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After the events of the Royal Wedding, Spike still isn't entirely sure what marriage is. Isn't it just when two ponies decide that they're going to live with each other for the rest of their lives? Well, there's certainly one pony whom he wouldn't mind spending the rest of his life with: Donut Joe and his toothsome toroidal treats.

Edited by awesomepony Exuno.

Chapters (1)

Cheerilee and Twilight Sparkle get together for an exam correcting session. What sound like a boring plan for a Sunday night turns into something else when Cheerilee and Twilight play Cheerilee's favourite game: The F-Grade Drinking Game.

Chapters (1)

New! Part 3: After Twilight notices Applejack becoming increasingly obsessed with the game, she tasks Pinkie Pie (of all ponies) to keep an eye on her. The two head out into Ponyville in search of adventure and the perfect game.

Part 1: Twilight has finally convinced Applejack to join her other friends in Spike's weekly D&D game. However, will she be able to figure out the rules before they all drive Spike crazy?

Part 2: Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle have stumbled across Twilight's D&D books, and convinced her to take up the dice once more. But will anypony meet their high standards to be their Dungeon Master? More importantly, what will happen when you-know-who finds out?

Chapters (13)

Chrysalis tries her hoof at a cooking show. However, the meal isn't something everyone will agree with.

Image used with the permission of Dazed-and Wandering.
Link to artist page set as the pictures source.

Chapters (1)

A brief one-shot written in the same vein as Two and Two and Two. Twilight discovers that Pinkie's strangeness seemingly knows no bounds, and sometimes there's nothing wrong with that at all.

Chapters (1)

Twilight and friends learn that prolonged exposure to the power of Pinkie Pie can cause some rather interesting side effects. An unbearably silly idea that wouldn't go away until I wrote it down.

Chapters (1)

A conversation with Applejack spurs Fluttershy to check up on Twilight's mental well-being. Twilight's reaction to her encouragement, however, is probably not what she had in mind...

Chapters (3)

Nightmare Moon always had a backup plan if she ever were defeated; she would slowly regenerate herself and regain her power. The problem is she never expected to come back as a defenseless filly, or to return directly in front of the princesses. As punishment for her past crimes, Luna has given her a sentence far worse than being sent to the moon again. Nightmare Moon must move in with Twilight and report to Luna on the magic of friendship. She's not very happy about it.

By the way I am not trying to rip off Past Sins in any way. Nyx is NOT in this story, this will go in a completely different direction.

Chapters (4)

After a thousand years of putting up and worrying about Discord's shenanigans, Celestia moves for an ultimatum. One shall stand, and one shall fall...

Watch as Celestia and Discord lock in a battle of epic levels... On a sports field! Watch as friends are pinned against each other in nonsense!

And you can help! Discord AND Celestia both have to have teams of 10-15... Anyone/anypony can be on either side... But they need a reason. You can pick them out if you want.

This is my gift for 300 followers. Enjoy!

Chapters (2)

Nightmare Moon won the first battle, but luckily the Elements of Harmony turned into guns.

Chapters (3)