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    Created by Nadir
    - October, 2014
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This story is a sequel to Twilight Sparkle of the Royal Guard

Between castle gossip, professional rivalries, a blooming romance, and a mysterious malefactor still at large, Decurion Twilight Sparkle has a lot on her plate. Hopefully, she'll make a few new friends as she moves towards the destiny she's chosen for herself.

As per usual, big thanks to Magello for the rad cover art!

Chapters (14)

As a princess, Cadence is used to the slog that accompanies any fundraiser. It's not fun for anypony, but it is important. When it becomes clear that Twilight doesn't have the same issues, Cadence feels like she can enjoy herself a little.

Although that doesn't mean that she can't help some ponies out in her own little way.

Light. Fluffy. Shippy. And hopefully a little funny as well. Enjoy.

Chapters (1)

Certain alicorns have no regard for the rules of space and time. An astral sub-dimension becomes a potent weapon in what appears to be a divine prank war. Shining Armor hits the sauce.

Written for this contest thinger.

Chapters (1)

Princess Stupid Jerk McButt is a big dumb princess who has social events with only a very small group of ponies and refuses to invite her new friend to them even though her new friend is very nice and apologized for the time she enslaved the town. No one likes her because of this, except her other dumb friends, and her one not-as-dumb friend.

I've been told to thank Too Manestream for the cover picture. Whatever that means.

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to Clean Slates

Twilight Sparkle: Brilliant, Powerful, Sociable, the very model of the modern major unicorn. She, however, has a poorly kept secret. Her memory for everything non academic is terrible!

Caution: Contains adorable young twilight.

Shoutouts and mad props to Georg's "The monster in the twilight" and Commander x5's "Twiny" series for inspiring this.

I need a Smart Pants tag.

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to It's a Dangerous Business, Going Out Your Door

EDIT: 6,000 unique views! Thank you so much to everyone who has read and enjoyed this story.

TVTropes Page

An ancient evil has awakened. No, really, it has. From the depths of time, a black, noxious threat has risen up after millennia of imprisonment. It washes like oil over Equestria, swallowing up towns and uncovering terrible secrets long buried. Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rarity are prepared to combat this great darkness. However, to do so, they must uncover the truths about the Elements of Harmony, and the truths about the ancient forerunners of Equestrian culture. What they find will challenge their conceptions of their own places in history and ponydom's place in the world. The six Bearers of the Elements must draw upon their friendship and the strength of their hearts to stand firm against the darkness. If they fail, it will mean the end of everything.

Chapters (55)

'Unseen and unheard: They must never know'.

That's the motto of the CMAA, the Cutie Mark Allocation Agency. Nopony knows who they are or what they do, but they're vital to the workings of Equestrian society.

This is the story of two of these unsung heroes of the pony world, who selflessly sacrifice their time and energy for those blasted mysterious cutie marks that the ponies seem to like so much.

(Thanks to Zemious for the excellent cover picture for this story!)

Chapters (15)

The bittersweet triumph of a mother's love, an unforgiving reality, and the unsung loss of a queen.

Cryssy's Lullaby by Julian Moon. Vocals by Eilemonty.
Cover art by Huussii.
Now with Dramatic Reading by Goombasa.
Featured on Equestria Daily.

Doctor Candor | Spiritus | Kyaksa | TheAccidentialBrony | Forgotten Null
Tired Old Man | OkemosBrony | I HV NO FEAR | JBL | lunamoonthroat | enti0

Also read: A Ruler's Regret Never Fades

Chapters (1)

Days after Tirek's near-takeover of Equestria, The Great And Powerful Trixie travels to Ponyville, intent on settling her rivalry with Twilight Sparkle once and for all. No trinkets to fudge her abilities, no megalomania to apologize for -- just pure and simple magician's honor!

Upon her arrival, however, she quickly learns that the information she has on Ponyville -- and Twilight -- is more than a little dated.

Edits (as well as a bit of scene inspiration) courtesy of nanashi_jones.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to The Monster We Made

She betrayed us.
She mislead us.
She imposed her rule upon us.
We rose in defiance.

Chapters (20)