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Fluttershy agrees to help Rarity promote her new fashion line at the first annual Equestrian Fashion Forum in Canterlot. Alongside Fancy Pants' le petite amie, Fleur de Lis, Fluttershy stumbles onto a plot to ruin Rarity's career. Will they be able to save her, or will the fabulous fashionista be driven from high society once and for all?

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Equestria's Crazies

Part of the Equestria's Crazies Universe

It has been over two hundred years since Discord, the god of chaos, and Nightmare Moon - or Pleasant Dreams as she's now known as - bringer of eternal night, were released from their prisons. Surprisingly, everything went better than expected; they have become successful co-rulers of Equestria. But that's not the shocking part. Twelve years ago, they had a child; Lucid Dream, a Draconequus filly with the powers of a god at her disposal. She'll be driving everybody up the walls, though she'll have to be careful; her aunt Princess Celestia has eyes everywhere and her teacher knows all the tricks of the trade. But Dream has many friends, and whether or not her parents want her to, she's going to she's going to be stirring up quite a bit of chaos.

Because sometimes Equestria is just crazy.


Chapters (13)

Three new stallions show up in Ponyville. They all claim to be from a place called Earth, but they aren’t friends. Twilight must figure out how to keep them from killing each other, and somehow stay sane in the process.

This story is now complete, we hope you enjoy what was written and you can look forward to sequels for each of our respective characters in due time.

Chapters (6)

Future Wonderbolt, coolness incarnate, and all-around awesome. Is it any surprise that everypony wants a piece of Rainbow Dash?

Not that she wants anypony to take a piece, mind you. All she wants to do is live her life. That's something she finds pretty hard to do when everypony she meets falls in love with her on sight, though...

A day-in-the-life story about an awesome pony in a crazy world.

Artwork by laberoon.deviantart.com

Chapters (7)

Youtube read by agentduck.
Correction completed.
I've never read "My little Dashie". I don't know what it's about, aside from people going emo over it. You don't have to believe me, but it's the truth. I like to experiment and make weird things that might overlap with what already exists. A consequence of time.

Mathews Fore is a simple man. He has a decent job with decent pay. A rather nice little house at the end of the road. A "dead-end" if you will. The only problem? He hates lack of security, although everyone in his neighborhood has a tendency to watch the actions of eachother, so no theft has gone unpunished...by them. Due to his fears of security, he erected a very tall fence around his house that he further covered with a green cover, so nobody can see through it. His yard is pretty huge in itself.

However, he starts to feel lonely. He doesn't want a woman, nor is he gay, so he doesn't want a man. He just wants something to hug. He doesn't want a pet, but he doesn't want to adopt a kid either. He just wants something adorable to hug and kiss on the forehead. Something intelligent. But what? One night, there was the announcement of a meteor shower, so Mathews decides to take his chances and wish upon a star, just like in his childhood stories.
He gets what he wants, but is it really worth it?

Chapters (12)

"And Clover the Clever raised the Hoof-Grenade up on high, saying:
"O Princess of the Sun, bless this thy Hoof Grenade that with it thou mayest bless thy enemies with the power of Harmony, in thy mercy."
And the Princess did grin..."

"Such were the words that captured the imagination of the young Britannia in this: the first volume in military journalist, Carbon Copy's Unauthorised Biography of the famous soldier and adventurer. For years the Equestrian public has thrilled to tales of her journeys to far off lands, the ancient and powerful artefacts she's recovered and the perilous missions she's undertaken in the name of Princess and Country.
But what of the Mare behind the Myth? What of her hopes and fears? Her trials and triumphs? and her loves and losses?

In this first short-story we are introduced to a side of Britannia that the general public may not be aware of: what she was like as a young filly, adventuring in far away Zebrica beside her explorer father, and how she was forced to come face to face with probably her greatest challenge: her destiny...

...Every legend starts somewhere."

-Quotation taken from the 1st ed. of Britannia: the Unauthorised Biography, Book 1: Britannia and the Holy Hoof-Grenade by Carbon Copy, military correspondent for the Canterlot Globe.

A fanfiction written in the style of an Equestrian biography of dubious credentials based on Britannia: the pony mascot for the Brony UK Convention. You may laugh, you may cry, you may be thrilled or, possibly, you may just be confused. It's probably because of all the British-ness. Just pour yourself a cup of tea, butter up some crumpets and enjoy.

Comments and critique are very much appreciated. I want to go somewhere with this.

Chapters (5)

"...Britannia looked down the tunnel with resolve as dust settled on her polished helmet and blackened her pristine white cape. She should really leave her uniform behind, it would only be a hindrance down here in this cramped dark place. In fact, why didn't she just call for the other guards rather than diving off into the unknown with no light and no idea who she was facing?

"No, she thought, on both counts. She was a Guardian Warder of Her Majesty's Royal Treasure Vaults. She had been entrusted with ensuring the security of the Princess's treasures. It was in the oath she'd taken when she'd grudgingly accepted the role and when she'd been given her uniform. No matter who or what had dared to steal these sacred artefacts, it would be up to her and her alone to bring them back..."

In this, the second volume in military journalist, Carbon Copy's Unauthorised Biography of the famous soldier and adventurer we uncover the truth behind the event that shook a city and catapulted the young officer Britannia into the searing glare of the public eye.

For years the Equestrian public has thrilled to tales of her journeys to far off lands, the ancient and powerful artefacts she's recovered and the perilous missions she's undertaken in the name of Princess and Country.
But what of the Mare behind the Myth? What of her hopes and fears? Her trials and triumphs? and her loves and losses?

Find out in this epic tale of one mare's quest for greatness..."

-Quotation taken from the 1st ed. of Britannia: the Unauthorised Biography, Book 2: Britannia and the Crystal Maze by Carbon Copy, military correspondent for the Canterlot Globe.

A fanfiction written in the style of an Equestrian biography of dubious credentials based on Britannia: the pony mascot for the Brony UK Convention. You may laugh, you may cry, you may be thrilled or, possibly, you may just be confused. It's probably because of all the British-ness. Just pour yourself a cup of tea, butter up some crumpets and enjoy.

Comments and critique are very much appreciated. I want to go somewhere with this.

Chapters (2)

Let's face it, Fluttershy has probably seen it all. Ferocious manticores, mischievous cockatrice, defiant dragons, Nightmare Moon, assertive minotaurs, and even the god of chaos himself fell victim to the adorable pegasus. Little does she know that her next, and most dangerous challenge is right around the corner... a visit from her past that will put her patience to the test.

Chapters (2)

Applejack develops an allergy she never expected to have to deal with, and it could bring shame onto her whole family. She has to cure it, at all costs.

Chapters (1)

Growing up with books, Spike has always been a fan of the critically acclaimed Daring Do series. But after finding himself stuck in one of the novels, Spike must find a way to survive in a foreign, daring land filled with mysteries and adventure. Back in Ponyville, Rainbow Dash finds familiarity in a draconian character from the newest Daring Do installment.

Chapters (1)