

Cover art: "A Kiss Goodnight (coloured)" by Bri-sta. Used with permission.

Chapters (4)
by 314

Sometimes a crash that destroys can create so much more.

Written as a Pi Day special.
Inspired by the four words for love in Greek: Philía, Éros, Agápe, and Storgē
Also inspired by Bantha's art

Chapters (3)

Friends who play together, stay together. That was the philosophy Rarity had in mind when she suggested she and Pinkie play a game of chess every week. Unfortunately for Rarity, however, Pinkie has a habit of changing the rules.

Chapters (5)

Fluttershy's son deals with many odd things on a daily basis. Such is the life of a teenaged colt living on the edge of the Everfree Forest.

However, as odd as Ponyville is, nothing is more odd than the events that surround the Elements of Harmony. Seeing as his mother is one of them, one must be certain to expect odd events occurring around the individual.

But when Fluttershy becomes "indisposed" for a day or two, can Choir Wings cover for his mother, without letting anypony know her secret?

Contains Flutterbat.

Chapters (5)